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Modern ideas for a personal diary for children. Ideas for a personal diary, how to decorate and add mood

Do you like to draw and make art? Looking for unique ideas for a personal diary? Then you have found your treasure trove of bold and innovative ideas for ld. Our site is aimed at those who want to find themselves in the arts, diversify their leisure time, improve their drawing skills and develop their imagination. We offer a huge selection of designs made in various techniques, as well as pictures for ld and printouts for ld. Each topic is worthy of becoming part of your personal diary.

Start sketching, the pictures you like are ideas for your personal diary. Try yourself in various artistic techniques and decide which one you like best. Over time, you will move from copying ready-made pictures to independent creativity. Start developing your talent today.

Find quotes for ld in the section of our website. Collected here best examples wise thoughts about all aspects of life, about relationships between people, feelings and emotions. Keeping a personal diary requires time, effort and desire. Many girls write down in it every day...

Just a few steps and your personal diary It will become much more colorful and interesting! We looked at the gallery, found the stickers you needed and printed them out. You just need to cut it out and paste it onto the page. Printouts on many topics - with phrases, black and white stickers, pictures, #hashtags,...

In addition to black and white pictures for decorating a personal diary, there are also black and white printouts for personal diaries. If you only take notes with a black pen, then these printouts will fit perfectly into the style of your diary. Printouts for LD black and white What kind of black and white printouts...

There are many different interesting drawings for a personal diary, but black and white pictures for personal journals are also very popular. Many will say that such pictures are not interesting and boring because they have no color... there is no need to rush and draw such conclusions...

Not everyone can draw a complex drawing. But if you want to decorate your personal diary with drawings, you don’t have to draw complex drawings. You can use light pictures for sketching to decorate your diary entries. I assure you, they will look no worse...

Ideas for old pictures for sketching - a continuation of the gallery with wonderful illustrations of a cat. Many people decorate their personal diaries with pictures to draw, and they especially love this cute cat. Ideas for ld pictures for sketching A personal diary is drawn up with printouts or, for example, filled...

We know that many people love this cute cat. Many people use these pictures to design their personal diary. But where can you find many such illustrations? The answer is very simple! Of course here on our website! In the gallery “ideas for ld pictures...

Have you ever listened to a long-winded analysis of events? days gone by? You know, when the older generation tries to sort events into pieces, explaining who thought what, what they did, what came of it. Were you not surprised that over time the assessment of facts and emotions sometimes changes beyond recognition? This is especially evident if you yourself took part in the events being analyzed. The fact is that this is human nature. Opinions change under the influence of new information, thoughts are erased, disappearing into oblivion. In order not to miss out on invaluable experience, to preserve data about events in their original form, the idea of ​​keeping a diary appeared and took root. This is when people write down their fresh impressions, thoughts, ideas. This is a useful matter, sometimes extremely important. But not everyone knows how to keep a personal diary. And the rules are simple. Let's get to know them.

Selecting “physical media”

Now it is customary to write down your thoughts “for public use,” that is, on the Internet. Not everyone will like this, and technically it is not always convenient. If your thoughts concern only fleeting events, then you can post them on a social network. But why expose something secret to everyone? If you are interested in how to keep a personal diary, then start with goal setting. Answer yourself the question: what is it for, what do you expect from it, do you want? An ordinary notebook will help you preserve emotional experiences, priceless impressions, and exciting sensations. Most often they take a total of ninety-six sheets. And even with a hard cover. The diary is often kept until old age. So, the carrier is needed so that it can survive moving, floods and other shocks, and not crumble into pieces after a few years. People who are inclined to draw buy albums with thick covers. It's just awkward to write in them. A notebook is much more practical. Psychologists have noticed that people live exactly the way they keep a personal diary. Someone chaotically makes notes only from time to time, his path is tortuous and thorny. Others try to regularly put their thoughts on paper; they are prone to thoughtful decisions and a stable strategy.

How to start keeping a personal diary

From the first entry, the author’s personality begins to emerge. Some, not knowing how to keep a personal diary, talk about themselves. There are even official biographies. There's nothing wrong with that. This is individual creativity. The most interesting thing, it seems, would be to state the reason why this notebook appeared in your life. Maybe many years later, when you re-read the entry, you will be surprised by your thoughts or experiences. Creative individuals can include their favorite poem or stanza in the “epigraph”. Sometimes they just draw what’s in their hearts. It is recommended to date this significant event. You will then be interested in what period such an interesting idea matured. Although some people start and stop taking notes. It's OK. If you want to know how to properly keep a personal diary, then understand that this is not an obligation, but a “command of the heart.” There are no strict canons. There is something that you personally like.

What should I write in it?

Here you can give some tips. The regularity of recordings is a personal matter.

It is recommended to create content that is interesting and meaningful. Most likely, a person who is interested in how to keep a personal diary has not yet internally matured to write it. The soul does not yet “ask for a pen.” People who are ready for self-expression take a notebook and begin to write, not being particularly interested in other people's advice. But the thought process is good for its ability to develop. The desire and ability to express oneself and analyze events can be acquired through practice. Therefore, first, write down vivid impressions and thoughts. Some people try to recount exciting events in detail. This is useful in order to understand them correctly. Especially when it comes to feelings, subtle moments, extraordinary cases. The style will come later, in the process of work. It is quite possible to change it. You don't test work gathered to write, but to realize the dictates of their soul.

Start with goal setting. For example, your decision to keep a diary is based on the desire to record thoughts so that you can later understand them. This means, state not only what comes to mind, but also the circumstances under which this happens, which influenced you at that moment. It is important to describe how you see people with whom these thoughts came to you, naturally, if they are connected with them. It doesn’t hurt to share on its pages your general impressions of books you’ve read, movies you’ve watched, or shows you’ve watched. Almost everything that comes into our field of vision during the day can become the topic of a new “post”. Once you practice, you will be surprised at how rich life is with events and impressions. Beginning writers are recommended to present what has touched or excited them, focusing on the reason for such a reaction. This will help you better understand yourself and the people around you.

A little about needlework

Some people are interested in how to beautifully keep a personal diary. Philosophy and psychology can be boring for people with creative inclinations. They leave the analysis to those with their heads in the clouds. And they are looking for an interesting thing for themselves. Here are the cards in their hands.

A diary can be made into a real work of art. Naturally, it is recommended to decorate it in a style that especially touches you. For example, embroidery lovers create covers for notebooks. A fascinating creative process and an amazing result. One can argue, but most of the entries in such a diary will be devoted to beauty. Nowadays many girls are engaged in beadwork. Why not create a cover using miniature beads. Each page can be decorated with a “monogram” of them. It will be beautiful and original. This is just one topic. And there are many of them. Based on your preferences. Maybe you don’t want to write, but rather make collages in your diary. So who's stopping? The main thing is not to forget what they meant!

Secret or not?

There is such an extremely subtle question. There are few people so open that they are ready to throw out any feeling on others. And they are unlikely to keep a diary. Others wish to keep the records confidential. Therefore, the question of where to keep a personal diary sometimes arises. One piece of advice: if you want to have a secret, don’t share it with anyone. What two people know is known to the whole world, so popular wisdom says.

It’s worth making another recording alone. Firstly, so that no one gets confused. Secondly, in order to hide information from indiscreet eyes. You know, the literature describes cases of keeping diaries using codes. Hardly to an ordinary person I'll like this. First, give birth to a thought, then encrypt it using a special key, then write it in a notebook. It is difficult, however. Therefore, it is advisable to simply not loom with your secret in front of those from whom you want to hide it. As long as they don't suspect it, they won't reveal the secret.

Relation to records

Diary as a strict controller

Sometimes records are made with the goal of “taking a tight rein on yourself.” This comes to mind for very purposeful people. Believe me, the one who gives up what he started is unlikely to control himself. What can you write there in this case? Start with what exactly you want to achieve. For example, lose weight. Write down all the rules and restrictions. Now all that remains is to state how you adhere to them, when and why you violated them.

Keeping your own diary is a fascinating and extremely useful process. Try it, you won’t regret it, as the famous joke says. Good luck!

How to design a personal diary inside for girls

Twenty years ago, a personal diary was kept in a common notebook. And for decoration, we used multi-colored pens, cut out colorful illustrations from magazines, as well as chewing gum wrappers and glued them into the diary. And of course they drew by hand. In this way they gave beauty to their faithful friend. Now everything is of course different. And so, I suggest you consider the following options for decorating a personal diary inside with your own hands.

It also looks quite nice to design your events in the form of small images. This way you make notes for yourself that you want to remember. The same small illustrations in a personal diary can be used for a specific topic.

The design of a personal diary in the form of different forms of cards made from colored paper or cardboard looks very nice. Write your thoughts, quotes, events, etc. on the cards.

You can glue two leaflets together and decorate the leaflet with watercolors. Smear, blur, splash, draw! In general, use your imagination and create!

Give beauty to your faithful friend using simple and colored pencils, gel colored pens and, in addition to all this, also clippings from magazines, newspapers, books, etc.

For recording small events, notes, etc. in a diary. You can write with multi-colored pastes in large letters in different inclinations and directions.

Use your imagination and come up with beautiful pockets. Glue or pin them. They are very convenient for storing small items. For example: small photos.

Well, we’ve sorted out the design of a personal diary inside! These were just some examples; in fact, how to decorate a personal diary is, of course, a purely personal matter for each girl. Imagine and you will succeed. Now let’s look at the design of the personal diary from the outside, that is, its cover.

If you have not yet kept a personal diary, but are just planning to, then you can choose either a notebook with a beautiful illustration to suit your taste. But, if you are already keeping a diary in full swing and you have a desire to change or color its cover, then I hope a couple of simple tips will help you.

  1. Come up with a cover. It can be made from paper, or best of all from fabric, because if it suddenly gets dirty, you can easily remove it and wash it.
  2. Cut out various pictures and paste them on the cover.

And as always, for a snack! Let's watch a useful video!

Greetings everyone! This is the second part of a series of articles about ideas for personal diaries. This release contains the following content:

Let us also recall what is in other issues on this topic:

  • — design options for the first page, 50 ideas for thematic pages and how to make a diary password yourself!
  • — ready-made versions of notepads with a combination lock
  • Pictures for LD - a large selection of drawings for your diary

Ideas for a personal diary and HOW to design a personal diary

Pictures for a personal diary

No diary is complete without pictures and drawings! Here are some interesting options for designing LD pages with pictures:

A well-drawn girl on a page about winter:

Several drawings - girl, Eiffel Tower, cake

Still unpainted drawings for a personal diary:

Here is another video about drawing in LD:

Ideas: drawings by cells for a personal diary

Checkered drawings are a great way to use the clear geometry of checkered notebooks and notebooks! Drawing by cells is very convenient and easy, here are a couple of examples of such drawings:


Ideas for a personal diary - pictures: Green man on the page

If you are interested in such drawings, here is a whole selection of drawings by cells for example, there you will definitely find something what can you draw in your personal diary?:

How to create a personal diary? Here are some good ideas:

Stickers and decals

Video about what stickers and stickers there are:

Magazine clippings

Another super option how to keep a personal diary beautifully are clippings from glossy magazines. They look very beautiful on the pages of LD! Take a look at these examples:

Ideas for a personal diary: photo scrapbooks (Halloween pumpkins)

How to decorate a personal diary: inscriptions

It is very important to make beautiful headings and inscriptions on pages:

Personal diary - interior design: text decoration

There are quite a lot of options for pleasant and beautiful text design, here are some examples:

The background is painted over with a pencil

Highlighting text with colored markers:

Personal diary - design text :

The text is written in separate columns with different colored pens:

Personal diary - how to design a LD using patterns, edgings, ornaments

The following patterns look very nice on the pages:

Wide pattern option:

Video on how to draw patterns:

What you can do in your personal diary - envelopes, secret pockets and tricks:

Each diary should have a small envelope for the “secret”, gifts and other things.

Pocket example:

Here is a diagram of how to make a pocket:

Here's a video on how to make a pocket envelope for a personal diary:

Ideas for a personal diary: DAILY and how to keep a personal diary

Sometimes the question arises - what what can you write in your personal diary?? In addition to various thematic pages, do not forget about the practically main purpose of the diary - a diary!

How to conduct it? Very simple!

For your diary, be sure to allocate a small part of the notebook - but not less than 30 pages (one for each day). It’s best to plan the diary for several months, then you will need to leave about 100 pages. Next, write the date and day of the week on each page.

What to write in your diary? Usually the daily schedule is written there - this could be, for example, lessons at school, important events of this day, various reminders, and, of course, thoughts. At the end of the day, just sit down and take stock of everything that happened, write down what and who you liked most and what you didn’t like. This is very important - you don’t need to keep your emotions to yourself!

  • Personal diary - ideas: write in your diary To do list - a list of things that need to be done in a day.

Here are examples of a diary with a to do list of other authors:

And diary, video:

Ideas for a personal diary: How to make a personal diary and what you need for it

How to make a personal diary?

Option 1: Buy a special diary. But this path has a big drawback - usually such diaries are either very childish, or vice versa - very serious and businesslike

Varian: 2 Using a thick notebook for LD is a very good and inexpensive option!

Ideas for a personal diary - what is needed to keep it?

Here's the full list:

  • Notebook (this can be a thick notebook, a special notepad or a diary)
  • Pens - regular blue and colored - gel, oil
  • Pencils - regular for drawing and colored
  • Felt pens are good colored ones
  • Markers - thick felt-tip pens for highlighting text
  • Scissors - for cutting out scraps, forming homemade envelopes
  • Clippings - for this you also need to have magazines, but I think everyone has them
  • Stickers - for highlighting important information, notes
  • Stickers are a very beautiful decoration
  • Glue (for gluing cut-outs and other elements)
  • Ruler (for drawing straight lines where needed)
  • Sheets of white and colored paper(for making envelopes, pockets and other cool things
  • Bookmarks (very useful thing)

All! It's decided! Today I start keeping a diary! And not just any diary, but the most beautiful, most unusual one. So that it wouldn’t be boring to read, and you’d want to flip through it again and again! But how? How to do all this? It looks like I can’t handle it... Such doubts are often encountered by those who are just about to start keeping a personal diary.

It would seem, what can we cope with here? It's so simple! Write down your thoughts, feelings and events, color with colored markers or pencils, and paste in beautiful stickers. But for some reason, not everyone manages to make their personal diary truly interesting. In this article, we have collected for you the coolest ideas for LEDs that will help you decorate it exactly the way you want!

Cool ideas for ld: diaries meet by clothes

People are greeted by their clothes - this rule also applies to personal diaries. The first impression, how pleasant it will be to hold your diary in your hands, depends on what your “clothes” will be. Have you guessed it yet? Of course we're talking about its cover! The life of the diary always begins with her, and it is she who needs to pay the greatest attention!

The simplest and at the same time creative way to decorate the cover of an ld- wrap it in beautiful gift paper, securing it on the inside with decorative adhesive tape. You can spend a little more time and cover the entire cover with the same decorative tape of different colors. And also - you can sew a beautiful cover from fabric! And then - decorate it with satin ribbons, decorative flowers, beads or beads. True, this will require a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it! A diary cover, carefully sewn and decorated with your own hands, looks very impressive!

Creative page design ideas

The inside pages of the diary can also be designed in a special way. After all, in it you can not only record the events of the past day, but also talk about yourself, your hobbies, friends, desires, plans and goals.

Here are just some ld ideas you can use in your journal:
A page dedicated to your favorite book. Even if you don’t really like to read, you probably have a couple of favorite books. Color the page with drawings and illustrations for the book, write down quotes from the characters, come up with a continuation of your favorite story!

Tea or coffee drinking page. Tell us on the pages of your diary why you like tea more than coffee, and vice versa. Decorate it with coffee beans or a tea bag! Write down different recipes for making your favorite drink!

Secret page. Write down your deepest desires, biggest secret, dream or goal on it! Decorate your entry with beautiful stickers, drawings or printable pictures!

A page dedicated to your favorite pet. Do you have a cat or dog? Or maybe a small but nimble hamster? Take a photo or draw your pet, tell us about its habits, what it loves most. And why you love him so much!

The most terrible page. Well, of course, this page is dedicated to your fears! Are you afraid of snakes? On your scary page, draw a cute and cute snake that winks at you cheerfully. Or maybe you are afraid of mice or spiders? Then decorate the page with a funny white mouse or a big-eyed cartoon spider! Over time, this will help you be a lot less afraid!

Friendship page. To make it beautiful, you will need the help of your best friends! Ask them to write something to remember you, or draw it. In addition to inscriptions and drawings, you can decorate this page with postcards from friends or their photographs.

Hobby page. Probably not a single personal diary can do without this page! That’s right - what kind of diary is it if there’s not a word in it about your favorite hobbies? Be sure to write in your journal about all the things you love to do! And you can decorate your hobby pages with anything! Decorative tape, beautiful printouts, your own drawings, paper flowers, glitter, beautiful buttons... Whatever you want!

Of course, these ideas for ice are far from the only ones. In fact, there are many of them! New and new ideas are coming up almost every day! Perhaps you can also come up with something of your own, using our “pages” as a basis?

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