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Doctor laboratory assistant who can work. Profession Laboratory assistant

There are many professions in which the results of activities are practically invisible to the average person. Scientists are also people of this kind of work. At the same time, they are the ones who largely contribute to technological progress, which, in turn, changes the world in the most radical way. Whole groups of specialists take part in this work, dealing with various aspects of studying the surrounding world, the properties and characteristics of objects. A laboratory assistant whose duties involve performing research on various metals, ores, petroleum products, as well as other materials and substances also makes a significant contribution to the common cause of the development of human knowledge. The data obtained is required to ensure control of the characteristics of products for their admission to further technological and production processes.

General information about the position

The main task of a laboratory assistant in this area is to obtain chemical information. In this case, the objects being studied can be anything. In addition to the already mentioned metals and petroleum products, a chemical analysis laboratory assistant can work with gases and vaporous components. Further use of the results may vary. The simplest example, when a certain production needs to achieve specific product properties. To do this, technologists use chemical laboratories to determine the compliance of a substance with the requirements of the prescribed standard.

Recently, issues of protection have become topical environment, which translates into stricter regulations for the automotive industry and fertilizer manufacturers. In the first case, a chemical analysis laboratory technician can work on studying the characteristics of the properties of the materials used in the construction of a car, and in the second, he can identify the properties of the fertilizer that are dangerous for the soil layer.

Requirements for candidates for the position

Despite the seemingly high share of responsibility that falls on laboratory assistants, in this case the requirements for applicants for such vacancies are quite relaxed. For example, having a higher education is not mandatory. It will be enough to present a diploma from a technical school or college. Nevertheless, job description Chemical analysis laboratory assistant requires very specific knowledge, without which it is impossible to perform the duties of this profession. In particular, the laboratory technician must know the following:

  • Basics of chemistry, at least its general course, as well as physical and analytical areas.
  • Chemical-physical methods.
  • Design and operating rules of devices and devices used in the process of work.
  • Characteristics of radioactive substances and nuances of handling them.
  • Basics of choosing methods for performing analysis.
  • Methods for determining metals from the noble group.
  • Fire safety standards, labor protection and sanitary rules.


Representatives of this profession still belong to support staff. Nevertheless, the job description of a chemical analysis laboratory technician provides for a fairly wide range of responsibilities, including:

  • Carrying out analyzes of rare metals, including rare earth and noble ones.
  • Perform complex alloy analyzes using established methods. For example, these can be nickel, cobalt, titanium and other alloys.
  • Conducting arbitration analysis.
  • Performing analyzes of explosive substances using chromatographs using methods based on complex chromatogram calculation schemes.
  • Carrying out analyzes using the atomic absorption method.
  • Perform tests that require the use of radioactive substances.
  • Participation in the development of new analysis methods.
  • Conducting testing of recommended methods
    to guesting.
  • Performing setup of serviced equipment.
  • Acceptance of material received for examination.

Rights of laboratory technicians

Again, it is worth noting that the profession is quite modest in terms of leadership functions, and in most cases its representatives perform auxiliary tasks. Therefore, the rights are very narrowed. First of all, the laboratory assistant can submit to his immediate supervisor proposals that relate to his activities or the work of the laboratory. Also, the profession “Chemical Analysis Laboratory Assistant” also provides the opportunity to obtain data and methodological information from specialists to perform their duties. In order to achieve the highest quality analysis results, the laboratory technician may require and additional help in organizing research and experiments.


In case of failure to perform or dishonest performance of his direct functions, the laboratory assistant is liable in accordance with the standards established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Such cases may include the following:

  • Failure to comply with safety precautions, which, by the way, is especially important in chemical analyses.
  • Violation of fire safety.
  • Failure to comply with the labor regulations in force at the enterprise.

Liability is also assumed for other violations caused by a chemical analysis laboratory assistant during the performance of his work duties.

Rank in the profession

There are 7 categories of this profession, each of which implies its own level of complexity of operations that a laboratory assistant can perform. The first two categories, for example, allow him to take on the simplest homogeneous analyzes without first separating the components used. The third and fourth categories of chemical analysis laboratory assistants increase the complexity of procedures by expanding the range of substances and characteristics being studied. For example, specialists with these qualifications can determine properties such as solubility, viscosity and specific gravity. The next stage allows laboratory technicians to perform complex analyzes that involve the same metal alloys based on nickel, cobalt and titanium. The difference between laboratory assistants of the 7th category is the increase in the technological level of the techniques used, as well as the use of specialized equipment.

Labor safety rules

Besides general requirements, which are aimed at ensuring the safety of chemical analysis laboratory employees, involves compliance with a number of special rules.

First of all, special attention is paid to working with harmful elements and substances. Such analyzes can only be performed in rooms where a forced-air ventilation system is provided. At the same time, a specific suction speed of air flows is set: not lower than 0.5 m/s. Also, a chemical analysis laboratory technician who works at the enterprise must receive free personal protective equipment. For example, a robe and boots are provided for a year, an apron is provided for six months, and gloves are provided for a month.

What is the salary?

Laboratory assistants cannot boast of generous wages. By the way, starting employees receive 10-15 thousand rubles. As their work experience and, accordingly, their rank increases, they can claim 20-30 thousand rubles. However, higher salary levels are rare and occur only in large cities. The most promising direction for this profession can be considered the petrochemical industry. In such industries, there is a fairly intensive training of chemical analysis laboratory technicians from 1st-2nd to 4th category. In this case, the position of head of a laboratory can be considered as the highest point of a career.


In recent years, the profession of a laboratory assistant has acquired its once lost relevance and prestige. Of course, this place in itself is not so attractive when compared with the work of specialists in different fields. However, a chemical analysis laboratory assistant, whose duties in the early stages are within the capabilities of a wide range of graduates, has good opportunities for gaining experience. This profession is considered not only by scientists, but also by technologists, teachers and specialists in related fields as the initial stage of career formation. Of course, there are also serious disadvantages in such work, due to close contact with chemicals. Suffice it to mention the risk of burns, allergic reactions and poisoning.

A laboratory doctor is a medical specialist responsible for clinical laboratory diagnostics.


20,000–30,000 rub. (rabota.yandex.ru)

Place of work

The position of laboratory assistant is in demand in clinics, universities, schools, blood transfusion stations, sanitary and epidemiological services, standardization and metrology centers.


The main responsibility of a laboratory doctor is to conduct laboratory analyzes of various human waste products. The data that the laboratory technician receives helps the attending physician identify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Laboratory assistants often engage in scientific activities, analyze and systematize the data obtained, and maintain disease statistics.

Important qualities

The profession of a laboratory doctor requires such qualities as: a penchant for research, observation, accuracy, responsibility and discipline.

Reviews about the profession

According to experts, the work is both interesting and dangerous. Dangerous because you have to work with bacteria, viruses or harmful substances. Interesting because you are constantly developing and making small discoveries.

Stereotypes, humor

The profession will be of interest to diligent candidates with a penchant for research. An opportunity opens up for a specialist to reach heights in medical science, to become a professor or academician.


To work as a laboratory doctor, you need a higher medical education in the specialties “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics” or “Laboratory Genetics”, which are presented in such universities as: St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, Northwestern State Medical University named after. I. I. Mechnikova.

Medical universities in Moscow: Moscow State University. Lomonosov, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Russian National Research Medical University RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov.

Who is a KLD doctor?

A laboratory doctor is a doctor involved in clinical laboratory diagnostics(KLD), performing the duties of a laboratory assistant in a biochemical, clinical, microbiological, immunological, virological, histological and other laboratory in a medical institution of various types.

Competence of a laboratory doctor

Today, medicine cannot do without laboratory tests, without which it is impossible to correctly diagnose a patient and prescribe effective treatment. A laboratory doctor conducts laboratory analysis of biological products and liquids of human waste products.

The laboratory technician also conducts laboratory tests to determine the physical and chemical characteristics and composition of materials and maintains laboratory equipment, monitoring its preparation, serviceability and performing adjustment work.

The laboratory assistant participates in experiments, carries out preparations, conducts observations, takes instrument readings and fills out work logs. Laboratory doctor provides staff necessary equipment, reagents and materials. In accordance with methodological documents, processes, formalizes, systematizes the results of analyzes, measurements, tests and keeps records.

Subordinate to the laboratory doctor is a junior medical staff(nurses and laboratory assistants). He teaches them how to work with reagents and instruments and how to comply with safety regulations in the workplace.

Profession of laboratory doctor by type

KLD doctor training is carried out in the following specialty:

  • Clinical laboratory diagnostics (in medical universities).
  • Laboratory genetics at biological faculties of universities and universities.

Pros and cons of being a KLD doctor

Pros. The work of a laboratory doctor does not involve intense physical labor, it is calm and measured. Working hours are part-time. You can always find a job in this specialty (vacancies in medical institutions available).

  • an unpleasant moment associated with analyzes of human excretory organs (feces, urine);
  • work with radioactive sources (fluorography, x-rays), where it is necessary to comply with safety regulations;
  • there is a risk of contracting hepatitis, tuberculosis, AIDS;
  • low wages.

With higher education and participation in research and experiments, a laboratory doctor can reach the heights of a doctor of science and academician.

When working in tuberculosis dispensaries and similar types of medical institutions, a laboratory doctor receives a salary increase of 15%.

Where does a laboratory doctor work?

Laboratory doctor's place of work:

  • Hospitals from district to republican.
  • Clinics, laboratories of medical universities and colleges.
  • Centers for standardization and metrology.
  • Blood transfusion stations.
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

What qualities should a laboratory technician have?

The KLD doctor must be:

  • Observant and with a good memory.
  • Be able to concentrate.
  • Have good fine motor skills and coordination.
  • Be well organized and neat.
  • Be attentive and responsible.
  • Be disciplined and scrupulous.
  • Know and strictly apply safety precautions.

Laboratory assistant is a profession that today, although quite widespread in our country, is also highly specialized. This is easy to explain, since laboratory assistants work in departments in higher educational institutions, enterprises, research laboratories, hospitals, sanitary and environmental services, etc. Accordingly, their specialization and vocational training differs significantly depending on the area of ​​activity.

In general, this profession dates back to the Middle Ages: the main task of laboratory assistants who worked at European universities was to prepare laboratories for practical classes with students. Laboratory assistants also provided technical assistance in this process.

Profession laboratory assistant - description

When choosing a laboratory assistant profession, you should take into account some aspects. The main thing is the state of health, since this profession often involves direct contact with harmful substances and chemical elements. This point should be especially taken into account by those people whose bodies are prone to allergic reactions. In general, the risks of the profession depend on the specialization of a particular laboratory. For example, if analyzing human waste products is simply not very pleasant, then constant work with radioactive substances can have a significant negative impact on human health.

In most cases, the work of laboratory assistants is quite calm and stable from the point of view of the occurrence of stressful situations. That is why people with an even character, an inquisitive mindset, observant, neat, diligent, and able to concentrate on completing the assigned task tend to choose it.

In most cases, the profession of a laboratory technician does not require a diploma. higher education, but there are exceptions. Secondary specialized education may not be enough if your job requires you to deal with complex equipment. Or the work involves significant responsibility to third parties.

At the same time, participation in experiments and good practical training, if desired, can become a successful platform for further career advancement.

For a better understanding, some areas of the profession should be considered in more detail.

Profession chemical analysis laboratory assistant

This profession is quite in demand on the labor market and involves work related to analysis. chemical composition and properties of the samples under study in order to identify inconsistencies. The information obtained from the research is very important, because makes it possible to control the quality indicators of products.

Chemical analysis laboratory technicians are employed in a variety of industries, and their professional training should include:

  • knowledge of the basics of general chemistry;
  • knowledge of safety regulations;
  • the ability to reasonably select and use models, methods and tools when performing assigned tasks;
  • knowledge of norms and standards that relate to the substances under study, etc.

Choosing this profession special attention should be paid to medical contraindications.

Profession laboratory assistant - ecologist

The emergence and spread of this profession is associated with growing public concern about the state of the environment. Thus, the main task of the environmental laboratory assistant is to analyze natural resources and their impact on human quality of life. The subject of analysis is soil, water, and air samples.

Environmental laboratory assistants work both in large industries and in environmental supervision services over the state of the environment. For this job, a diploma of secondary specialized education is often sufficient.

Profession paramedic-laboratorian

The importance of the profession of a medical laboratory assistant in modern medicine cannot be overestimated, since even the most qualified doctor requires test results to assess the patient’s condition. Therefore, the health, and often the life of a person, depends on the quality of work and professionalism of the laboratory assistant.

Basically, paramedics-laboratory assistants are required in clinics, hospitals, medical genetic centers, sanitary and epidemiological stations, as well as in the ambulance service. To work, you must have a diploma of secondary medical education.

Typically, medical laboratory assistants work with human waste products, but there are times when it is necessary to analyze food, cutlery, etc. Accuracy, responsibility, competence are the main qualities required for this work.

Profession laboratory analyst

People of this profession can find application in various industries economic activity. The profession of a laboratory analyst involves employment in research laboratories, industrial enterprises, as well as in sanitary and epidemiological surveillance services.

The work consists of checking the quality of raw materials used to produce materials, finished products, as well as production waste and emissions through chemical analysis. Basically, secondary specialized education is sufficient for this job.

On October 2, 2012, an employee with a higher non-medical education (biologist) was hired as a laboratory doctor. He had a specialist certificate in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, which expired in April 2014. Question: Is the employee legally hired for this position? If not, can he be fired and on what grounds?


In accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated July 13, 1989 No. 418 “On approval of the new edition of the List of Higher and Secondary Specialized educational institutions, training and received titles in which give the right to engage in medical and pharmaceutical activities", approved by Appendix 1 to the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated October 21, 1974 No. 990" persons who have received higher education vocational education in the specialty "Biology", they could fill the positions of laboratory doctors in healthcare institutions.

Taking into account the requirements of Order No. 380, despite the fact that the title of the position “laboratory doctor” is retained for biologists hired for these positions before October 1, 1999, the position “laboratory doctor” cannot be reintroduced. An employment contract can be concluded with a specialist with a higher biological education to work as a biologist.

Currently, the qualification requirements for a clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor are as follows:

Higher professional education in the specialty "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Dentistry", "Medical and Preventive Care", "Medical Biophysics", "Medical Biochemistry", "Medical Cybernetics". Internship and/or residency in the specialty “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics” or professional retraining if you have one of the main specialties and (or) a specialty that requires additional training, a specialist certificate in the specialty “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics”, without any work experience requirements.

Thus, we can say that in your situation, the employee should not have been hired as a laboratory clinical diagnostics doctor. There is a violation of the established hiring procedure.

Accordingly, dismissal is possible under clause 11 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with payment to the employee of compensation in the amount of average monthly earnings.

Alternatively, you can enter the position of biologist into the staffing table and transfer the employee to it (which will resolve the conflict that has arisen and will allow you to bring the documents into compliance with the established requirements).

You can also suggest:

    dismiss an employee by agreement of the parties, it is likely that the employee will agree to dismissal under this clause if you pay him certain compensation, which will be provided for in the termination agreement.

This dismissal option is beneficial for the organization. The main advantage of dismissal by mutual agreement is that the employee is unilaterally will not be able to cancel or change the agreement of the parties.

Details in the System materials:

    Legal basis:


Department of Medical Education and personnel policy in healthcare regarding the professional activities of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education holding positions in clinical diagnostic laboratories of medical organizations, reports the following.

In accordance with Article 100 Federal Law Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" the right to carry out medical activities in the Russian Federation is granted to persons who have received a higher or secondary medical education and have a specialist certificate.

The current Nomenclature of Positions for Medical Workers and Pharmaceutical Workers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 20, 2012 N 1183n, includes positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education, including the position of “Biologist”. The title of the position “Laboratory Assistant” is retained in the specified Nomenclature for specialists hired for this position before October 1, 1999.

In accordance with paragraph 13 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 323-FZ, biologists of clinical diagnostic laboratories belong to the category of medical workers whose job responsibilities include carrying out medical activities and performing clinical diagnostic laboratory tests.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 N 541n “On approval of the Unified qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare" the qualification requirements for a specialist holding the position of biologist are the presence of higher professional education in the specialty "Biology", "Biochemistry", "Biophysics", "Genetics", " Microbiology", "Pharmacy" and additional professional education in accordance with the direction of professional activity. In the section " Job responsibilities“The qualification characteristics of a biologist establish a list of basic functions that can be assigned to an employee holding this position.

Thus, persons with higher professional education in the specialties listed above, who have completed appropriate training under additional professional education programs (advanced training with a training duration of up to 500 training hours) in educational institutions additional professional education who have received a state-issued document - a certificate of advanced training, can carry out professional activity as a biologist, periodically improve their qualifications. However, the lack of higher medical education does not allow them to be issued a specialist certificate.

Specialists hired before October 1, 1999 as laboratory doctors can continue their professional activities in these positions without a specialist certificate.

Receipt qualification categories biologists of clinical diagnostic laboratories and/or laboratory doctors is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 25, 2011 N 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers.”

At the same time, issues of formation staffing table medical organization, including the advisability of introducing the position of a biologist and maintaining the position of a laboratory doctor, are within the competence of the head of the institution.

Please note that paragraph 8 of the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 08/03/2012 N 66n “On approval of the Procedure and terms for improvement medical workers and pharmaceutical workers professional knowledge and skills through training in additional professional educational programs in educational and scientific organizations", providing for training under additional professional education programs for workers with professional education that does not correspond qualification characteristics And qualification requirements, the above-mentioned order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia N 541n, but with continuous experience practical work in the relevant specialty for more than 5 years, applies to persons with secondary and/or higher medical and/or pharmaceutical education.

Director of the Department

2.Answer: In what cases is a violation of the rules of imprisonment employment contract may serve as grounds for dismissal of an employee

An employment contract can be terminated if it is drawn up in violation of current legislation (). Provided that these violations exclude the possibility of the employee fulfilling his duties under the employment contract. This is stated in Part 1 of Article 77 and Article 84 Labor Code RF.

Violations of the rules for concluding an employment contract that lead to its termination include the following violations.

1. Concluding an employment contract with an employee, despite a court decision prohibiting him from holding certain positions or engaging in certain activities. Deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities is established for the following period:

    from one to five years as the main type of punishment;

    from six months to three years as an additional punishment.

2. Concluding an employment contract to perform work that is contraindicated for the employee due to health reasons. The fact that a particular job is contraindicated for an employee must be established by a medical report.

3. Lack of documents that confirm his qualifications (education) to perform work that requires special knowledge. Provided that this requirement is established by law. For example, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that persons with the necessary education are allowed to engage in teaching activities. This requirement is confirmed by the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ. This is an educational qualification, which is determined in the manner established Model provisions about educational institutions of the relevant types (see, for example, approved).

4. Conclusion of an employment contract, despite the decision of the court (body, official authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses) about disqualification or other administrative punishment.

Information about disqualified persons can be obtained from the register of disqualified persons, which is formed and maintained by the Federal Tax Service of Russia (Regulations approved). The information contained in the register is public. The deadline for its submission is five days from the date of receipt of the relevant request. This procedure is provided for in paragraphs and of the Regulations approved.

5. Concluding an employment contract in violation of the restrictions established by law on certain types of employment labor activity. For example, it is prohibited to involve persons who have or have had a criminal record for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual, sexual freedom and integrity, family and minors in work activities in the field of education, upbringing, development of minors, organization of their recreation and health improvement, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional system, public and state security ().

6. Other cases provided for by law.

If a violation of the rules for concluding an employment contract occurred through no fault of the employee, then it is necessary:

    offer him another job (like vacant position or a job corresponding to the employee’s qualifications, and a vacant lower position or lower paid job), if any, which he can perform taking into account his state of health. If the employee agrees to new job labor relations with the organization do not end;

    pay severance pay in the amount of actual average monthly earnings if the employee cannot be transferred to a new job (position).

Such rules are established by parts of Article 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If a violation of these rules is due to the fault of an employee, then the organization is not obliged to offer him another job. In this case, severance pay is not paid to the employee. This is stated in Article 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

There are no special rules for making a record of dismissal in the work book on the basis of Part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (approved, approved). Therefore, when dismissing an employee on this basis, work book do not specify which rule of concluding an employment contract was violated. Indicate only parts 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation without reference to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

3.Answer: How to formalize dismissal by agreement between the employee and the organization

An employment contract can be terminated at the mutual request of the organization’s administration and the employee. To do this, the parties must conclude. This procedure is established in Part 1 of Article 77 and in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The agreement can be concluded at any time agreed upon by the parties. There are no clear deadlines for this in the legislation. The agreement cannot be canceled or changed unilaterally. This can only be done by mutual agreement of the parties. This is stated in the resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF dated March 17, 2004 No. 2.

Mandatory terms of the agreement

In the agreement of the parties on termination of the employment contract, indicate:

    termination date labor relations and registration of dismissal;

    the possible amount of severance pay (if the parties agreed on the payment of such compensation);

    the date of the agreement, details and signatures of both parties to the employment contract.

In addition, it must contain a clearly expressed mutual desire of the employee and the employer to terminate the employment relationship.

Advantages of dismissal by agreement of the parties

This dismissal option is beneficial for the organization. The main advantage of dismissal by mutual agreement is that the employee will not be able to unilaterally cancel or change the agreement of the parties. For example, upon dismissal due to at will the employee has this right. During the warning period (two weeks), he can withdraw his application and remain working in the organization (). For more information, see



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