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Cleaner is a beautiful job title. Professions in a new format: coffee lady, cleaning manager and buyer

If cleaning is carried out only in office premises, the employer has the right to independently determine the name of the position and the functions for it. If you nevertheless decide to change the name of the position, then you need to pay attention that depending on whether the employee’s labor function (content of work) is changed or not, the procedure for such changes will be different.

  • If there is only a renaming of the position, then the employee in accordance with Article 74 Labor Code RF, it is necessary to notify two months in advance of upcoming changes. If the employee agrees, draw up an additional agreement with him/her employment contract about changing the job title, it is advisable to familiarize the employee with the new job description before signing the additional job description. agreements.

What is the correct name for the position of a house cleaner?

The higher the qualification level, the greater the requirements for the employee’s qualifications and the more qualified (complex) his work is. The establishment of qualification categories for employees occurs in accordance with General provisions, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 No. 31/3-30. The category is assigned in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Tariff qualification directory depending on qualification requirements and labor skills of a particular employee (clause

19, 21 of the General Provisions approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 No. 31/3-30). Assignment to employee qualification category(as well as his promotion) should be carried out taking into account the complexity of the work he performs, available in the organization (clause.

Job description for office cleaner

Receiving means for washing and disinfection, disinfection, as well as equipment, devices, materials and products for dry and wet cleaning. Cleaner office premises must be familiar with the following information:

  • sanitary and hygienic rules for cleaning and maintaining the sanitary condition of office premises;
  • features and rules for using cleaning equipment and devices;
  • features of dry and wet cleaning;
  • purpose and use of disinfectants;
  • rules of use technical equipment to maintain the appropriate sanitary condition of office premises.

Qualification reference book Before compilation job description For a cleaner of office premises, the employer is obliged to familiarize himself with the qualification reference book in the latest edition and draw up instructions based on it.

Job description of a cleaner (cleaning lady) of office premises for 2017


General provisions approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 No. 31/3-30). To assign a rank to employees, by order of the organization, create a qualification commission. When assigning categories to office cleaners, tariffs are used. qualification characteristics for general industry professions of workers, approved.

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 1992 N 31. Thus, regarding cleaners of office premises, earlier, until December 1, 2008, they could be assigned category 2 when performing duties for cleaning toilets. Currently this responsibility is included in job responsibilities cleaner production premises 2 ranks.

Transfer from nurses to cleaners. premises, cleaning (washing) cars.


IN work book The employee must enter the name of the position in accordance with the directory; otherwise, in the process of registering pension benefits, the employee may have difficulties calculating the total length of service. The handbook also states that a cleaner’s work schedule is strictly standardized; a person in such a position can work a maximum of six days a week, for a total of 40 working hours. Also, according to the handbook, part-time work is allowed at the cleaner’s workplace.

Job description for office cleaner ETKS The job description is a document that regulates the list of tasks, professional skills and the employee’s knowledge, which is necessary for him to fully perform his job duties.


N 264 “On approval of the Model staff of primary, incomplete secondary and secondary schools and Additional staff of economic and service personnel comprehensive schools with extended days." *(2) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 06/09/2008 N 177 “On recognition as not subject to application on the territory Russian Federation departmental regulatory legal acts." *(3) Federal law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ “On amendments to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation as invalid in connection with the adoption of federal laws “On amendments and additions to the Federal Law “On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and "On the general principles of organizing local government in the Russian Federation."

What are the job responsibilities of a house cleaner?

Performs light repairs of cleaning equipment, monitors equipment replacement schedules, and submits advance requests to the Housekeeping Manager for new equipment necessary to properly perform his job duties. — Complies with the rules of sanitation and hygiene in cleaned areas. — Knows and follows safety rules when performing his duties functional responsibilities. If necessary, the cleaning lady’s functional responsibilities also include cleaning the surrounding area: in winter - removing snow from driveways and paths, removing ice from the porch; in summer - removing garbage, caring for flower beds, bushes and lawns; in the fall - cleaning up fallen leaves. In addition to the list of functional responsibilities, it is recommended to draw up a schedule for performing certain work: daily, weekly, monthly, every 2 months, etc.

What difficulties may the personnel department encounter? Problems that arise with regular cleaners may include the following:

  • poor cleaning,
  • conflicts with employees and visitors,
  • property damage,
  • excessive consumption of detergents and other consumables, as well as others.

In order to avoid problems with the quality of cleaning, it may be useful to regularly check the work performed and interview other employees about this. Some companies maintain a cleaning schedule with staff noting the amount completed hourly. Significant complaints from office employees are caused by the incorrect behavior of cleaners, who may perform their functions at inappropriate times, be rude to staff and visitors, make statements that are inappropriate to the situation (for example, discuss someone’s behavior, give advice), and the like.

Has the position of office cleaner been cancelled?

Based on the additional agreement, issue an order to rename the position, make a corresponding entry on the rename in the employee’s work book and T-2 card on the basis of this order;

  • If there is a change labor function, then we can only talk about a transfer, which must also be formalized by an additional agreement to the employment contract. In this case, the position of industrial premises cleaner will first need to be added to the staffing table.

The qualification category is a value reflecting the level vocational training employee (Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Qualification categories of work are established in accordance with qualification characteristics based on their complexity (as a rule, without taking into account working conditions).
To avoid stabbing wounds, cleaners should not put their hands into trash cans. Respiratory diseases can occur along with poisoning. Some cleaning products provoke the development of bronchial asthma and other diseases.
For example, ammonia, bleach (bleach), other substances and compounds. Employees must be informed which products cannot be mixed (if any danger exists with the products used), and if necessary, be provided with respirators. It makes sense to avoid the most harmful cleaning products, because today the choice of them is quite wide in any price category. It also makes sense to avoid aerosols if possible, since they most quickly penetrate the body through the respiratory tract. Reading the instructions for cleaning products can play a significant role.

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

I am a cleaner in a large company engaged in cleaning, that is, comprehensive cleaning of office, industrial and other premises.

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

I clean the office of a large company, check the quality of my colleagues’ work, and make sure that our work meets the customer’s requirements as much as possible.

I wipe down tables and all office equipment, empty wastepaper baskets, polish furniture, wash floors, water and dust flowers.

3. What education is required to obtain your position?

Before enlisting, we all underwent training, became familiar with equipment such as wet cleaning machines, learned brands of household cleaning products and what each of them was intended for.

4. Describe your work day.

My work begins at 18:00, when all the employees of the company where I do cleaning have already left the office. I change into work overalls, the shift supervisor determines the “work front” for each employee. After completing all the work, we all drink coffee together, of course, at the expense of the company! My working day ends at 21:00.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day on the street, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

I create the comfort of my working conditions myself, since the cleanliness and comfort of my workplace depends only on me. In addition, we can use a coffee machine and a microwave oven.

6. What do you like most about your business?

I like the flexible work schedule and the opportunity to earn extra money. I can always ask extra work at another facility, and they will definitely provide it to me.

7. What do you dislike most about your business?

Sometimes the work of a cleaner can be physically difficult, especially in winter, when you have to do wet cleaning of the carpet every evening.

8. If it’s not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you’re satisfied or not)?

I am a 1st year full-time student at a university, so the cleaner’s salary at the moment suits me quite well.

9. Describe your team, what people work with you?

My colleagues are mostly male and female students, some combine our work with other activities, my partner, for example, is an accountant.

10. What human qualities do you think are most important in your business?

Accuracy and responsibility, because the entire team will be responsible for your mistake.

11. Work gives me additional opportunities (here is everything that work gives you except money, self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

In the process of my work and part-time jobs, I visit the offices of various organizations, and I can also look at the place where I would like to work after graduation!

12. You have the opportunity to rate your work on a five-point scale, what rating would you give?

This is a 5 point job.

13. Why did you choose this job?

I was attracted by the evening work and the opportunity to not depend on my parents while studying.

I think that my work is the best choice for a student, as it takes relatively little time and does not distract from study!

  • sanitary and hygienic rules for cleaning and maintaining the sanitary condition of office premises;
  • features and rules for using cleaning equipment and devices;
  • features of dry and wet cleaning;
  • purpose and use of disinfectants;
  • rules for the use of technical equipment to maintain the appropriate sanitary condition of office premises.

ETKS is formed from tariff and qualification parameters based on the characteristics key works by blue-collar professions, based on their level of complexity, as well as on certain tariff categories, requirements for professional skills and knowledge of workers in blue-collar professions.

Cleaner of industrial and office premises 2020 by ETC

Must know: industrial sanitation requirements; rules of sanitation and hygiene for the maintenance of production premises; design and operating rules of serviced equipment and devices; purpose and concentration of detergents and disinfectants; rules for operating sanitary equipment.

  • Have a collection of many rules for hygienic cleaning, remember the main aspects from it in order to be able to do everything as efficiently and quickly as possible, in other words, know all the cleaning instructions;
  • You should know the existing safety rules when working in an open space, otherwise it could end disastrously for both the cleaner and the employer.

What is the correct name for the position of a house cleaner?

Assigning a qualification category to an employee (as well as increasing it) takes into account the complexity of the work he performs in the organization (clause 12 of the General Provisions approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 No. 31/3-30).

I'm interested in how to correctly indicate in staffing table position “Cleaner of office premises” or “Cleaner of industrial and office premises”? And what is the rank of this position? Our organization is the Library. Which document should I refer to when renaming a position? Thanks for the quick response!

Profession cleaner according to the classifier

Qualification requirements for the professional job title “Well repair foreman (major, underground)”, as a section of the qualification characteristics of the specified position, are contained in Issue 6 “Oil and Natural Gas Production” of the Directory of Qualification Characteristics of Worker Professions and provide for: full or basic higher education relevant field of training (specialist, bachelor), postgraduate education in the field of management, work experience in the profession of at least 2 years.

The qualification requirements for the position of “Production Site Foreman” provide for complete or basic higher education in the relevant field of training at the educational qualification level of a specialist or bachelor, work experience in the specialty is at least 2 years.

Technician what is the correct name of the position?

This qualification directory of positions has been supplemented with new qualification characteristics of positions of employees whose functions and job responsibilities are related to the formation and development of market economic relations. These, for example, include the qualification characteristics of the positions of auditor, auctioneer, broker, dealer, manager, appraiser, marketing specialist, etc. The document is presented with changes made:
- Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation: N 7 of 01/21/2000, N 57 of 08/04/2000 and N 35 of 04/20/2001, N 38 of 05/31/2002, N 44 of 06/20/2002, N 59 of 07/28/2003, N 75 of 11/12/2003;
— Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation: N 461 of July 25, 2005, N 749 of November 7, 2006, N 605 of September 17, 2007, N 200 of April 29, 2008.

It won't occur to anyone. that completely normal people are doing this. ordinary people. for a variety of reasons, children. requiring attention. sick parents. which need to be looked after. and just people. who don't want to leave their loved one. but a low paid job. And Umnitsa tells an absolutely incredible story. She worked in a company as a cleaner. Therefore, job descriptions. first of all. are considered normative legal document. which defines the range of responsibilities and rights. the degree of responsibility assigned to the relevant position. rules of admission and dismissal. substitutions. To this day I don’t know what it is. If you don't have such professions. then call it what you want.
And some other people are afraid. that they will be held as precisely these cleaners.

Job descriptions for office cleaners according to document flow

In the “Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory” (UTKS), the group “cleaner of industrial and office premises” was removed from the tariff and qualification characteristics in 2005. This group belonged to technical workers and is now divided into two types of cleaners:

The demand for cleaning services is increasing along with the development of the construction sector of the market, the emergence of new retail and office space in Russia. The orderliness and quality of these services depend to a large extent on correctly drawn up instructions for the daily actions of service personnel.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2005

Amend the tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry professions of workers, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 10, 1992 N 31 “On approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry professions of workers”, according to the appendix.

Characteristics of the work. Cleaning of production waste and garbage in workshops and other production areas. Removing dust, sweeping and washing manually or using machines and devices of floors, stairs, stairwells, windows, walls, ceilings in industrial premises. Preparation of cleaning and disinfecting solutions for washing floors, walls, windows and ceilings. Transportation of waste and debris from production premises to a designated location. Receiving detergents, equipment and cleaning materials. Filling containers with drinking water. Cleaning, sanitizing and placing trash cans. Cleaning and disinfection of toilets, showers, dressing rooms and other common areas of industrial premises.


Working conditions in the workplace of specialists with disabilities must comply with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, developed by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (if there is a disability). Design of all elements production equipment and the organization of the workplace must correspond to the anthropometric, physiological and psychological characteristics and limited capabilities of working disabled people.

  • cleaning of premises, corridors, stairs;
  • removing dust from furniture, carpets, sweeping and washing manually or using machines and devices of walls, floors, stairs, windows, etc.;
  • collection and transportation of garbage and waste to the designated location;
  • placement of trash cans, their cleaning and disinfection;
  • cleaning and disinfection of showers, dressing rooms and other common areas;
  • preparation of cleaning and disinfecting solutions;
  • obtaining detergents, equipment and cleaning materials;
  • compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene in cleaned areas.

Typical errors in the names of professions and positions

The specifics of establishing the full titles of employee positions are regulated by the General Provisions of the Unified Qualification Directory of Employee Positions, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated January 2, 2012 No. 1 (as amended on December 28, 2012). It is worth noting that:

● the use of the derivative name of the profession “senior” is possible when it is provided for by the ETKS and other regulatory legal acts, as well as when it is necessary to guide workers when performing work, if this manual is not provided for by the content of the tariff and qualification characteristics;

Job description for office cleaner

The cleaner must clean everywhere, keep stairs, windows, walls, floors clean within the established area. However, the employer can specify what type of cleaning is required: dry or wet. In addition, some parts of the room can be treated with special detergents (disinfectants). We also recommend mentioning this in the instructions.

IN job description for office cleaner the territory that constitutes his work front is specified. The list of specific responsibilities of the employee depends on this. For example, if we are talking only about the office part of the institution, then a cleaning schedule is possible, which is drawn up in accordance with the work schedule of office employees, so that the cleaner does not distract them from labor activity. If we are talking about a workshop, for example, a metallurgical one, then in this case it is possible to clean the room using improvised means and a special protective suit.

08 Sep 2018 16898


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