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Enhanced signature. Simple electronic signature, or SES

In Russia, three types of signatures can be used in electronic document management: simple, enhanced unqualified and enhanced qualified. Let's see how they differ from each other, under what conditions they are equivalent to handwritten documents and give the signed files legal force.

Simple electronic signature, or SES

A simple signature is the familiar access codes from SMS, codes on scratch cards, login-password pairs in personal accounts on websites and in email. A simple signature is created by means of the information system in which it is used, and confirms that the electronic signature was created by a specific person.

Where is it used?

Simple electronic signature Most often used in banking operations, as well as for authentication in information systems, for certification of documents within corporate electronic document management (hereinafter referred to as EDI).

A simple electronic signature cannot be used when signing electronic documents or in an information system that contain state secrets.

Legal force

A simple signature is equivalent to a handwritten one if this is regulated by a separate legal act or an agreement has been concluded between the EDF participants, which stipulates:

  • rules by which a signatory is determined by his simple electronic signature.
  • the user’s obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the private part of the PES key (for example, the password in the “login-password” pair or the SMS code sent to the phone).

In many information systems, the user must first confirm his identity during a visit to the system operator in order for his PEP to have legal force in the future. For example, to obtain a confirmed account on the State Services portal, you need to personally come to one of the registration centers with an identification document.

Unqualified electronic signature, or NEP

Strengthened (hereinafter referred to as NEP) is created using cryptographic programs using the private key of the electronic signature. NEP identifies the owner and also allows you to check whether changes were made to the file after it was sent.

A person receives two electronic signature keys from the certification center: private and public. The private key is stored on a special key medium with a PIN code or on the user’s computer.

Using the private key, the owner generates electronic signatures with which he signs documents. The public key of the electronic signature is associated with the private key of the electronic signature and is intended to verify the authenticity of the electronic signature. The public key is available to everyone with whom its owner conducts EDF.

Correspondence public key the owner of the private key is registered in the electronic signature certificate, which is also issued by the certification authority. The requirements for the structure of a non-qualified certificate are not specified in federal law No. 63-FZ “On electronic signature”. When using NEP, you do not need to create a certificate.

Where is it used?

NEP can be used for internal and external EDI if the parties have previously agreed on this.

Legal force

EDF participants must comply additional conditions so that electronic documents certified by NEP are considered equivalent to paper documents with a handwritten signature. The parties must necessarily enter into an agreement between themselves on the rules for using the NEP and the mutual recognition of its legal force.

Qualified electronic signature, or CES

Strengthened is the most regulated type of signature by the state. Just like the NEP, it is created using cryptographic algorithms and is based on a public key infrastructure, but differs from the NEP in the following:

  • Must have a qualified certificate in paper or electronic form, the structure of which is determined by order of the FSB of Russia No. 795 dated December 27, 2011.
  • Software Certified by the FSB of Russia for working with CEP.
  • CEP can only be issued by a certification center that is accredited by the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Where, how and why to register UKEP

Features and benefits of enhanced qualified electronic signature

UKEP allows for digital signature identification with additional protection against unauthorized use. It is a guarantee that the contents of the document have not changed since the moment the document was sent. Each qualified digital signature has its own verification key, which is indicated in the certificate and issued along with the digital signature. Qualified certificates must comply with the form established by Order No. 795 of the FSB of the Russian Federation, and international standard X.509 v3. Information about each certificate is sent to Unified register, whose work is regulated by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

How to apply for UKEP

What is CEP

A qualified verification key certificate may contain the following information: the date of UKEP generation and its validity period, a unique identification number, the owner’s personal data, information about the certification center that issued the electronic seal, the verification key, the scope of application of the signature and other information. The validity period of such a certificate is 1 year; after its issuance, it is impossible to change the entered data or add new ones.

Features of using an enhanced qualified electronic signature

Rules for using UKEP

IN privacy Qualified and unqualified electronic signatures are still rarely used by individuals. They are much more in demand among individual entrepreneurs. You can purchase any of them at the Certification Center.

The difference between a qualified digital signature and an unqualified one

Electronic signatures NEP (unqualified) and KEP (qualified) belong to the group of enhanced ones. This means that they are created using cryptographic (encryption) algorithms. This implies a high degree of information protection from unauthorized access - only the person to whom it is addressed can decrypt and read the document. And for this, the recipient must have an electronic signature verification key certificate.

From a technical point of view, both qualified and unqualified electronic signatures protect information well; the difference between them is as follows:

  1. CEP can be used almost everywhere; it is legally equivalent to a handwritten certification. It is required when working in government information systems: Federal Tax Service, EGAIS, Rosreestr and others. It can only be obtained from accredited Certification Centers that use certified FSB and FSTEC software products and technical devices.
  2. The NEP is applied to a limited extent - only on the basis of an agreement between partners. An unqualified electronic signature can be created using any, including foreign, encryption algorithms. The Center that issued it is not required to undergo accreditation and may not issue a certificate. It is widely used on trading and purchasing platforms, including under Law 223-FZ (for government agencies).

A qualified electronic signature for individuals is needed mainly when planning or conducting entrepreneurial activity. In private use, it is purchased to receive state and municipal services, participate in auctions for the sale of bankrupt property, and communicate with banks online.

Qualified electronic signature for individuals

The meaning of acquiring a CEP for an individual is individual entrepreneur clear:

  • it makes it possible to submit documents for registration, liquidation, change of entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, fill out and submit 3 personal income taxes through personal account on the Federal Tax Service website;
  • required when submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund if the number of employees is over 25 people; when selling alcohol - for EGAIS;
  • you can submit applications for participation in government tenders under 44-FZ and 223-FZ, make requests from the State Property Committee, and issue patents in remote access mode.

In other words, if a person wants to work in information systems, where the condition of work is the signing of CEP documents, he is forced to purchase it. Accredited CAs are commercial structures, and in the overwhelming majority they issue both a qualified and unqualified electronic signature, the difference is in the price and the certificate received. It specifies the scope of application of the electronic signature, beyond which it is impossible to go. Therefore it is proposed different types certificates, each of which is designed to work in one or more EDMS.

In ordinary life, CEP for individuals may be needed, except when working with the Government Services Portal. You can register on it, receive a simple signature (login plus password) - this is enough to send requests and receive reference information. So, for example, you can find out your tax debts, but sending a declaration or submitting documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur will no longer be possible.

A qualified electronic signature (or CES) is the most “full-fledged” type of signature. A document signed by the CEP is equivalent to a paper document with a handwritten signature. Today there are more than fifty areas where CEP is used. Let's talk about the main ones.

Interaction with government information systems


Interdepartmental system electronic interaction(SMEV) is an information system through which federal, regional and local authorities exchange data to provide government services to citizens and organizations.

Only executive authorities, local governments and their subordinate organizations that provide state and municipal services(administration, ministries, services, etc.).

The certification center SKB Kontur issues a certificate for working with this information system -.


On the Rosreestr portal, users can obtain government services provided by the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. For example, on the portal you can:

  • get an extract from the United state register rights to real estate and transactions with it,
  • obtain information from the State Real Estate Cadastre,
  • carry out state registration real estate transactions and others
  • submit an application for registration of real estate in the cadastral register,
  • request information about real estate objects,
  • perform other actions (their list is on the portal).

A signature is needed by developers, realtors, cadastral engineers, etc. We wrote more about electronic signatures for Rosreestr in this article.


The Federal Service accredits legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and issues certificates of conformity for products that are subject to mandatory certification. Rosakkreditatsiya conducts document flow through the Federal State information system(FSIS).

To receive Rosaccreditation services electronically, users need to obtain a qualified signature and organize a secure VPN communication channel between their computer and the Federal State Information System of Accreditation. Then register with the ESIA (gosuslugi.ru), which is part of the infrastructure e-government, and send an application for access to Rosaccreditation.

The SKB Kontur certification center offers a comprehensive solution for interaction with Rosakcreditatsiya, including a qualified certificate and licenses for all software products.


Main purpose federal service on tariffs - analysis of information from regulated organizations, regional tariff regulatory bodies and monopolies.

All organizations that submit electronic reports to the FTS, coordinate tariffs with it and send supporting materials must receive.


The state information system on state and municipal payments is designed to post and receive information on payments for state and municipal services.

Any bank, branch of the Russian Post or other organization that accepts payments from citizens or legal entities is required to send payment information to the GIS GMP. To do this, they must obtain a qualified certificate "GIS GMP".


Qualified certificates are needed to work in various information systems of the federal customs service, with which the central information and technical customs department The Federal Customs Service has concluded agreements on interaction when submitting information to electronic form. For example, a participant foreign economic activity can make all types of customs payments when declaring and submit statistical forms accounting for the movement of goods of the Customs Union.

Electronic passports are created by car manufacturers and authorized government agencies, and all interested participants will have access to the system: car dealers, credit organizations, insurers, car owners, etc.

GIS housing and communal services

This is a system that collects, stores and provides information related to housing and communal services, for example:

  • housing stock, cost of common property management services in apartment buildings, work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, the provision of utilities and the supply of resources necessary for the provision of utilities, the amount of payment for residential premises and public utilities,
  • debt for the specified fee,
  • about utilities and engineering infrastructure facilities, etc.
  • The GIS housing and communal services system should be accessed by government authorities, service providers - management companies, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives, housing complexes and other organizations, capital repair funds, resource supply organizations, local governments, authorized bodies.

To access the portal dom.gosuslugi.ru Any will do qualified electronic signature certificate. But in order to interact with the portal dom.gosuslugi.ru through your information system, you need an electronic signature with enhanced cryptographic protection class KS2 - .

Public services

Legal and legal entities can receive services electronically individuals. One of the ways to log in to the site is with an electronic signature. Popular services on the site: registration of a foreign passport, filing a tax return and requests to federal authorities executive power, paying fines to the traffic police, submitting documents to a university, purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, etc.

To access the portal, the CEP of an individual or a basic qualified certificate issued for a specific employee of the organization is suitable.


From September 1, 2016, design documentation and results of engineering surveys for objects that are being built or reconstructed in whole or in part at the expense of the federal budget are accepted only in electronic form (RF Government Decree No. 1330).

Electronic documents must be signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him with a qualified electronic signature (Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 21, 2014 No. 728/pr).

External and internal electronic document management

Legal entities and individuals can certify any documents with an electronic signature. A qualified electronic signature is their guarantor. A document signed by the CEP can be stored in an archive for a long time and used as evidence in court.

In internal document flow, CEP is used to endorse and approve electronic documents. For example, a director signs orders, orders, and contracts with an electronic signature. This means that the document has been approved and can be submitted for execution.

Large corporations that have a huge number of internal and external documents integrate the EDI system with accounting program and accounting system. This eliminates the need for the company to duplicate all documents on paper, including primary accounting documents, contracts with remote employees, etc.

You can read more about legally significant electronic document management in this article.

Participation in electronic trading

An electronic signature is required to work on electronic trading platforms(ETP) to both customers and suppliers. It is the signature that gives legal force to all transactions on the ETP and contracts concluded between counterparties. Requirements for the type of electronic signature depend on the specific site.

For six federal ETPs of government procurement, the type of electronic signature is fixed in a special regulation, and not a single ETP has the right to change them. These ETPs require a non-qualified signature.

A qualified signature will be required to participate:

  • in bidding for the sale of bankrupt property,
  • in procurement under 223-FZ as a customer and supplier,
  • in the bidding of commercial companies.
Before participating in the auction, you will need to be accredited at the selected site. This process takes up to 5 days. If you have any difficulties, you can use the qualified help of specialists and receive the Accreditation service on the ETP.

It is worth noting that some commercial electronic platforms accept unqualified signatures or require participants to sign electronically specifically for themselves. For example, object identifiers as part of the certificate are needed to work on the ETP of Gazprombank, TEK-Torg (Rosneft section), B2B, uTender, Fabrikant.

To purchase a suitable signature certificate to participate in bidding as a supplier, you need to focus on the ETP requirements and select one or more signatures that will cover all your needs.



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