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Types of image advertising. Image advertising and its types

Traditionally, advertisers tried to use conservative images to promote banking and financial services: people in glasses and expensive suits, documents, a solid office and order. For example, one of the best domestic advertising works on financial topic- a clip from the RIC Bank of the RAVI agency, which received the Silver Lion at the Cannes International Advertising Festival in 1996, presented the bank as a boring institution, the work of whose employees was disturbed only by the snoring of a sleeping kitten.

Until now, Alfa Bank has also maintained the traditional image of a conservative financial organization. His latest television commercials, shown before financial crisis 1998, presented the bank to the viewer as a reputable financial institution with a pleasant atmosphere.

Timur Bekmambetov's video, which featured Armstrong's music, even received the Grand Prix at the Moscow Advertising Festival.

In the new television advertising campaign, which began in mid-October, the bank will part with its conservative image and come closer to the people. For example, in one of the videos, a disheveled and unshaven teenager with headphones using youth slang asks a bank employee to make him a plastic card - he wants to “put his green in pontoon plastic so as not to walk around like a sucker with cash.” The employee is quite classic banking type calmly invites the young man to “spoil the empty cache” and promises to “get it all out of the way.” The conversation is accompanied by captions in normal Russian that everyone can understand.

The remaining four commercials, produced by international advertising agency BBDO, bank employees communicate in a specific language with workers, technicians, socialites and representatives of, as the agency says, “characteristic nationalities.” All videos are united by the slogan “We find a common language with every client.” The clips will be shown on ORT, RTR, NTV, and MTV until the New Year.

With the help of a broad advertising campaign, Alfa Bank intends to attract new category clients - people with incomes below average who are not yet very familiar with banking services. And the use clear language will allow, according to the vice-president of Alfa Bank Alexander Gafin, to emphasize the democracy and openness of the credit institution. “We want our bank’s services to become simple and accessible to a wide category of people, like a dry cleaner or a supermarket,” says Gafin. He hopes that thanks to an advertising campaign with a budget of about $2 million, the bank will increase the number of private clients by 15%.

Or another example aimed at correcting the image.

Terrorist attacks on New York have caused serious damage to the image of a city of contrasts. The flow of foreign tourists gradually dwindled. There were only a few people who wanted to get to New York by air. It was necessary to somehow restore the collapsed reputation. The solution was found by the mayor of the city, Rudolph Giuliani.

It was on the initiative of this man that an advertising campaign was conceived and launched, announcing to the world; “New York is a miracle! Become a part of it!”

A few months after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, 6 short films appeared on American television. The social campaign “New York Miracle” was conceived by the creative team of VBDO New York (a New York agency of the VBOO network) in just 48 hours. The first video was released within two weeks.

Each star performed in an unusual role, emphasizing the idea: New York is a miracle, and anyone can feel its magic for themselves. In addition to the above-mentioned celebrities, production and television studios, designers, directors and stylists took part in the project free of charge.

The point of the videos was that, despite the tragedy, New York remains New York. They contained a hidden call to visit the Big Apple. Each of the clips ended with the slogan “The New York Megasle. Be a Part of it,” which was voiced by Mayor Giuliani himself.

One of the most memorable videos from the series, shot by Pitkoi. There was a clip of a skater doing pirouettes on an empty skating rink. The skater is shown from the back and from afar so that we do not see his face. In the last frames, the wide-lens camera zooms in and shows the face of the figure skating “star.” To everyone's surprise, it turns out to be Woody Allen, known for his irreverently indifferent attitude towards sports. “You won’t believe it,” says Allen, “I put on skates for the first time in my life!” Woody Allen then fades into darkness, leaving viewers with the feeling that he was born with skates on his feet.

“The New York Miracle campaign has done an excellent job of uplifting the spirit of New Yorkers and foreigners alike, and reminding them that this unique experience can be had by every tourist visiting New York City.

2. Advertising is one of the most important ways of external communications of any commercial organization along with elements such as sales, sales promotion, PR campaigns (company image building, public relations) and propaganda.

There are many definitions of the concept of advertising. But if we put them together, commercial advertising is a paid, non-personalized message of information about certain goods or services, in the form of persuasion, transmitted through various means of communication, including television, print media and the Internet.

Advertising serves as a powerful tool in product promotion and sales promotion, which are part of the marketing formula known as the “4Ps”. The main goal of commercial advertising is to encourage the consumer to make a purchase, i.e. turn a potential buyer into a real one. And since high sales and, as a consequence, profit are the ultimate goal of every business, then when high competition and a developed market, advertising plays a key role in the system of external communications. Thus, commercial advertising is a special case of interaction between an enterprise and the market, which is understood as a set of potential and actual buyers.

It is believed that a buyer needs to hear about a product or service at least 20 times from various sources in order to make a decision to make a purchase, starting from the moment he first heard the name of a particular brand. Therefore, advertising sometimes only reminds him of this brand, unobtrusively pushing him to buy a certain product. Advertising should not be violent. It is designed to form in a potential consumer a certain idea about a product, brand, so that he, in turn, makes the “right” choice at the time of purchase.

  • 1. Attracting attention. As a rule, it should be a short message, two or three bright, memorable words that will immediately attract the attention of viewers or readers. In addition, it is important to determine the target audience of your advertising, as well as the advertised product, as well as the impact of advertising on this category potential clients.
  • 2. Emotional effect of advertising. Analyze whether the advertising slogan is chosen correctly, in the right context, what sensations this or that advertisement gives consumers.
  • 3. Degree of impact on the consumer. There will be a strong impact if the advertisement is able to create an incentive for a potential buyer to go and make a purchase. Sometimes it happens that the product has not even gone on sale yet, but thanks to a well-planned advertising campaign, inspired buyers are already reserving it.
  • 4. Information content. The goal is to summarize the essence of the service or product benefit in a nutshell. Brevity, clarity, simplicity and clarity - these are the main principles of conveying information to the end consumer.
  • 5. Efficiency. Will he turn off the sound or scroll to the page with the advertisement, or maybe want to watch the advertisement to the end? Advertising is only effective if it attracts the eye.

In general, two groups of funds can be distinguished - means that involve feedback, and without it. The first group includes social surveys, questionnaires, personal letters and telemarketing. The latter are more widespread and traditional - print media, television, radio, billboards, posters, bulletin boards and, of course, the Internet. Commercial advertising must respond quickly to advances in science and technology, as well as any changes in consumer preferences.

Image advertising is a form of marketing communication, which is aimed at maintaining and creating a favorable image of an organization, person, brand. In general, in marketing, the delivery of an image to the target audience occurs through Public Relations and advertising communications.

What is image advertising

Image advertising– this is the same as corporate, branding advertising. This method of communication, such as image advertising, is used by advertisers who want to create a good image of their company, their services and products in the eyes of potential buyers. Consequently, an effective image advertising campaign has a prolonged impact on the minds of users.

In general, this is advertising to create a positive image of your product and company. Its main goal is to introduce potential buyers to the product, its characteristics, purpose, including the areas of work, the advantages that the consumer will receive if he contacts you. The second meaning of image advertising is the creation of a favorable impression of the company itself. In general, the main task of image advertising is to consolidate a favorable image of a company or product in the minds of a wide range of users.

The main tasks of image advertising:

  • The belief that the company's work is useful to society;

Increasing awareness of partners and consumers about the company, creating an opinion of the company as a significant, reliable and successful company;

Education from a wide range of partners marketing channel, consumers, suppliers have a good opinion of the company;

Forming an association between the name of the company and its trademark with satisfaction of consumer needs and a certain quality of services and goods.

Use of image advertising

Typically, image advertising is contrasted with product advertising, advertising of services, which does not contain direct calls to buy something. The call of image advertising is to provide the brand with a value assessment, while functional advertising only speaks about the very fact of the presence of a product with its value, usefulness, characteristics, and significance of the product for the consumer. Still, high-quality advertising contributes to the gradual promotion of the company’s image, brand, through the services and goods that it provides and produces. In addition to the prolonged impact, image advertising has one more feature: it has a delay effect, delayed effect, accumulation effect, during which the image is formed over a period of time. long time, during playback marketing communications with the target audience. This is a pitfall that novice marketers do not always understand and see.

Image advertising– these are corporate souvenirs, image stripes print advertising, corporate calendars, company participation in cultural and charity events, which are manufactured and placed in order to popularize the company itself, increase its value in the eyes of the public, consumers and authorities.

An example of high-quality image advertising:

I love learning everything new, interesting and unusual. And also - wrap yourself in a warm blanket, grab some hot cocoa and tell you about new products financial market, hot stories from the offices of bank consultants and other interesting things.

Similar materials

The market economy is developing rapidly, which leads to intensity and increased competition in various areas of business. To maintain their niche and market share, commercial companies and private entrepreneurs have to invest more and more more strength, find new resources, effective ways of working. Every year this becomes more difficult to do.

One of effective ways Promoting services and goods on the market is, of course, advertising. There are quite a lot of types of it. Consider the following option: image advertising.

What is it? How can it help in business development?

Here it is also important to pay attention not only to the development by marketers of the advertising campaign itself, but also to the effective work of salespeople, secretaries and everyone who directly interacts with consumers. It is necessary that these employees from time to time ask customers about their attitude towards the brand and conduct surveys, both oral and written questionnaires.

Analyzing the data received from them, marketing specialists adjust measures to promote a positive image. Sometimes they even resort to such an option as rebranding - changing the logo or the entire corporate identity.

The story of the striped bee

In 2005, Beeline (VimpelCom company) decided to change corporate identity. Why did this happen?

The slogan “It’s convenient with us” by this time had ceased to be relevant, since it had become generally obligatory for every cellular company, and not something individual. Beeline's main competitors are MTS and Megafon - according to the list of services, technical specifications, the phone models were not much different from each other. Interest in the product itself—the cell phone—has increased significantly. An increasing number of citizens began to buy it.

Time required different approaches to sales and advertising. It was necessary to rely on the emotions of consumers, fight for hearts, and therefore work with a new image. This is exactly where image advertising could help. Photos of the actual logo for comparison are provided as an example in this article.

First of all, the blue color (as the most common color in most Russian brands) was removed from the corporate identity. In addition, the opinions of psychologists regarding the coldness of such shades played a role. And Beeline wanted to focus on brightness, modernity, activity and attract young users of the service.

The company's mascot, the bee, also had to be abandoned, leaving only the symbolic black and orange stripes. It turns out that it evoked negative emotions among some consumers, which means it did not contribute to sales. And many objects in this or a similar color scheme can be found in nature, and this is what they bet on.

The brand should be friendly, customer-oriented and loved, then they will be more willing to use the company's services again and again.

The modified Beeline logo - a white background and a round black and yellow sign on it, with an inscription below - did its job. The reboot led to an increase in sales, and increased subscriber loyalty to the brand and products. Rebranding and image advertising helped oust its main competitor MTS Beeline (as evidenced by data from consulting agencies and ongoing surveys).

Examples of other successful rebrandings: Toyota automobile company, Sberbank of Russia, OJSC Russian railways", Burger king and others.

Image advertising and its components

As is already clear, it is designed to create trust. And this is not just one event, but a whole range of measures.

Logo and corporate identity development;

Various external media (its individual elements are included in the corporate style);

Television commercials;

Newspaper and magazine publications;

Charity activities;

Sponsoring various events, concerts.

Why do you need a corporate identity, or are you greeted by your clothes...

Any company, its product or service needs not only a high-quality name, but also its graphic and artistic design, i.e., a colorful picture. Image advertising begins, in fact, with the creation of a logo. And this already leads to the existence, development and recognition of something in business and trade. A logo is the face of a company.

Sometimes, along with writing and drawing, a character is also created. It is not included in the logo, but is actively used in all printed, outdoor and other materials. For example, the girl Alenka in the chocolate of the same name and hand-drawn videos with her participation, Ivan Taranov - a brewer (PIT company), the Energizer rabbit, and so on.

When developing a logo, every seemingly small detail is important. Letter style, slant, color, font size.

The main function of a logo is identification in the market.

The carriers of corporate identity are: business card, letterhead, folder, envelope, price lists, booklets, postcards, signs, plaques, stands, calendars, corporate clothing or its individual elements (kerchiefs, scarves, ties, aprons), website, pages in social networks. The list goes on. It all depends on the direction of activity, the size of the enterprise, its internal policy and other factors.

The finished corporate identity is drawn up in a brand book and brought to the attention of all employees. Since all structures of the enterprise are obliged to work with it, otherwise there will be no sense.

Part of the corporate identity includes branded souvenirs and corporate gifts. But, at the same time, this is a separate culture of giving. Corporate gifts also support the image of the enterprise and increase the loyalty of partners and customers. And it’s just nice to receive, even if it’s a small, gift given with love. These can be traditional calendars, diaries on New Year, pens with logo, notepads, mugs. They can be packed in a bag made in corporate colors.

Special souvenir catalogs offer a huge number of such products; you can even select them according to a specific line of business. For example, souvenirs for doctors and builders. Giving gifts is an art! And it is better to do it by professionals who will help you choose a spectacular souvenir for any occasion.

External and internal brand media

These are all kinds of street posters, banners, panels, pylons, billboards, stands, signs and so on. Their task is to remind about themselves or introduce some new information. The big advantage of such advertising is its audience reach. Work is underway on the consumer’s subconscious, on his attention and memorability. A person sees a certain bright picture, perhaps more than once a day: on the way to work, walking with a child, relaxing in the park. It sticks in his head, especially if it’s done correctly and according to all the rules. When he comes to the store and sees an already familiar product, the likelihood of purchasing it will be quite high.

Branding in magazines and TV

Magazines and newspapers are attractive because you can familiarize yourself with the material more than once, if necessary, constantly returning to it. This allows you to make sense of the information.

A plus are colorful illustrations on the topic. Compared to outdoor advertising, this advertising can cost several times less, but is not inferior in effectiveness.

Television commercials are attractive due to their breadth of audience coverage and visibility, as with newspaper and magazine versions. It directly affects vision and hearing, which increases its effectiveness. Although such advertising is expensive and takes time to create. First you need to come up with a video, write a script, then shoot it. Subsequently, the time of airing and the frequency of broadcasts are taken into account. That is, the advertiser can choose exactly those parameters that will allow him to influence his audience, those people who will be interested in his product.

Sponsorship and charity

The attitude towards people, including participation in charity events and providing sponsorship to those in need, has a great influence on the image of the enterprise and its image. This is a mutually beneficial cooperation. It benefits both the one who offers it and the recipient. That is, the benefit is obvious.

This can be either targeted assistance to a specific person or sponsorship contributions for healthcare, medicine, or the publication of books. Holding city holidays, sports competitions, concerts, exhibitions together with local authorities self-government - all this also works for the reputation of businessmen. They themselves and the company they represent begin to be recognized, assessed positively, and trust appears. If a person helps others, he cannot be bad by definition. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases of speculation on this.

Internet space

Image advertising has long outgrown only the offline audience - it is actively developing online and becoming more and more popular there. The virtual world, just like the real one, can help entrepreneurs create a positive image in the eyes of consumers. Image advertising came to the network, and a creative revolution in advertising took place.

Selling articles are written on the Internet different topics, create and post videos, place bright banners on thematic websites. A lot of hidden advertising. In addition to custom articles, copywriters often write reviews on forums and create controversial topics on social networks to spark discussion. Pop-up advertising and creative ideas are widespread.

Banners, for example, are best made animated, so they will quickly attract attention, and there will be more transitions from a third-party site to yours.

The preferred option is contextual advertising, since the payment is only for transitions.

Tasks and functions

Creating a prosperous, positive image in people’s minds;

Conviction in the usefulness of the activities of the company or enterprise for a wide range of consumers, partners and suppliers;

Formation of a certain idea about the product: its quality, benefits and benefits for everyone;

Presentation of the company as a reliable partner in the eyes of prospective investors;

Popularization of a specific famous person - writer, artist, actor, singer, and so on.

There are situations when a certain media personality makes a mistake. A well-executed image advertising campaign will help correct the situation and revive the image.

What the law says

The state closely monitors advertising and regulates it. All possible violations are regulated, documented and are freely available. Including image advertising. And the law on advertising directly tells us about liability - both administrative and criminal - for its violation. These are articles 29-31 Federal Law"About advertising." What are we talking about there?

If the interests of third parties are violated, they can go to court for protection and compensation for losses.


Despite some ambiguity of image advertising and the dislike of marketers, and sometimes even customers themselves, it is undoubtedly needed. Her task is to reach the souls and hearts of consumers, which she successfully does!

In turn, this leads to positive results in the activities of the enterprise, its development and profit.

With global development market economy Competition in all areas and segments of business is heating up. Commercial companies have to spend more and more effort on capturing and maintaining their market share. More efficient work requires new resources that provide greater productivity.

The image in advertising, or advertising image, is closely related to any need of the target audience. This need is conveyed by corporate style constants: corporate colors, graphics, logo, trademark, corporate block, corporate font, design - in the form of a special layout of the company’s advertising messages, corporate symbols, slogan. Image is an image of need created by artistic means.

In recent years, the term “corporate advertising” has begun to refer to the entire range of advertising that is not related to a specific product, but is designed to improve the image of the company. Traditionally, this type of advertising was called branded advertising.

The image forms in the consumer the idea that a particular product is specially produced, delivered and intended specifically for him, since it is entirely aimed at satisfying his needs exclusively.

A positive image is created in the following ways:

holding presentations and press conferences;

publication of commercial and non-commercial materials;

holding anniversary events;

sponsorship in the arts, sciences and sports;

participation in events for charitable purposes, etc.

services that, unlike traditional goods, do not have constant quality, taste, usefulness, require priority development of such advertising functions as information and PR,

the specifics of the services require the use of visual aids that more closely reflect objects of interest, so photographs, paintings, etc. are used here,

The image of a product or service consists of people's perceptions of the unique characteristics that, in their opinion, the product has. Such characteristics can be the functional value of the product and additional attributes (name, design, quality, packaging, etc.)

The tools for promoting a corporate image are diverse and include means of business communications: advertising, PR, marketing, investor-relations. At the same time, there is a gradual integration and interpenetration of all these areas of business communications.

In recent years, the term “corporate advertising” has begun to refer to the entire range of advertising that is not related to a specific product, but is designed to improve the image of the company.

For example, if we are talking about corporate advertising as a means of constructing a company’s image, this does not at all mean limiting the impact on target audiences only advertising means. After all, the elements of corporate advertising are very diverse: the name and logo of the company; booklets, corporate website and corporate video; corporate identity embodied in souvenirs and printed advertising and information products. Corporate advertising can even include the architectural style and interior design of the company's office and corporate workwear.

An image maker in his work combines two stages of creating an advertising image:

Firstly, the definition (comprehension) of the need, its identification, its description in a laconic, conceptual form;

Secondly, the selection of the necessary expressive means of advertising creativity (constants, artistic means) for the specific audio-visual existence of the conceptual concept.

One of the effective means of promoting a company on the market (along with traditional media) is an advertising platform on the Internet (portals and other frequently visited resources). There is no big difference between conventional image advertising in the press, radio or television and advertising on the Internet. The specificity lies in the richness and originality of the expressive capabilities of the Internet and in the nature of the audience.

inform the public about the activities of the company;

determine the company’s competitive place in the market;

attract investors;

increase share price;

reflect staffing changes;

strengthen the moral principles of employees;

attract qualified specialists;

fix a damaged image;

speak out on important issues of public interest;

to avoid problems in relations with agents, dealers and clients.

Image advertising, as a rule, operates more widely than other types of advertising. This is advertising for future use. It is aimed not only at direct buyers, but also at wider sections of the population so that when expanding the list of products and areas of activity, the company or product already evokes positive emotions among buyers. This type advertising involves, if possible often financially, the creation of a positive image of a product or company among the general public. Such advertising largely helps to smooth out the failures of individual advertising campaigns.

As a rule, in Russian advertising practice, image advertising can be afforded by companies with a stable position in the market, and therefore with stable income. Banks and investment funds, since without a certain image and customer trust they will not be able to achieve any tangible success, companies engaged in the production and sale of goods and many more companies that want potential customers to remember their face for a long time.

Creating a favorable opinion about the company among a wide range of consumers;

The belief that the company's activities benefit society;

Forming an association among consumers of the company’s name and its trademark with high quality goods and services;

Increasing consumer awareness of the company, creating an opinion of the company as a large, successful company.

The concept briefly and clearly reflects the “character” of the advertised product or brand, its essence from the point of view of its image niche. A concept is a unique idea that will be the basis for all advertising and marketing communications.

Having a concept allows you to achieve a unified style for all advertising campaigns of the company. Their homogeneity, a single semantic and stylistic basis ensure the successful existence of the brand as a brand, implying not just the formal uniformity of all forms of positioning, but also a stable and integral complex of associations and emotions experienced by the consumer towards the brand.

Once the brand's character is clearly defined, any advertising campaign that adheres to the chosen concept will work to create the desired image. But if the advertised company or product does not have a clear and understandable concept, then its image will constantly fall apart, which means it will be almost impossible to move in the image hierarchy from the stage of awareness to the stage of preference.

In general, the list of desired results of an image advertising campaign will look like this:

a) ensure awareness of the existence of the trademark;

b) stimulate a positive brand image, forcing the consumer to use the company’s services for the first time;

c) consolidate the positive image of the company by “tying” the consumer to its brand.

The main problem in determining the effectiveness of image advertising is that it is very difficult to accurately quantify the relevant criteria. In fact, if we assume that the main goal is to promote a brand and increase its recognition, then find out exactly how many people know this trademark, it is possible only approximately.

At its core, it is something more than ordinary advertising, because it is assigned a considerable number of functions, which makes it possible to make it most effective.

The purpose of image advertising is to create a certain image of your company in the eyes of consumers. Today, the winner is not the one whose product is more attractive or the price is more affordable, but the one who has managed to distinguish itself favorably from other competitors. In other words, the task facing image advertising is not related to increasing sales, but to increasing and supporting the company’s image. Such a trend is quite capable of having a positive impact and contributing to the promotion of a company in the market due to the impact it has on customers choosing a particular product. For example, consider the drink “Cola”. Today it is in the assortment of almost every soft drink manufacturer. But name at least one. What immediately comes to mind? That's right - only two world wars Coca-Cola company and Pepsi.

The result of image advertising

As a rule, you will not feel an immediate result from image advertising, because it acts rather with the prospect of a favorable future for the company. This can really work if you are promoting a product or expanding your product range. Organized image advertising convinces the buyer to treat a new product without fear and not as an unfamiliar product, but as an already quite familiar and high-quality product. In other words, a buyer, looking at a specific product, sees a company with its successes and a certain reputation.

Image advertising is entirely focused on creating a positive image of the organization. She does not offer to make a purchase, but is a kind of informant. Most often, the services of such advertising videos are resorted to when a crisis is brewing in the company.

How to conduct image advertising?

Types of the most effective advertising:

  • outdoor,
  • online advertising
  • in print media,
  • on radio and television.

It would also not be amiss to take part, for example in charity event , where the presence of the advertised company must be highlighted. Such actions are created precisely with the aim of popularizing specific organization and increasing its value to consumers, the public and the government.

A feature of image advertising is the effectiveness of its influence on the audience. Having seen such advertising only once, the buyer will not forget it, and if he needs to purchase products, he will turn directly to this company. The highlight of image advertising lies precisely in its colorfulness and memorability, so expressive images and simple slogans are an integral attribute of your company if you are trying to attract the attention of consumers to yourself. For example, creative design of office signs will only benefit the company.

Challenges facing image advertising:

  1. Creating a pretty wide circle business partners, suppliers and consumers of a prosperous image.
  2. Convince everyone around you that the company’s activities are indeed incredibly useful for a fairly wide audience.
  3. Forming the perception of the organization’s products as having exclusively positive and high-quality characteristics.
  4. Forming an image of the organization as a reliable, reputable and prosperous company.

Who needs image advertising?

As a rule, image advertising is used largest companies, which are stable on the market or already have a slightly shaky position. Only such companies can afford expensive advertising to enhance their image. Start-up companies also often use it as advertising promotion. This is especially true for banking and other institutions, for which it is simply necessary to create a good image of their institution at the beginning of their activities so that potential clients already have some trust in them.

In most cases, the scale of impact of image advertising is much greater than that of other types of advertising. This is advertising for the future. Its audience is not considered to be direct consumers, but the wider public, which will provide an opportunity to significantly expand its scope of activity and list of products.



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