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Deadline for the vacant position. Deadlines for execution of documents

“Leisure is a good thing, but it is inseparable from boredom,” says a French proverb. The next meeting of the anti-drug commission was devoted to the leisure time of schoolchildren and activities to prevent boredom among young people. municipality“City of Saratov”, held on June 27, 2012.

It's no secret that our children, loaded with lessons and computer temptations that chain them to a chair, lack movement. And when, if not in the summer, to fill this gap. Irina Nikolaevna Makeeva, head of the development department, told the audience how adults prepared for the holidays physical culture and mass sports of the city administration. This year, sports have become better for everyone, as everyone can be convinced of; just go to Teatralnaya Square, where children roller skate, ride bicycles (twenty free bicycles for children are constantly “working” here), and play basketball. In many parts of the city there are sports grounds for playing basketball and streetball. The department headed by Makeeva holds the Spartakiad of territorial public self-governments in the summer for teenagers (the program includes checkers, football, volleyball, basketball, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, jumping rope, athletics, tug of war). In the summer, traditional football battles for the Saratov Football Cup take place.

Many figures were presented: how many children are enrolled in physical education classes, how many competitions are planned, one figure alarmed me: minus 37 sports courtyards. There are so many fewer of them this year compared to the previous year, when the young citizens of Saratov had 135 such mini-stadiums near their homes. And this is not because of sluggishness, but because of poverty: the sites are dilapidated, and there is no money to build new ones.

This means that we need to increase the capacity of those sites that exist. True, there are not enough trainers. And this is where the public can come to the rescue. Although Natalia Aleksandrovna Korolkova had the floor ahead (her speech was the third question), she made a proposal: if the city finds an opportunity to provide children with a gym for gymnastics, activists of the youth wing of the Saratov Society of Sobriety and Health are ready to train young athletes for free. This proposal was included in the resolution, and we hope it will be accepted and implemented, since the exact date for solving the problem has been indicated: until July 7.

Efficiency is indeed necessary, because summer is quickly passing. Deputy heads of administrations of all six districts of Saratov (or those who currently hold this position) spoke about the ongoing activities to promote a healthy lifestyle among students of educational institutions in their districts. It is gratifying that each region has its own “zest”, something that others can learn from. So, in the Frunzensky district this year, the swimming pool of the agricultural university was used to improve the health of children, and in Oktyabrsky they opened their own - on Agafonovka, in an area remote from the center, and now the inhabitants there do not have to travel far. Svetlana Valentinovna Goremyko (Kirovsky district) reported that every day some kind of sports event for children is held in the district. Mikhail Vladimirovich Kuzmichev (Oktyabrsky district) noted: the other day graduation ceremonies took place in schools, they passed quietly and unnoticed, in the sense, without any incidents noted in previous years by police reports, without drunken wanderings of graduates around the city at night. Of course, all this did not happen on its own, but was the result of preventive work.

Almost every speaker, speaking about their work with children, referred to the experience of cooperation with the Saratov Temperance Society. The third question was formulated like this: “Oh working together educational institutions and Saratov regional public organization sobriety and health,” the leader of the Saratov teetotalers, Natalia Aleksandrovna Korolkova, made a report. Or rather, she allowed the members of the anti-drug commission to get acquainted with the figures and facts given in the report (in handouts), focusing their attention on methods of working with schools, colleges, universities of the city and region: “What is interesting to the children, we do, involving them into preventive work.” Local history games, holding KVNs, scout tent camps, the creation of sobriety cells (ROSS centers) in schools, in which young teetotalers trained for campaigning promote a sober, healthy lifestyle among their peers - these and other forms of work are in the arsenal of the oldest public organization in the region, accumulated over a quarter of a century rich experience interaction with educational institutions.

Biggest problem? Lack of teachers ready to lead children in the right direction. After all, it’s not enough for our children today to hear: “Don’t drink, don’t smoke!” They will definitely ask: “And you yourself?” The peculiarity of working with children of a sobriety society is that adults (teachers) do not edify, but live their lives together with the children, filling it with interesting things (I would like for every school to have such an enthusiast, but even those several dozen schools that have entered into agreements with sobriety society and those who accepted the idea of ​​sobering up informally - that’s already good). Now, let’s say, a tent scout camp is being prepared (an area of ​​sobriety!), where more than two hundred schoolchildren will relax and acquire a lot of useful skills in July. The same number took part in opposing the tobacco factory’s plans to expand its capacity: young citizens of Saratov collected signatures against these plans, held a flash mob, clearly demonstrating to the townspeople that the new generation does not want to be a slave to cigarettes.

Very good laws have now been adopted to limit the sale of tobacco and alcohol, however, unlike the laws of physics, they do not operate automatically. We need civilian control. For example, the law does not allow the sale of alcohol on gas stations. You cannot sell cigarettes within a hundred meters of schools. It is prohibited to sell alcohol individual entrepreneurs. However, trade workers are in no hurry to close the points falling under the paragraphs of the law, and are forced to do this under pressure from the public. Thus, they recently closed a tobacco kiosk at a bus stop on the corner of Chernyshevsky and Oktyabrskaya streets after a raid by teetotalers together with representatives of law enforcement agencies.

Natalia Aleksandrovna Korolkova proposed that the anti-drug commission take on the function of coordinating civil control over compliance with anti-drug, anti-tobacco and anti-alcohol laws.

Although the commission is called anti-drug, for a long time its members have not divided drugs into legal and illegal, as was the case at the beginning of the work of this commission, when at its meetings one could hear, they say, what does beer have to do with it, we are doing a serious business, preventing the spread of drug addiction, and beer is not a drug. Prevention should begin with instilling in the child the idea: sobriety is good, and the use of anything intoxicating will not allow him to become a real person, a citizen of his country.

The resolution on the third issue wrote: “Saratov regional public organization of sobriety and health:

Recommend continuing joint preventive work with municipal educational institutions to prevent drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism among minors. The deadline is constant;

To summarize the most successful joint experience of school healthy lifestyle centers “ROSS”. Deadline: until December 20, 2012.”

The deadline is constant. And this is correct: more and more new generations entering life need to be explained where the drunken path leads. And here there is always work for the Saratov Temperance Society.

Some issues of the relationship between temporary performance of duties (interim) and temporary performance of a position (vrid)

, assistant chief of the 859th UNR - branch "by legal work, Lieutenant of Justice

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 42 Federal Law“On military duty and military service”, a serviceman performs military service in a military position, with the exception of cases when he is at the disposal of the commander (chief) or seconded to the bodies, organizations and institutions specified in paragraph 1 of Art. 44 of this Law.

However, in the course of official activity, situations often arise when it becomes necessary to temporarily assign the performance of duties for a certain position to a military personnel who does not occupy this position. So, for example, when going on vacation, the commander assigns the performance of his duties to one of his deputies; in the event of illness of an officer, an order is issued to assign the performance of his duties to another officer, etc.

The institution of temporary performance of duties is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of units in cases where military personnel occupying certain positions are absent for some reason and, therefore, do not have the opportunity to fulfill their duties. job responsibilities, or these positions are vacant.

The legislator provided for these situations by establishing the procedure for assigning temporary performance of duties.

Clause 2 of Art. 43 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” provides that a serviceman may be assigned to temporarily perform duties in a military position that he does not occupy, with his release from performing duties in the military position held - for a period determined by the Regulations on the procedure for serving military service.

It should be noted that until July 1, 2002, the law provided for the possibility, in addition to performing the duties of the main position, to perform the duties of another vacant position. For such “part-time work” a bonus of up to 50% of the salary for the additional position was provided.

Currently, such “part-time work” is not provided for - the law clearly defines that the assignment of temporary duties to a military personnel is possible only with his release from the duties of his main position.

Article 12 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service (approved by Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 No. 000) determines the procedure and terms for assigning temporary performance of duties in a military position.

The legislator identifies two options for assigning temporary performance of duties in a military position that a serviceman does not occupy:

a) for a vacant (unoccupied) military position (temporary performance of a position - vrid);

b) for a non-vacant (occupied) military position - in the event of the temporary absence of the serviceman occupying it or the removal of the serviceman occupying it from office (temporary performance of duties - interim).

Let's consider each case in more detail.

Temporary performance of duties for a vacant military position (vrid)

In this case, the serviceman is temporarily assigned to perform the duties of a vacant position.

Among the conditions for assigning temporary duties to a military personnel for a vacant position are the following:

1. Official necessity, the presence of which is determined by the commander (chief), under whose direct subordination the serviceman is (or should be) in the specified position, the duties for which are temporarily assigned to another serviceman.

2. The position for which the military personnel must temporarily perform the duties is vacant (unoccupied).

3. Temporary performance of a position may be assigned to a military serviceman only in an equal or higher military position.

4. The consent of the serviceman to be assigned to a temporary position.

5. Correspondence of the rank of the military personnel who is entrusted with the temporary performance of the position, the composition of military personnel provided for the temporary position, or the composition following it.

6. Issuance of an order to assign a temporary position to a person who has the right to appoint to this position.

Clause 2 of Art. 12 of the Regulations on the Procedure for Military Service establishes a continuous period of temporary performance of duties in a military position that the serviceman does not occupy. This period should not exceed six months.

It should be noted that this paragraph refers only to the continuity of the term of performance of duties for a vacant position. The legislator does not limit the possibility of repeatedly assigning temporary duties to a military personnel for the same or another military position.

Consequently, the possibility of subsequent temporary performance of a position after a break is allowed, i.e., issuing an order to terminate the temporary performance of duties for a vacant position and after a certain period of time (the duration of which is also not established) issuing an order to assign them again.

The provision of paragraph 3 of Art. is essential. 12 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, which provides that the assignment to a military personnel of temporary performance of duties in a vacant military position and his release from the performance of duties in the occupied military position is carried out official, having the right of appointment to this military position.

Exception from general rule is the assignment of temporary duties to military personnel for vacant military positions to be filled by senior officers, which is carried out by the heads of federal bodies executive branch, which provide military service, with the permission of the President of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 11 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided for, appoints military personnel to the following military positions, for which the state provides for the military ranks of colonel and captain 1st rank:

a) commander of a regiment, another equal military unit (arsenal, test center, storage and supply base), brigade;

b) deputy commander of a brigade, division, corps and equal formations, deputy commander of an army and equal formations;

c) deputy (assistant) to the commander (commander), head of the military branch and service, head of the department, direction and his deputy, chief of the logistics staff, head of the department of the military district (group of forces, district of the Air Force and air defense), fleet (group troops and forces), Airborne Forces, the main command of the branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the main, central directorate, chief, deputy chief of an independent direction (department, service) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (the federal executive body that provides for military service) ;

d) deputy chief of staff, head of the military branch and service, head of the personnel department of the corps, army and equal associations;

e) military commissar;

f) head, his deputy and assistant, head of department and service, head of department of a research organization;

g) deputy head and his assistant, head of department and service, head and deputy head of the faculty, head of the department and deputy head of the department of the military academy and military university;

h) the chief, his deputy and assistant, the head of a department and service, the head of a department of a military institute, a branch of a military academy and university, a military school;

i) the chief, his deputy and assistant, the head of a department, service, branch and laboratory of a medical institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (the federal executive body that provides for military service);

j) head of the military department (faculty) at educational institution higher professional education;

k) a serviceman of the main, central and other departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (the federal executive body that provides for military service), directly subordinate to the head of the federal executive body that provides for military service, as well as a military personnel directly subordinate to the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided.

The powers of officials to appoint military personnel to other positions are established by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on this issue has an order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “On some measures to streamline the appointment by officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of officers and warrant officers (midshipmen) to military positions, their release from military positions, dismissal from military service and the assignment of military ranks to them.” dated 01.01.01 No. 000.

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, there is an order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation “On the powers of officials of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to appoint officers and warrant officers (midshipmen) to military positions, relieve them from military positions, dismissal from military service and conferring military ranks” dated March 7, 2002 year No. 000.

The order of the relevant commander (chief) on the temporary performance of duties in a vacant position is the basis for accepting affairs and responsibilities for it.

In this regard, in practice there are cases when, for example, the position of regiment commander is vacated, but there is no order yet to appoint another serviceman to this position. Consequently, it is necessary to entrust the performance of the position of regiment commander, for example, to the chief of staff. To formalize an order from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to assign a temporary position to a position in cases where the state provides for it with the military rank of colonel (captain 1st rank) and above, a certain period is required, which in the conditions of the harsh Russian reality can greatly extend. However, in a regiment it is necessary to make leadership decisions on a daily basis, issue orders, assign tasks to services, departments, units and monitor their implementation. As a result, a situation arises where, theoretically, formally, no one is in charge of the regiment for some time. Such situations can lead to many unfavorable consequences - ranging from abuses by a serviceman temporarily filling the position of regiment commander without proper orders, ending with the impossibility of bringing such a serviceman to justice.

In the author’s opinion, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of such situations arising by granting the right, in case of official necessity, to temporarily assign duties for a vacant position to the commander (chief), who would be the direct superior, having the right to issue written orders, for the serviceman occupying the corresponding position. At the same time, limit the period for assigning temporary performance of duties for a vacant position in this case to the period necessary to issue an appropriate order for assigning temporary performance of duties for a vacant position of a commander (chief) who has the right of appointment to this position.

It should also be noted that in accordance with sub. "c" clause 10 of Art. 11 of the Regulations on the Procedure for Military Service filled by officers, vacant positions of teaching staff and researchers in higher military educational institutions, in research organizations and at test sites are filled on a competitive basis. The procedure and conditions for holding a competition to fill these vacant positions are determined by the head of the federal executive body that provides for military service.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of the Instructions for the competitive filling of vacant positions of teaching staff by officers and scientific workers in higher military educational institutions vocational education, research organizations and at test sites (centers) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2000 No. 000, competitive filling of vacant positions is aimed at selecting officers with academic degrees and titles, deep lore and scientific achievements in relevant branches of science, sufficient experience in official activities, possessing high business and moral qualities, enjoying authority in military teams and capable of ensuring high-quality performance of official duties.

Paragraph 5 of the said Instruction establishes that for a period of six months, assigning temporary performance of duties for the specified vacant positions to officers without holding a competition is permitted only in newly created or reorganized military educational institutions and research institutes of the Ministry of Defense in the manner established by the Regulations on the procedure for military service.

But what about in cases other than those mentioned above? Let’s say, in the event of a vacancy in the position of head of a department at a higher military educational institution of vocational education, who should temporarily fulfill the duties of the vacant position?

According to the author, in this case it is necessary to be guided in general assignment of temporary performance of duties for a vacant position provided for in Art. 12 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, since the above Instruction was developed in accordance with subparagraph. "c" clause 10 of Art. 11 of this Regulation and regulates the procedure and conditions for holding a competition for filling vacant positions, i.e. legal relations related to the procedure for appointment to military positions. As for the procedure and conditions for assigning temporary performance of duties for a vacant position, this issue is regulated by Art. 12 Regulations on the procedure for military service.

Monetary allowance for a temporarily filled vacant position is paid based on the salary for the military position that the serviceman temporarily fills.

If a military serviceman is assigned to temporarily perform duties in a vacant position, he is released from performing the duties of the position held, and therefore, he can only be responsible for the performance of duties in the temporarily filled position.

Temporary performance of duties for a vacant position (interim)

In this case, the serviceman is temporarily assigned to perform duties in a vacant position.

In sub. “a” clause 1 art. 12 of the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service defines cases of assigning temporary performance of duties in an occupied position - in the event of a temporary absence of a serviceman or in the event of his removal from office.

A serviceman may be temporarily absent for various reasons, for example, on vacation, for treatment, or for study. The legislation does not establish an exhaustive list of cases.

A serviceman may also be removed from duty in cases provided for by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with Art. 114 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

The differences between temporary performance of duties for a vacant position and temporary performance of a vacant position are the following:

1) the consent of a serviceman is not required to assign him temporary duties in a non-vacant position, with the exception of the assignment of duties in a non-vacant position while the serviceman occupying it is on parental leave;

2) the temporary performance of duties in a non-vacant military position is assigned to the serviceman by the commander of the military unit, his equal and superior, who is his direct superior and the closest direct superior of the temporarily absent serviceman. The commander of a military unit, his equal in position or a superior commander (chief), in the event of his temporary absence, assigns the temporary performance of duties in his military position to one of his deputies;

3) monetary allowance for a temporarily filled non-vacant position is paid based on the salary for the occupied, and not performed, military position;

4) deadline the assignment to a military personnel of temporary performance of duties is four months, however, with the consent of the military man, he may be assigned to perform duties in a non-vacant military position for the period that the military man occupying it is on maternity leave.

As in the case of the temporary assignment of the performance of a position, when temporarily assigning the performance of duties, it is necessary that the rank of the serviceman corresponds to the composition provided for the position for which the duties are temporarily assigned to the serviceman.

As for the responsibility of a military personnel, in this case, as in the case of temporary assignment of duties for a vacant position, he is responsible only for the performance of duties that are temporarily assigned to him.

The composition of military personnel is determined by Art. 46 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

First, the simple answer. In concepts, policies, business plans, plans, orders, instructions and instructions, the deadline for execution “always” should never be indicated. There is no such deadline.

It is necessary to remember the recommendations of the Unified State System of Records Management (M., 1974) and State system documentation support management (M., 1991), according to which control of the execution of administrative documents of the organization (minutes of meetings of collegial bodies and orders of the head) is carried out according to the deadline specified in them.

An order as a legal act, an administrative document fixing management decision, must be compiled and executed correctly and contain a specific deadline.

Example 1

The clause in the administrative part of the order (instruction) must clearly establish the deadline for execution

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If the order establishes a new legal norm of an operational nature, mandatory for all or a specific category of employees of the organization, the procedure for performing a certain function, procedures, algorithm of actions for the sale of services, products, etc., then the legal norm of the order will be in force until changes and additions are made to it(but this will be a different legal norm and new version order) until it is canceled or until the established period of its application ends (moreover, this period of application, i.e., the validity period of the order, must be precisely recorded in the stating or administrative part of its text).

Example 2

The validity period of the order norms is indicated in the stating part of the text

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Example 3

The validity period of the order norm is indicated in the administrative part of the text

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If any legal norms in the organization are subject to constant application and control, are intended to be observed continuously over a long period of time, then they are formalized in such organizational documents, as provisions, rules, regulations, including administrative and technological, job descriptions, instructions, tariffs, enterprise standards, etc. Organizational documents are approved and put into effect by orders. And control over compliance with the requirements and rules (legal norms) established therein will be carried out in the manner and according to evaluation indicators, which are now customarily established in the organizational document itself. Orders on the approval and implementation of internal regulatory documents of an organization, as a rule, should not contain clauses on monitoring its implementation. On the contrary, the clause on assigning the function of methodological guidance to the application of the approved organizational document- this function provides:

  • monitoring compliance with established requirements, additional clarification of the procedure for their application,
  • receiving " feedback»,
  • compiling reports, informing management,
  • development of proposals for improvement, etc.

If the order still sets a long deadline for execution, then “best practices” modern organizations recommend the following:

  • if the execution period is set for more than 30 days, then the deadline for submitting reports / interim reports on the progress of execution is every 5-10 days or for each stage of execution, which must be established in the document itself or determined by the contractor independently. And if it is impossible to execute the document on time, a report on this is submitted no later than 10 days before the expiration of the execution deadline. Please note that the period for approval of draft documents drawn up during the execution process is included in the execution period/term;
  • Mandatory preliminary control of execution is carried out depending on the significance of the controlled decisions:
    • plans and assignments for subsequent years - once a month or quarter, but at least 1-2 times a year;
    • plans and tasks for the next months of the current year - once a month;
    • documents and tasks of the current month - every 10 days and 3-5 days before the deadline.

At least 3 days before the expiration of the deadline, the executor (the one whose name is indicated in the order, instruction or first formalized in the resolution) must make a reasoned request to postpone / extend the deadline. The decision to extend the deadline is made by the manager who has put the resolution on the document, signed the order or approved the task and work plan. Removal from control is carried out after the actual execution of tasks, instructions and documented confirmation of their execution on the merits (compiled new document, there is a performance mark, a report, etc.).

Management practice shows an interesting connection between the nature of the decision and its implementation - the larger the issue, the more complex the decision, the longer its implementation requires, the lower the feasibility / “executability” of this decision in established deadlines. Therefore, in specific situation We recommend that you always see the “system” and, in the complex issue of monitoring execution, take into account its managerial aspects and organizational justification.

Document execution control is a set of actions that ensure timely execution of documents. Control is always considered in two aspects:

  • substantive control of execution decisions taken, i.e. management control for all types and levels of control;
  • control over deadlines decisions made.

All technological aspects test work are currently determined by the construction of a control system in the organization:

  • organizing a control system, reviewing reports and making decisions on them ( system management control) are carried out by the management bodies of the organization ( general meeting shareholders, meeting of founders, board of directors, chairman of the board of directors, etc.);
  • control over the functioning of the organization’s management system and ongoing management control are entrusted to the executive bodies (collegial and individual - board, general director; his deputy for administrative management, administrative director and a specially created control service);
  • operational control and regulation of specific processes is controlled by managers responsible for the process, function, managers structural divisions. This is how the organization carries out specialized types of control, for example:
    • monitoring compliance of current activities with regulatory standards - internal control service, control department;
    • control of compliance of service provision with legislative norms and regulation of conflicts of interest - compliance control, compliance service according to corporate governance standards;
    • control and analysis economic activity, monitoring the execution of plans and budgets - financial director, situational / analytical center, financial / budget controller;
    • risk control - risk management service;
    • control over the conduct of calculations and compliance with accounting and tax policies - the head of the organization, who delegates these powers to the chief accountant, accounting department;
    • control over the application of current legislation - legal service;
    • application control labor legislation- personnel service.

In specialized types of control and in control of the execution of documents and orders, they are usually carried out 2 types of control / control actions:

  • “follow-up” control;
  • preventive control.

Both types of control actions were carried out with varying degrees of completeness by the office management service and secretaries (service of assistants / management staff), acting in accordance with the requirements of the organization’s office management instructions, which regulated primarily “term” control.

But in connection with the approval of the Rules for office work in federal executive authorities (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477; as amended) control over the execution of documents, even in terms of deadlines, now formally does not fall within the area of ​​responsibility of office work.

Control over the execution of documents and instructions (both in terms of the universal algorithm of control operations and in the aspect of establishing deadlines for execution) is considered as part of the current management control within the framework of the administrative management processes of the organization and is enshrined in special regulations for control work or in administrative regulations (section on control over implementation administrative procedure). The main attention now should be focused not so much on monitoring execution, but on monitoring the quality of decisions, which is part of the tasks of a modern control service, which, as a rule, reports to the first head of the organization.

But both managers and the control service cannot monitor execution without those tools that are compiled and documented in office work:

  • magazines and cards (these are the main accounting and registration forms in both electronic and paper form), as well as
  • special classifier (this is a list of documents subject to execution control, indicating execution deadlines; it establishes the categories of controlled documents and the deadlines for their execution, which for specific organization will be considered mandatory, standard).

It is in this area that there is a “growth point” for the effective participation of the office management service in the administrative management processes of the organization.

1. Due to official needs, an employee may be temporarily assigned duties at a higher position without being relieved of his current (main) position.

2. Employees occupying staff positions who, in accordance with the established procedure, are entrusted with temporary performance of duties for other positions with exemption from main duties, payment is made in the following order:

1) full-time deputies, regardless of their official duties in non-vacant positions of their immediate superiors, are paid salary according to their main position;

2) when performing duties temporarily, including as deputies, for a vacant position of a manager, payment is made based on the salary provided for the temporary position, taking into account other payments, but not more than two months. For specified period a decision must be made on their appointment to a given position or release from duties for a vacant position.

The continuous period of temporary performance of duties for a vacant position should not exceed two months, and for a non-vacant position - four.

The continuous period of temporary performance of duties in a position is calculated from the date of taking up the position, but not earlier than the date specified in the order, and in the absence of a specified date, not earlier than the day the order was signed until the day of release from duties.

Appointment to acting duties is formalized by order of officials who are given the right to appoint employees to positions and move them.

3. The assignment of temporary duties to an employee in accordance with this article and the release of him in this regard from the performance of duties in his main position are carried out by an act of the manager law enforcement agency or an authorized manager, except for the case when the performance of duties in the position of the immediate manager during his absence is provided official duties employee.

Footnote. Article 39 as amended by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2013 No. 93-V (shall be brought into force after ten calendar days after its first official publication).

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DECREE of the President of the Russian Federation dated 16-09-99 1237 (as amended on 11-02-2013 with amendments that entered into force on 11-02-2013) ISSUES OF PASSAGE... Relevant in 2018

Article 12. Procedure for assigning temporary performance of duties in a military position

1. In connection with official necessity, a military serviceman may be assigned to temporarily perform duties in the following equal or higher military position, which he does not occupy:

a) a vacant (unoccupied) military position - with his consent (temporary performance of the position - vrid);

b) a vacant (occupied) military position - in the event of the temporary absence of the serviceman occupying it or the removal of the serviceman occupying it from office (temporary performance of duties - interim).

In this case, the serviceman is released from performing duties in his military position, but is not released from his military position.

2. The continuous period of temporary performance of duties in a military position that a serviceman does not occupy must not exceed:

a) six months - in case of performing duties in a vacant military position;

b) four months - in case of performance of duties in a vacant military position.

A serviceman may, with his consent, be entrusted with the performance of duties in an unvacated military position for the period that the serviceman occupying it is on maternity leave.

3. The assignment of temporary duties to a military personnel for a vacant military position and the release of him from the performance of duties for the occupied military position is carried out by an official who has the right of appointment to this military position.

At the same time, the assignment of temporary duties to military personnel for vacant military positions to be filled by senior officers is carried out by the heads of federal executive bodies that provide for military service, with the permission of the President of the Russian Federation.

4. The commander of a military unit, his equal in position or a superior commander (chief), in the event of his temporary absence, assigns the temporary performance of duties in his military position to one of his deputies.

In other cases, the temporary performance of duties in a non-vacant military position is assigned to the serviceman by the commander of the military unit, his equal in position or a superior commander (superior), who is his direct superior and the closest direct superior of the temporarily absent serviceman.

5. For the temporary performance of duties in vacant and non-vacant military positions, the following may be appointed:

a) soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen - for military positions for which the state provides for the specified military ranks, as well as the military ranks of warrant officers (midshipmen);

b) warrant officers and midshipmen - for military positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of warrant officers (midshipmen) and junior officers;

c) junior officers - for military positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of junior officers and senior officers;

d) senior officers - for military positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of senior officers and senior officers;

e) senior officers - for military positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of senior officers.



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The history of the creation of the Magnit store chain and its current state How the Magnit retail chain grew

The history of the creation of the Magnit store chain and its current state How the Magnit retail chain grew

PJSC "Magnit", the largest Russian grocery retailer (hereinafter the "Company"; MOEX and LSE: MGNT), presents unaudited operating results...

Creation of a commission on labor protection in the organization Creation of a committee on labor protection

Creation of a commission on labor protection in the organization Creation of a committee on labor protection

The labor protection commission in the organization is guided in the process of work by: the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 218); norms of the Order of the Ministry of Labor dated June 24, 2014....

Injury at work: what should the employee and employer do?

Injury at work: what should the employee and employer do?

According to Art. 5 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ "On compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and...

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