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Methods of advertising on the Internet - overview and examples of effective Internet advertising. Types of Internet advertising: classics of the genre and new promotions Internet advertising is implemented using what

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The Internet is increasingly being introduced into all spheres of modern life. It is impossible to imagine a person who does not use it. People are looking for some information, reading books, making purchases, finding contractors and simply communicating on the Internet. Therefore, advertising methods are also actively used there. All types of advertising on the Internet are focused on obtaining maximum efficiency with a minimum of investment, that is, they purposefully work with the target audience (hereinafter referred to as the target audience).

Features of Internet advertising


On banners, in the media or on TV, the ad interacts with the consumer one-way. On the Internet, it involves the target audience in the process. A person can click on banners, register, answer questions, and make purchases.

Large audience

The newspaper is read by several thousand people, the video on TV can only be watched by people who are in front of the screen at that time, and the billboard is seen only by the passenger of a passing car. Internet advertising is available to almost everyone, since the Internet’s audience is constantly growing, and advertising opportunities there are not limited by time and geography.

Ability to filter out non-target audiences

This possibility is practically excluded in other types of promotion.
Targeting on the Internet cuts off those people who are not within the range of interests of the advertiser.

Possibility to study the results

Almost every user action is recorded on the Internet, so you can easily and quickly evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. It can be adjusted instantly to achieve greater effect.
Let's look at what kind of advertising happens on the Internet, its types, characteristics, examples and cost.

On Internet sites:

  • contextual,
  • media,
  • teaser,
  • affiliate,
  • malicious.

In mobile applications:

  • media,
  • contextual.

In the search engine:

  • contextual,
  • media
  • contextual,
  • media,
  • crowd

Let's look at each type separately.


Search contextual

For example, a user searches in Yandex plastic windows. In the first lines of the search results, he sees advertisements that match his request.

After a person who was looking for information about repairs goes to a site accepted into the search engine’s advertising network (for Yandex this is YAN), then in a certain place on the site he will also see advertisements on the topic of his search.

Thematic contextual

Also, such ads can be shown on thematic websites, regardless of the user’s request. Money will also be debited from the advertiser if a visitor clicks on his advertisement.

In mobile applications

If you like to game on smartphones or tablets, then sometimes while playing games or working in other applications, you see a banner or ad at the bottom. This is the same contextual promotion, but of a different type. It comes in several types.

  • Banner. The most effective are expandable display options that are collapsed, according to which for their full view you need to click or stretch them. They are not annoying and have a high conversion rate since they are viewed by target visitors.
  • Interstitial. Placed on top of the entire screen (banner, video) for a few seconds. To refuse viewing, you must click on the appropriate button.
  • Rewarded Video. For viewing, the user receives a reward (equipment for heroes in games, bonuses, tips, etc.).
  • Playable ads. This is a small mini-game, after completing which the user is asked to take some action, or he sees a message.
  • Native (video or media banner). Disguised as an application design, does not annoy people. Users often do not understand that this is advertising. Can masquerade as a news feed or a letter.

In any type of contextual advertising there is a triple benefit: the advertiser receives visitors, the search engine and its partner site receive income from each click. The advertiser's ad can also be in the form of a banner block. The cost of placing media material is much higher.

This type promotion is targeted, it focuses on the interest of the target audience. The process works as long as the advertiser has money on his balance. Almost all search engines have their own contextual networks (Google Adwords, Yandex.Direct, etc.), and you can work with them very effectively.

Media (banners, video, audio)


Graphic media are rectangular colorful pictures with text, which can also be animated. They are also found in contextual promotion. It is most likely impossible to call them targets in a separate sense. Media materials are used to improve brand awareness or to communicate discounts or promotions.

On visited sites

They are posted on web resources where advertisers’ target audiences can be found. Banners are clicked on much less frequently, but target audience conversions are still guaranteed.

The cost for placing banners depends on the weight and trustworthiness of the donor site and is usually calculated in rubles/month.

Smart banners (performance)

A popular project from context specialists, whom we discussed in the previous paragraph. They allow you to combine targeting your target audience, paying for clicks, and changing images in one block from different advertisers. The self-learning system studies user behavior and provides visitors with offers that interest them.


Shown to the right of the search results (Direct, Adwords). Issued at the request of the target audience. Paid for impressions.


One type of banner is a popunder (an intrusive pop-up block). It irritates many users and they try to close it immediately. If they don’t see the closing cross on the pop-up window, they leave the site where they encountered the popunder. You need to use this type of T&U promotion very carefully, otherwise you can get only negative feedback in return, and not benefit.

Video materials

There are channels on YouTube that have a huge number of views. An advertiser can either organize his own channel where he will promote his T&U, or order promotion on channels from popular video bloggers. He can scroll his video before the blogger starts showing it (as well as in the middle or at the end), “put” his words into the blogger’s text, and also launch his message or hang up a media banner while the video is shown.

Video materials can also be placed in popunders, separate blocks on web resources, mailing lists, etc.).

Audio materials

Thanks to innovations on the Internet, voice bots, the “penetration” of the Internet into household appliances, the consumer is online all the time, but he doesn’t always look at the screen.
Some services using audio tools have appeared online. Audio advertising is created in advance and distributed along with audio content. Audio advertising can appear at the beginning, middle or end of a sequence.

The main platforms for it are: music services VK, Boom, Yandex.Music, music and podcast aggregators, online radio broadcasters, online audiobook services and video hosting.


Impressions are very similar to banner ones, but graphic images are supplemented with text with an active link and are smaller in size. The content should be provocative, arousing curiosity and the desire to click on the link. Teaser networks allow advertisers and administrators of web resources to unite: “Maksato”, “Tizerget”, “Tizerlady”, “Tizermedia”, “Nest”, etc.


Email newsletters are currently one of the types of work with a permanent target audience. Spam mailings (they are undesirable for the recipient) are prohibited on the Internet. By organizing a legal newsletter, you can get quite effective results (a reminder about yourself, a message about promotions, etc.). You need to approach the mailing list wisely, compose interesting letters, and supplement them with graphics. The Wildberries online store has organized a very interesting newsletter.

Affiliate programs

It is also an effective promotion option that works great for online stores. For example, you can organize an affiliate program to increase sales. If you are selling a course for teaching children to draw, then it is likely that many people from the audience of young mothers who “dwell” on children's sites will become your customers. To do this, a banner or feature article leading to the sales page is placed on the partner site. The partner site receives a reward for every purchase made. There are affiliate exchanges: Timesprint, ClickDealer, Everad, etc.


A very effective type of promotion that keeps up with SEO. On forums, in thematic blogs and other web projects where the advertiser’s target audience is located, T&U is promoted by issuing useful tips, descriptions, recipes, solutions to visitors’ questions with a direct link to the promoted T&I. You should avoid spam and give truly valuable advice, otherwise the advertiser will receive a ban from the administration of the web resource.


Sites that have vulnerabilities in their control systems are often subject to virus attacks and hacking. Hackers place malicious files or codes on the hosting or pages of the donor site that can send spam, install links to other resources on the donor’s web pages, and redirect the donor’s visitors to third-party sites. These promotion methods are illegal, strictly punished by hosters and search engines, and are not accepted by the target audience.

Ways to provide information and get effect

According to the method of providing information, we can distinguish:

  • direct,
  • branded,
  • viral,
  • native.


Aimed at selling a specific T&I, may be limited in time or should be remembered or evoke lasting associations among the consumer.


Sales do not happen “here and now.” This type works to promote brand recognition and increase loyalty to the company.


It migrated to Runet from offline marketing. Its main principle is the free dissemination of news “from person to person.” Videos, images, demotivators transmitted between users on the Internet focus attention on something and are perceived by the target audience very positively.

This type of promotion is low-cost, it works for a long time, but quite high demands are placed on the quality of materials launched on the Runet.


If you have written a very interesting text that is popular among readers, then you can unobtrusively include a mention of your T&U. Or on a web resource you can disguise the place where information about other people’s Tiu is displayed, but in such a way that it is unobtrusive and associated with your Internet project. This type of promotion is called native. It does not irritate the visitor and is one of the best methods of promoting T&U. One of the disadvantages of native promotion is that readers often do not notice it, since the message is too unobtrusively included in the context.

How to launch an advertising campaign - basic steps

  1. We determine the target audience.

Drawing the image of a future client is the most important process. In conditions of extremely high competition on the Internet, it is necessary to narrow the advertising flow in order to save money. Large companies order marketing research, and small ones study user requests or statistics from competitors.

2. Develop a strategy.

You need to choose a promotion format and its channels. It is also worth considering your available budget.

3. Launch the campaign.

We develop materials, launch them on the Internet, and analyze the results. If necessary, we make adjustments to the campaign.

There are a huge variety of ways to promote T&U, and they are constantly evolving. Therefore, draw up a portrait of your target audience and choose campaigns based on your budget. Constantly experiment to find the best ones effective methods promotion of T&U.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver business magazine! The founders of the site, Vitaly Tsyganok and Alexander Berezhnov, are with you.

We will also talk about the history of online advertising, the rules for placing advertising content on websites, ways to increase the effectiveness of advertising with practical recommendations And clear examples from life.

1. Advertising on the Internet - a new trend of the 21st century

Any commercial project needs promotion and expansion of the field of activity. Today, almost all companies and organizations have their own representation on the Internet in the form of a resource, blog, or page on social networks.

However, creating a website and even filling it with relevant content does not guarantee an automatic increase in sales and growth in the popularity of a commercial project. We have already talked about this in one of the previous articles.

It is necessary not only to be present on the Internet, but also to place competent advertising on the Internet, as well as spend money or time on promotion, promotion and increasing the conversion of the site.

Advertising on the Internet (English term " Internet Advertising» ) is a relatively new phenomenon, as is the World Wide Web itself. Just 15-20 years ago, of all types of advertising on the Internet, users and advertisers were familiar with only one option - spam mailing.

Today there are dozens of types of advertising on the World Wide Web. There is free advertising on the Internet, paid (professional) advertising on websites and social networks. There are online advertising agencies that use the latest technological advances in their activities.

This market began to take shape in the mid-90s of the last century, but until the early 2000s, the World Wide Web was not considered by advertisers as a priority advertising platform, although the most advanced companies were already practicing the promotion of goods and services on the Internet as an auxiliary channel for the implementation of their marketing campaigns.

The rapid development of the World Wide Web has led to changes in economic policy. Since the mid-2000s, the Internet has become main channel of influence on consumers .

This fact is due to the following circumstances:

  • the steady growth of Internet users and the increase in the time they spend online;
  • development of wireless communications technologies;
  • the emergence of the mobile Internet;
  • the development of the Internet economy and the spread of trade through the World Wide Web;
  • the emergence and development of technical platforms for managing online advertising.

In addition, new analytical systems have emerged that make it possible to quickly and accurately measure the effectiveness of advertising on the Internet.

The basic principles of online advertising are similar to those in traditional media. The fundamental difference is that in the online space, active participation from consumers is almost always required - advertising begins to work when the user takes some action.

Typically, this action is a “click,” following a link, registering on a specific site, or other types of activity.

The most promising area of ​​online marketing is targeted advertising: attracting a target audience with the help of highly targeted advertisements, banners, videos.

There are a large number of forms of transmitting commercial messages - advertising in the browser, pop-up windows, aggressive teaser advertising, advertising on Google, YAN - Yandex advertising network - contextual advertising hidden inside information arrays, banner advertising.

In recent years, there has been a high growth in the volume of advertising placed in Global network. This is due to the rapid development of the Internet, as well as the increase in the number of its users. Today, there are a variety of advertising formats. They come in text and graphic, animation and video. However, not only owners of laptops and computers can now see advertising on websites. The reach of the user audience has expanded significantly with the development of the mobile Internet. Advertising placed on websites today is quite accessible to users of tablets and smartphones. But you can see advertisements not only here.

Enough effective advertising on the Internet is on social networks, as well as on YouTube in the form of videos. The last two methods are the most promising in terms of attracting the target audience, as they have flexible targeting. The latter’s settings select from the entire user audience only that part of it for which this particular ad will be relevant, as well as those goods or services mentioned in it.

Effective online advertising can take many forms. These are pop-up (aggressive) pop-under and pop-up windows, animated and graphic banners, media ads in videos, teasers, contextual text ads, individual lines, as well as information in mailing lists. Let's take a closer look at the types of most effective advertising on the Internet.


This type of advertising refers to a regular image. Most often it comes in the form of animation and has an active link to the page that requires promotion. But sometimes banner advertising on the Internet is represented by a static image. The main purpose of such advertisements is to increase brand awareness of the company.

The banner has strictly fixed dimensions. The most popular of them are 240 x 400, as well as 468 x 160. A static image is made in png or ipeg format, and animation is in flash or gif.

Banner advertising on the Internet can be seen in the most successful places on the site from a marketing point of view. It is usually located to the side of the main text or in the header of the resource. Sometimes this type of advertising is located between logical sections of information on the site.

Banner advertising on the Global Network is published on sites with similar topics. Such a marketing move allows you to attract to the ad exactly the audience of users who are most interested in the product or service being offered.

If we consider the technical side of banner advertising, then it is nothing more than HTML code. It is built into the structure of the web page and then reproduced in the form of a poster that provides the necessary information.

The launch of advertising on the Internet occurs at the moment when the user opens a particular information site. At the same time, he sees a banner presented in the form of an interesting and profitable commercial offer. Such effective advertising on the Internet allows site visitors to solve their life problems. And do it at a professional, fairly high level.

For those who do not know how to place advertisements on the Internet, intermediary services offer their services. They are special platforms for advertisements. The main point of such banner units is that webmasters go through the registration procedure and then receive a certain list of advertisers for use. From this list, you can select the topic of the resource that interests the customer, and then submit an application to the advertiser to post the necessary information. Anyone who has successfully completed this procedure is given HTML codes, which can be used to place banners on the site.

Such advertising on the Internet brings significant profits to website owners, sometimes reaching up to 80% of the cost of the advertised product or service. However, it is worth noting that the process described above is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that you can get a decent income only as a result of intensive work with site traffic, which will increase your reach of the target audience.

It is also worth noting: despite the fact that today banner advertising on the Internet is effective, sometimes it does not produce results as quickly as we would like. Nevertheless, the impact of such information is very effective from a psychological point of view. The fact is that a user can visit one or another network page for a long time, especially without paying attention to the one indicated on it. additional information. Gradually, the banner begins to be perceived by the person’s subconscious as an integral part of his environment. After this, the user begins to wonder whether the information that is constantly nearby is unknown to him. The interest that arises can play a decisive role in the perception of banner information. Specified in it commercial offer, most likely, will seem very attractive to the user, and in the future he will, with a high degree of probability, become regular customer companies.

Banner advertising on the Internet is considered very effective. However, recently it has begun to lose its position somewhat. Rapid development continues information technology and marketing techniques that now offer more advanced teaser and contextual advertising. Despite this, many advertisers continue to use banners that provide high and stable income.

Contextual information

Such ads are included in the list of the best advertising on the Internet. This is information that corresponds to the content of the content of the page on which it is displayed. It is a powerful tool that allows you to attract new customers within the shortest possible time.

Greetings, dear readers of the InternetTips blog! This article will cover different types advertising on the Internet and their characteristics. Knowing the features of each type of advertising will help you effectively spend your budget on promoting your products or services.

From the article you will learn not only what types of online advertising there are, but also how much online advertising costs and where it can be placed. Get recommendations for effective advertising online to increase the popularity of the project and increase sales of goods and services. Thanks to different setting criteria and the ability to make changes to posted ads at any time of the day, online advertising is constantly increasing its market share.

What is advertising on the Internet?

With the development of the Internet and an increase in the potential audience, the online advertising market has been growing exponentially in recent years. There are many ad formats available today: text, image, video and animation. Thanks to the development of the mobile Internet, the reach of the user audience has expanded. Now not only owners of computers and laptops can see advertising on websites, but also users of mobile gadgets (tablets and smartphones).

You can place advertisements not only on specialized bulletin boards, but also on many websites through special services. Special mention should be made of advertising on social networks and in video clips on YouTube, as the most promising ways to attract the target audience, thanks to flexible targeting. Targeting settings allow you to select the audience of users who will be interested in this advertisement and, accordingly, the offer in it.

Analytics services for the effectiveness of advertising companies allow you to track such a parameter as conversion. For an ad, it means the ratio of the number of clicks to the total number of impressions. In statistics it is displayed as CTR. Additionally, you can analyze further user behavior on the advertising site - subscription, registration, filling out an application, placing an order and other actions.

Internet advertising and its varieties

There are different forms of advertising on the Internet - aggressive (pop-up and pop-under windows, teasers, media advertising in video clips), graphic and animated banners, text contextual ads, advertising line, advertising in mailing lists.

Banner advertising

One of the main goals of placing banner advertising on the Internet is to increase brand awareness of the company.

A banner is a static or animated graphic image of a fixed size. As for formats, a static image is jpeg or png, and an animated one is gif and flash. The most popular sizes are 468*60, 240*400.

Payment is made for displaying a banner for a fixed period of time (day, month). You can select sites manually and negotiate with site owners about placement. Or through a specialized exchange Rotaban .

Contextual advertising

What is contextual advertising on the Internet? These are advertisements that are shown based on the content of the page on which they are displayed. Analyzed keywords, and the most relevant advertisement is shown. The visitor is offered a product or service in which he has expressed interest.

Recently, ads have started to be shown based on your interests. For example, you searched the Internet for information about choosing a tablet, and now all day long you see advertisements for tablets on the pages you visit later.

The market leaders are Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. I think you have heard about the two largest search engines: Yandex and Google, and from the names of the contextual advertising systems listed above, you can guess who owns which.

To get a good return from your advertising campaign, you need to choose the right keywords for which your ads will be displayed. In the settings, you must specify the geographic location and region of the target audience, and device types.

The cost of payment for each click on an ad depends on the topic and competition. The cheapest clicks in non-profit themes start at 5 cents; in competitive commercial themes, the average price is several dollars. It is worth noting that the higher the ad is placed on the page, the more expensive the cost of clicking on it.

Teaser advertising

Teasers are pictures, often animated with an intriguing title. With their appearance, teasers tease the visitor, forcing them to click and see what is hidden behind the flashy title.

Teaser advertisements are most often placed on entertainment and news sites. Such advertising is effective on women's websites for selling health and weight loss products. Women willingly click on advertisements and take further actions on the advertiser’s website (subscriptions, orders).

Aggressive pop-up advertising

An example of aggressive advertising is a pop-up window that blocks the viewing of information on the site. To remove it from the screen, the user needs to click to close. Often, when closing, the user is forcibly redirected to another site or a new page with a promotional offer opens in a separate window.

Even earlier, another type of intrusive advertising was widespread - when, along with the desired site, a window with advertising opened. But lately, pop-up advertising has rarely been found on high-quality sites, since search engines have imposed sanctions for its placement.

Banner, contextual, teaser and pop-up advertising are mainly placed on websites and forums.

Targeted advertising on social networks

The classic format is an ad block. On VKontakte it is placed in the left column, and on Facebook on the right. An example of such advertising on a VKontakte page:

Special mention should be made of advertising in communities. Target Audience stands out based on interest in a particular topic. Advertising post in a public post is no different from a regular post, due to this there is more trust in it. If we compare an advertising message and an ad, the first one is more informative and carries more information for the user. As for the return, it is higher for a paid post.

It should be noted that the audience on VKontakte is younger than on Odnoklassniki.

Payment format is either per 1000 impressions or per 1 click.

You can place an advertisement on the Internet on a specially created profile page in social network. A fake page is created specifically to promote a specific service or product and filled in necessary information. This is what owners of Internet projects or small businesses do.

Constantly developing and growing businesses should create their own group or public page. Interact more effectively with users within social media. network rather than redirecting them to a separate site. Of course, some investment will be required to set up and administer your own community.

YouTube Ad Formats

  1. Video advertising that plays before the video for at least 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, the user can click on the “Skip ad” button and start watching the video for which he came to the page. This is the most effective way YouTube advertising to attract user attention to a brand or a specific product. Payment is taken per view.
  2. The following ad format charges you per click. The advertisement itself is shown in the right column above the recommended videos, as well as in the form of a translucent block that is superimposed on the bottom of the video. This type of advertising is ordered through the Google Adwords display network.
  3. The third type is a 300*250 banner in the right column above similar videos. Most often this is a media block with an animated picture.

Thematic sites

This group includes various blogs, forums, message boards, portals and communities. The audience of such Internet sites is narrowly thematic.

In terms of time and labor costs, this is one of the most difficult methods, but as for the cost, you can place advertisements on many resources for free. On many forums you won’t be able to simply register and post advertising messages; administrators will ban you for blatant advertising. In order to advertise as unobtrusively as possible, you first need to communicate with the audience, so to speak, on a disinterested basis.

Advertising in E-mail newsletters

Information businessmen use email newsletters to sell their information products or provide services. To attract users to your subscriber base, they are first offered a free product for their subscription. And then each subscriber receives a series of letters pushing him to buy a paid product.

Various online services or stores use mailing lists to inform their customers about new products, promotions, and discounts. Typically, subscribers are those who have already made a purchase or used services, so such letters do not irritate them.

Efficiency and cost

The most inexpensive types are: contextual, teaser and mailing advertising. Thanks to targeting settings contextual advertising will be seen by interested users, the return on such advertising is high. As for teasers, they are not suitable for serious commercial projects, but they are perfect for entertainment ones.

You will have to spend the most on banner advertising, but its effectiveness is quite low in terms of sales. But it is ideal for image advertising. Additional funds will be needed to create a high-quality banner by a professional designer.

I hope this article helped you understand the main ways to advertise on the Internet. Write reviews in the comments and share your experience of what advertising helped in promoting your business.



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