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We check what documents are needed. Recommendations for preparing documents for military registration and reservation

The principles of maintaining military records at an enterprise are regulated by several documents:

  • Federal Law No. 61-FZ of May 31, 1996 “On Defense” (Article 8 “Functions of organizations and responsibilities of their officials in the field of defense”);
  • Federal Law No. 31-FZ of February 26, 1997 “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in Russian Federation"(Article 9 "Obligations of organizations");
  • Regulations on military registration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 of November 27, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

Responsibility for military registration lies with the head of the enterprise (clause 9 of Part I of the Regulations). It is he who decides which employee will be responsible for accounting. The minimum number of authorized persons is determined by the total number of employees registered with the military: up to 500 people - a part-time employee can keep records, up to 2,000 people - one dedicated specialist, up to 4,000 - two, etc.

An order to appoint a responsible person must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office at the location of the enterprise. In addition, submit your plan for organizing military registration of those liable for military service and reservists for approval to the military commissar. It will reflect the necessary activities and functional responsibilities employee responsible for military registration.

We check documents, inspect personal cards

Military registration at the enterprise will have to be organized in several directions at once. Start by checking the authenticity of military registration documents, records of registration at your place of stay or residence, and notes in your passport about your relationship to military service. This applies to several categories of workers at once. We remind you that men are liable for military service:

  • in stock;
  • over 27 years of age who are exempt from military service, have received a deferment or are not called up for other reasons;
  • graduated from military departments at universities;
  • discharged from military service without being registered with the military and subsequently registered with the military commissariats;
  • have completed alternative civil service.

Some women are also subject to registration. The list of "ladies'" specialties is gradually expanding. Since 2016, it has included not only doctors, cartographers, radio operators, but also meteorologists, photo lab assistants, electricians, telegraph operators, etc. Their military registration documents are also subject to careful verification.

The next step is to enter information from military registration documents (military ID and temporary certificate for reservists) into personal cards: change of surname, marital status, etc. For an employee who has reached the age limit for being in the reserve or has been declared unfit for military service by a medical board, indicate in card “Removed from military registration due to age” or “Removed from military registration due to health reasons.”

Do not forget to notify your colleagues about all notices addressed to them from military registration and enlistment offices within three days. The fine for failure to comply with this requirement is from 500 to 1,000 rubles (Article 21.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). In addition, the authorized employee must tell newly hired employees about the procedure for mobilization training, responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements of the law, and the requirements for military registration documents.

We transmit information to the commissariat

The second area of ​​work is constant interaction with military registration and enlistment offices. Transmit information to the commissariat about all violations found in documents: inaccurate or erroneous data, absence of records, pages or even documents, forged military IDs or reserve certificates.

And most importantly, employees who evade military duties must be reported to the commissariats. Otherwise, an administrative fine will be imposed in the amount of 3 to 10 minimum sizes wages.

Submit reports in a timely manner

Every month, the organization must send to the military registration and enlistment offices at their location or local government bodies lists of accepted and dismissed employees who are subject to military registration. Once a year - lists of men who will turn 17 in the next reporting year, as well as several other reports. These include forms No. 6 “Report on the number of working and reserved citizens in reserve”, No. 18 “Primary registration card of the organization”, No. 16 “Plan for replacing specialists called up for military service on mobilization and in wartime”, etc.

In order not to be mistaken in the list of reports and the deadlines for their submission, contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration of the enterprise. You will receive sample documents and instructions on how to fill them out correctly.

We will tell you how to generate reports to military registration and enlistment offices in the Kontur-Personal program in one of the following materials.

The law requires that all employers interested in ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation human resources.

For this purpose, organizations must carry out military registration, instructions for maintaining which in 2018 will be discussed in the article.

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What is it?

Military registration means system for registering all workers subject to conscription based on age unified register data and regularly updating this information.

Thanks to this, the state monitors the accuracy of citizens in fulfilling their duties to the Motherland and effectively monitors cases when a person tries to ignore this responsibility.

When carrying out the personnel procedure the employer relies on norms, enshrined in the federal legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 53-FZ; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 - Regulations on military registration).

It is necessary to take into account which categories of citizens of the Russian Federation are subject to military registration. By law it is:

  • male persons who do not have health restrictions;
  • female persons whose profession is included in the list of annexes to Government Decree No. 719.

Who is not subject to military registration:

Who is in charge?

Who should keep records is not specified in the law. Usually this is a burden in the company entrusted to the personnel department. In this case, you should rely on the number of staff in the organization.

A specialist involved in military registration matters must receive extra pay for this work. They arrange for part-time work, as well as an expansion of service areas or an increase in the required work (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, the employee himself must give written consent to this.

The draft order on the appointment of a candidate, or on his transfer or release from duties, as well as the algorithm of planned measures in this area, the general director must agree with the military commissar.

If the person in charge of the military registration desk is ill or absent for other reasons, the boss will issue a special order assigns his duties to another subordinate and entrusts him with all the accompanying papers.

Sample appointment order (clickable):

Military commissariats and the municipality systematically check the attitude of businessmen to replenishment Armed Forces. An inspection is carried out every twelve months in companies employing over five thousand people. In the rest, inspections occur every three years or more often.

In this case they check:

  • are all employees registered in the military registration office;
  • reliability of information;
  • rules for document preparation;
  • presence of violations.

In accordance with the law, in addition to receipts and reference documents, companies are required to maintain special audit log, signed general director enterprises. The document must be registered, laced and sealed.

Each frame has its own personal card (T-2 and T-2GS).

In turn, HR or the director checks:

  • a mark regarding military duty on a civilian identity card;
  • correctness of completion and authenticity of the provided papers;
  • presence of registration marks;
  • information about previous place work, marital status;
  • temporary or permanent registration.

The candidate's absence of a document relating to his military service is considered legal basis for refusal to cooperate with him.

  • Stock category 1: privates and sergeants, warrant officers and midshipmen up to 35 years old, officers and senior management up to 45-60 years old;
  • Stock category 2: soldiers 35-45 years old, management 45-60 years old;
  • Stock category 3: soldiers 45-50 years old, officers 50-60 years old, women 45-50 years old.

Step-by-step instructions and documents

Competent organization from scratch of military personnel in a company includes the following steps:

For the latter, there are established requirements. Document sheets are presented in the form of a table with columns:

  • date of the event;
  • who is conducting the inspection - last name, first name, patronymic and position;
  • results, shortcomings, evaluation;
  • decision of the director on issues of eliminating deficiencies.

For everyone hired by the company, management is obliged to carefully study the documents, including in relation to military duty.

Candidates liable for military service must have with them military ID or registration certificates. When checking documentation, the personnel service must pay increased attention to the compliance and authenticity of the information contained in the documents.

Watch detailed video on maintaining military records at the enterprise:

The worker's personal card contains:

  • passport information;
  • full job title;
  • data on marital status;
  • education;
  • residential address.

Documentation is usually stored in a special file cabinet.

In employee cards abbreviations often appear, which are not always clear to a specialist in military registration. So, for example, the abbreviation PSS, which denotes ranks, causes a lot of difficulties:

  • officers: employees from lieutenant to colonel;
  • PSS: from junior sergeant to senior warrant officer/midshipman;
  • privates and corporals: soldiers and sailors.

Also, those responsible for accounting often confused in concepts“reserved employees” and “unreserved employees”. Reservations include those who, in the event of general mobilization, are not called up for military action, but remain at their workplace.

Difficulties also arise with what to write in the “ is registered“. Here you should enter information about the type of accounting for which the employee - general or special. The latter includes reserved citizens.

Military IDs and T2 cards are recorded in a special journal. Download the journal form.

Work plan

In small enterprises, where there are less than five hundred people to be accounted for, control over them carried out by one specialist on a part-time basis. How to keep records if there are many more employees?

In large organizations employing up to two thousand military personnel, create a military registration table. In this case, a separate rate is allocated for those dealing with this issue, and if there is a large number of personnel to be accounted for (from two to four thousand), two and then one rate for every subsequent three thousand personnel.

Directors of firms must allocate for accounting duties special rooms and iron cabinets. The costs associated with maintaining military records are borne by the organization's management.

All people whose duties are in one way or another related to accounting are covered in a special order issued by the General Director and agreed with the military commissariat or with the municipality in those administrative units where there are no military registration and enlistment offices.

All actions related to the movement of employees related to military registration are also coordinated with them. The exception is institutions where there is mobilization bodies.

Accounting for potential recruits and “reserves” is carried out using personal cards (form T-2, section 2) or personal cards of civil servants (form T-2GS).

The military registration documents on the basis of which it is carried out include:

  1. certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (a document of the established format, has a cover with the image of the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and a corresponding inscription);
  2. military ID;
  3. certificate instead of a military ID;
  4. temporary certificate.

The military ID is bound in green with the coat of arms and the title: “Russian Federation. Military ID of a reserve officer.” Covers of documents issued before 1994 and 2000 may vary and have the stamp of the USSR and the corresponding inscription.

The certificate is issued only for the purpose of identifying some persons liable for military service who, for some reason, did not have the necessary papers to issue a military ID. It also has the official stamp and seal of the military commissar. But it still doesn’t hurt to send a request there and check.

A temporary certificate is issued for no more than a month. But they extend it to three if the necessary documentation for registration as a “military officer” has not been received in the first thirty days.

In each institution, the HR department issues propaganda and educational stand, dedicated to army service.

Responsibility for violations

Violation of military registration rules is fraught with trouble and a fine for the heads of organizations. Administrative liability threatens for:

  1. Failure to provide data on future recruits to the regulatory authority (up to a thousand rubles);
  2. Silence by directors about calling a subordinate to the commissariat.

The latter is also fraught with small money - up to a thousand rubles. But repeated violations may lead to increased government attention and a higher degree of responsibility.

Maintaining military records is a responsible and time-consuming job that requires increased attention and responsibility on the part of the performer and superiors, as well as additional payment. Just like that, without explaining anything, the head of the company has the right to select and appoint a candidate at his own request, but only in agreement with the applicant himself and the military commissar.

Absolutely all employers have such a duty as organizing military registration, and its purpose is to meet the needs of the state and help manage available resources during hostilities (in wartime). But first of all, you need to study the documents that regulate the procedure for maintaining military records in the organization in 2020.

Currently, military registration in the organization is carried out on the basis of the following legal acts:

  • Federal Law of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ “On Defense”;
  • Federal Law of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 890 “On the organization of work on the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal bodies executive authorities who have reserves and work in government bodies, local governments and organizations";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2010 No. 156 “On approval of the Rules for the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies that have reserves, and who work in government bodies, local governments and organizations”;
  • Instructions for the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies with reserves, and working in state authorities, local governments and organizations, for the period of mobilization and for wartime dated 02/03/2015 No. 664c;
  • Instructions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on maintaining military records in organizations;
  • , approved 07/11/2017.

Officials regularly update regulatory framework, adding new responsibilities to employers. Thus, from October 19, 2019, Government Resolution No. 1302 of October 9, 2019, which changed the wording, came into force. The amendments stipulate that employers are required to use certificates issued instead of military IDs in their work. Organizations had such an obligation before, but there was no mention of the certificate itself in the Regulations on Military Registration. In addition, employers were obliged to check the personal electronic cards of military personnel from citizens applying for work, if the data on their issuance is indicated in the accounting documents.

Another change concerns the obligation to use personal cards in form No. T-2 when working with military personnel. From now on, for these purposes, you should use accounting documents that will be approved by the Russian Ministry of Defense. There are no corresponding forms yet, but they will appear.

Military registration work (MAR) is conventionally divided into the following categories:

  1. General military registration.
  2. Special military registration - reservation of citizens liable for military service who are in the reserve (SGP).

Organization of military registration in the organization. Step by step instructions

Step 1. Appointment of the person responsible for accounting

Maintaining military records in an organization must begin with the issuance of an order and the appointment of a responsible person and persons who will carry out records during the absence of the main responsible person. This work is mainly carried out by personnel department employees, and in small companies - by a manager or even an accountant.

Example of an order

Based on Government Decree No. 719 dated November 27, 2006, those responsible for accounting are appointed based on the following standards:

  • 1 employee performing part-time duties - if there are less than 500 citizens registered with the military;
  • 1 exempt employee - if 500-2000 citizens are registered;
  • 2 exempt employees (military registration table) - if there are from 2000 to 4000 citizens registered with the military;
  • 1 exempt employee for every subsequent 3,000 citizens registered.

A copy of the order on those responsible for registering those liable for military service must be submitted to the local military commissariat (MC). VK must be notified of subsequent changes.

To the employee personnel service or another person must be included in the employment contract and job description relevant duties for maintaining military records.

Step 2. Decide who to work with

All citizens of the Russian Federation are required to be registered with the military (clause 1 of article 8 Federal Law dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ). Exceptions are persons:

  • those undergoing military service;
  • those serving a sentence of imprisonment;
  • female, not having military specialty;
  • permanently residing outside the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Government Decree No. 719, Methodological recommendations for maintaining military records at enterprises, approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2018, it is necessary to take into account:

  • men of military age (18-27 years old) not enrolled in the reserves;
  • male representatives in reserve;
  • employees who studied at military departments in educational institutions vocational education;
  • persons exempt from conscription;
  • men over 27 years of age who did not complete service due to deferment;
  • citizens discharged from the army;
  • workers who served alternatively;
  • women who received military specialties.

If it turns out that the employee is not registered with the military, although he should, the employer will have to notify the military commissariat about such a citizen within two weeks. A new obligation appeared for companies on February 17, 2019, when Federal Law No. 8-FZ dated February 6, 2019 came into force. Another duty is to give the employee a referral to the military registration and enlistment office for military registration. The form of this document was approved by joint Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated September 10, 2007 No. 366/789/197. The direction looks like this:

Reverse side

Please note that the employer is obliged to maintain military records, including employees - external part-time workers. All rules apply to them.

If the organization carries out reservations for citizens who are in the reserve, then, in addition to general military registration, special registration is also carried out. For this purpose, documents are additionally developed and maintained in accordance with the appendices to Instruction No. 664c dated 02/03/2015.

Step 3. Contact your local commissioner

If military registration at the enterprise has not been kept before or the company has been created recently, first you need to arrange a meeting at the local military commissariat. VK employees are ready to conduct an introductory briefing on the topic of military registration, issue guidelines and the necessary forms and advise the responsible officer on complex or controversial issues in this case.

Military registration and reservation in an organization that is a branch is maintained at its location. If this is not possible and if necessary, the data is transmitted by mail from the head office.

Document flow for military accounting work

The company where the accounting is carried out provides in VK:

  • information about hired or dismissed citizens who are or are required to be registered with the military (within two weeks);
  • lists of men who will turn 17 next year (every year - before November 1), and annually in September - lists of young people 15 and 16 years old.

The main military registration documents, on the basis of which section II of the personal card of form No. T-2 is filled out, are:

  • for citizens in the reserve - a military ID (temporary certificate issued instead of a military ID, a certificate instead of a military ID);
  • for citizens subject to conscription for military service - a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service.

The employing company is required to create and maintain the following accounting documents:

  • order on the organization of military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve;
  • work plan for maintaining military records and booking citizens in reserve;
  • a card file of personal cards of forms No. T-2 and No. T-2 GS for citizens in the reserve and citizens subject to conscription for military service. Form T-2 for these purposes is planned to be canceled soon or transferred to electronic format, keep an eye out for amendments to the legislation;
  • a log of checks on the state of military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserve;
  • receipts for receipt of military registration documents and counterfoils from them;
  • organization registration card (KUO form No. 18);
  • other documents in accordance with the requirements established by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and heads of enterprises.

In addition, the employer is obliged to conduct explanatory work with employees subject to registration. In accordance with paragraph 27 of the Methodological Recommendations, employees must be provided, among other things, with background information on mobilization and preparation for it.

Modern software products allow you to automate part of the VUR, generate and print various documents on military registration.

Practical part

When hiring, in accordance with Article 65 of the Labor Code, the applicant is required to present a military ID, temporary certificate or certificate in lieu of it. In practice, candidates sometimes evade this obligation, citing the fact that the military ID is in the military registration and enlistment office, is lost, forms are missing, etc. In this case, the employer has the right to refuse the conclusion employment contract with the applicant, at least until all documents are submitted. The employer can meet halfway and take a written receipt from the future employee, which indicates the deadline for submitting the document.

Another option is to independently contact the military registration and enlistment office at the employee’s place of registration with a request about his status or with information about the lack of appropriate documents and marks in an already accepted employee.

In any case, the absence of a military ID must be recorded in writing in order to protect the company from administrative liability for violating the requirements of the law on registration of military personnel.

When concluding an employment contract, the employer is obliged to check the presence of a mark of registration in the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence in the passport, a valid military ID or registration certificate. Nonresident workers are required to report to the military registration and enlistment office within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of temporary registration. If temporary registration is for a period of more than three months, then attendance at the military registration and enlistment office is mandatory.

From October 19, 2019, the availability and authenticity of personal electronic cards are subject to mandatory control if the documents indicate that they have been issued.

The responsible person makes a copy or scans the military ID (replacing it) in full or from all pages on which there are entries.

Reservation of citizens in reserve (GPZ)

Step-by-step instructions for maintaining military records in organizations include the following: separate direction as a reservation for citizens staying in reserve. Its goal is to provide personnel labor resources during mobilization and wartime. Reservation consists of providing citizens in the reserve (managers, specialists, highly qualified personnel) with a deferment from conscription for military service in wartime.

Reserved citizens who are in the reserve are subject to registration, but they are exempt from conscription for military service upon mobilization and subsequent conscription in wartime for the duration of the deferment granted, and from conscription for military training.

Regulatory and methodological support and control over this is carried out by the Interdepartmental Commission of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies that have reserves and work in government bodies, local governments and private companies.

To reserve citizens in reserve, the employer is sent approved lists of positions and professions (extracts from the lists) and extracts from regulatory documents.

Relevant decisions are made at meetings of the mobilization commission in the special events department (in the administration municipality) with the direct participation of a representative of the VC department. Subsequently this decision is brought to the enterprise by handing it over to an authorized person of the employer against signature.

Form No. 4 (certificate of deferment) with a power of attorney from the enterprise is issued at the local VC. Workers are booked according to a special list, which specifies the requirements for the GPP - profession, age, rank. After selecting qualified personnel in the company's staff, you must fill out a form.

Reporting for employers

Companies provide accounting reports:

  • to federal government agencies or head office;
  • to the city commission for the reservation of citizens in reserve;
  • to the department of the military commissariat at the location (legal address) of the company.

Annual reporting documents on the status of work on booking the gas processing plant are:

  • a report on the number of working and selected citizens in reserve, compiled according to Form No. 6;
  • report (explanatory note) on the state of work in this area for the reporting period;
  • registration card (form No. 18).

Reports are compiled as of December 31 of the reporting year and must contain complete and reliable information.

Enterprises that do not make reservations provide Form No. 18 as a report.

Monitoring the implementation of legislation

Check in large companies(more than 500 employees) is held once a year. Inspections for small enterprises (less than 500 people) are carried out once every 3 years. The regularity of checks largely depends on the activity of the local VK, so it is safer to fill out everything in a timely manner necessary documents accounting and carry out planned activities.

Inspections are carried out by representatives of the military registration and enlistment office or local government bodies. They must evaluate the military registration work of a legal entity for compliance with the requirements Russian legislation. In addition, they control the accuracy and completeness of the documents provided (after gaining access to employees’ personal cards and work plans). The results of the inspection are reflected in a special journal in the form of an assessment.

Refusal to comply with the requirements of the law may result in liability on the grounds. In accordance with , failure to provide a manager or other official the employer and the official of the local government responsible for the VUR, in deadline lists of citizens subject to initial military registration shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 300 to 1000 rubles.

“The City of Belgorod” for the reservation of citizens in reserve, based on the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the organization of military registration in organizations in order to streamline the work on military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve working in territorial bodies of federal executive bodies authorities, in state bodies of the region, local governments and organizations (hereinafter referred to as organizations).

Employees of organizations responsible for carrying out military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserve should be guided by these recommendations when preparing military registration documents.

All files, books and accounting journals must be included in the Nomenclature of Files (Books, Journals), which is signed by the person responsible for military accounting work and approved by the head of the organization.



for 20____ year

Case index

(books, magazines)

Case name

(books, magazines)

cases (volumes, parts)

storage of the case and article number according to List 1




Log of inspections of military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve

Journal of incoming documents for military registration

Journal of outgoing documents for military registration

Office work on military registration issues

Journal for sending citizens in the reserves to VKBO departments in the absence of marks in military registration documents

Logbook for notifying citizens in reserve about calls to VKBO departments

Book on registration of special military registration forms

Book of registration of transfer of special military registration forms, military IDs and personal cards

1Sm: Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 N 558 “On approval of the List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods.”

Responsible for VUR: __________________________ ____________________

(signature) ()

All documents must be formed into separate folders and included in the internal inventory of folders. The numbering, name and contents of folders are given in the table


Folder name

Documents in the folder

Military registration is the mandatory registration of all military personnel. Let's take a step-by-step look at maintaining military records in an organization.

Organization of military registration and its purpose

Keeping such records is a mandatory and quite important point in the work of any legal entity. Art. speaks about this. 8 of Federal Law No. 61-FZ of May 31, 1996. The maintenance of papers for employees liable for military service is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 of November 27, 2006 (as amended on June 27, 2017). Military registration and enlistment offices regularly check record keeping, and fines are imposed for each identified point (Chapter 21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The goals of maintaining this type of accounting are formulated in paragraph 2 of Regulation No. 719:

  1. In quiet periods of life, accounting is ensuring the fulfillment of military duty by every person who must fulfill it, monitoring that the ranks of the armed forces are filled with military personnel.
  2. But during a military situation, the registration of those liable for military service is intended to help mobilize everyone in a timely manner necessary persons and fill government structures with the necessary labor resources.

To achieve these goals, the state must have up-to-date information about conscripts, and the relevance of this information is ensured by the employer by keeping records of these persons.

The objectives of military registration are:

  • compliance by citizens with their military duties, provided for by law, the impossibility of hiding from the performance of public duty;
  • correct documentation accounting;
  • analysis of the qualitative and quantitative composition of resources intended to protect the state and society.

The following categories of persons are subject to registration (clause 14 of Resolution No. 719): men aged 18 to 27 years who are required to register with the commissariats at their place of residence and are not in the reserves (conscripts), as well as citizens in the reserves ( persons liable for military service).

The law includes among the latter women with military specialties, as well as men who:

  • are in stock;
  • discharged from military service and enlisted in the reserves;
  • completed training to become reserve officers;
  • did not complete military service for various reasons before the age of 27;
  • completed alternative service.

There is no need to keep military records, for example, for employees exempt from military duties (limitedly fit, unfit, served in another state), undergoing civilian alternative service, or permanently residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation. Officers who are in the reserves of the SVR of Russia or the FSB of Russia, women, if they do not have a military specialty, are not subject to registration.

We have compiled step-by-step instructions for organizing military registration in an organization; it will help you understand the nuances of the procedure.

Who is involved in military registration?

The following are responsible for maintaining documentation for registering those liable for military service at an enterprise of state or municipal ownership:

  1. Director of the organization.
  2. Head of the HR department (or his deputy).
  3. Clerk, secretary.

The best way to maintain records is to create a military registration table (MRT), but in small organizations this is unrealistic. It is created when the institution employs from 2000 to 4000 people who are subject to military registration. In this case, two people are allocated for this work. In small organizations, the responsibility falls on one of the HR department employees.

Regardless of the presence of a military registration table, those responsible for registration perform the following tasks.

  1. Maintain documentation of conscripts and military personnel from the enterprise personnel.
  2. Ensure that enterprise personnel fulfill military duties prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation.
  3. Documentation of information about employees liable for military service.
  4. Interact with departments of the commissariat, government and municipal authorities on various issues.

Military registration in an organization: step-by-step instructions for 2020

This instruction is intended to help in maintaining military records in organizations in 2020 for organizations with state or municipal ownership.

Step 1. We identify and appoint responsible persons.

Military registration and reservation in the organization, as well as the appointment of persons responsible for the implementation of these procedures, are prescribed in the order of the director of the enterprise. The order is issued every year. The form of this paper is proposed in the “Methodological recommendations for maintaining military records in organizations” (Approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) dated July 11, 2017

Step 2. We develop a work plan for military registration and reservation.

It includes the name of each activity, deadlines, responsible persons and performance marks. The marks are certified by the signature of the responsible person.

Step 3. Create a check log.

This is a mandatory document approved by law. It contains data on inspections in this area, violations identified and instructions to eliminate violations.

Step 4. We are developing regulations on military registration records.

The document is intended to streamline document flow in this area at the state or municipal enterprise. A sample position structure should include:

  1. General provisions (what the document is intended for, what points are present in it and what they regulate).
  2. Documentation requirements.
  3. Rules for preparing documents (indicate which papers must be certified by the signatures of responsible persons, whether forms can be filled out by hand).
  4. Information about the person responsible for registration, maintenance and storage of papers for military personnel, as well as his functions.
  5. Rules and procedures for working with documents (when to fill out papers, when to transfer them to external authorities).
  6. The procedure for storing and transferring papers to the archive.

Step 5. Fill out the primary documents for employment.

When hiring employees government organization primary documents are filled out on them (Chapter II, paragraph 17 of Resolution No. 719):

  1. Registration cards (for conscripts).
  2. Registration and alphabetical cards (for warrant officers, midshipmen, foremen, sergeants, reserve soldiers and sailors).
  3. Primary registration cards (for officers).
  4. Personal cards (form T-2) containing general information, information about military registration, employment and transfers, certifications, advanced training, awards, vocational training, vacations, social benefits, dismissal.

If previously the company did not keep paperwork for employees that need to be kept records, these documents are filled out for current employees.

Step 6. Set up the stand.

Persons responsible for maintaining records of military personnel usually keep background information on this issue in folders. However, it is better to set up an information stand. It clearly demonstrates the main points:

  • on the reservation of military personnel;
  • on the goals and objectives of registration, maintenance and storage of documentation on military personnel;
  • about responsibilities;
  • about offenses;
  • and an important announcement for citizens liable for military service

There are no requirements for stand design. Here is an example of what it might look like at a state-owned enterprise:

Legislation on military registration

Maintaining documentation for military personnel in government institutions is based on the “Methodological recommendations for maintaining military records in organizations” (Approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) dated April 11, 2008 and includes:

  1. Control over the presence in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation who are accepted for positions in the organization, marks of military duty.
  2. Filling out personal cards (form T-2) based on entries in other documents.
  3. Explain to employees how to perform their military duties.
  4. Informing military commissariats about all changes in information in the passports of employees of the organization for which records are kept, and violations.
  5. Sending within 2 weeks to military commissariats information about citizens liable for military service who have been hired or dismissed.
  6. Annual data reconciliation.
  7. Notifying employees about calls to military registration and enlistment offices and ensuring their attendance.

The form of personal card for employees of the T-2 enterprise is proposed by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1. Our instructions for maintaining military records in organizations include filling out this form.

How is military registration checked?

Verification of military registration is carried out by the military registration and enlistment office or local government bodies. In companies with more than 500 employees, inspections are usually carried out once a year. In small legal entities inspections can be carried out no more than once every three years.

Accounting inspectors, in particular, will be interested in the following documents:

  • order on maintaining military records;
  • work plan for maintaining military records;
  • personal cards of citizens using which records are kept;
  • record keeping audit log;
  • receipt of receipt of military registration documents from citizens;
  • official paperwork on the issue of maintaining military records.

When checking the accuracy of accounting, the supervisory authority evaluates:

  • implementation and organization of military registration in the company;
  • completeness and accuracy of the information contained in the personal cards of employees, according to which records are kept.

The results of checking the maintenance of military records are entered into the journal.

Military registration reporting

Specialist, labor function which is the maintenance of military records, provides the following reports to the military registration and enlistment office:

  1. For hired or dismissed employees subject to military registration - within 2 weeks.
  2. For employees who are registered with the military or are required to be registered with the military - within 2 weeks from receipt of the request.
  3. For males aged 15 and 16 years - once a year in September.
  4. For males registering for the next year - once a year until November 1

Responsibility of the organization

If an enterprise does not keep records of employees liable for military service and does not transmit data to military commissariats, it faces fines. Clause 21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes their sizes depending on the violation, form of ownership and direction of activity of the enterprise.

Administrative liability for failure to maintain military records can be borne by both the head of the company and the person appointed responsible for its maintenance. A person authorized by the military registration and enlistment office issues a fine:

  • if an employee of the state structure of medical and social examination did not send information about disabled employees liable for military service to the military commissariat within the prescribed period - a fine of 300-500 rubles;
  • if an employee of the civil registry office did not send information about the changes to the commissariat - a fine of 300-500 rubles;
  • if the person responsible for maintaining documentation did not provide the commissariat with information about hired (or dismissed) citizens liable for military service - a fine of 300-1000 rubles.

Reservation of citizens staying in reserve

The procedure allows you to provide personnel (managers, specialists, highly qualified personnel) to enterprises in wartime and during the period when mobilization is announced. Citizens have a deferment from conscription for military service upon mobilization, in wartime, from conscription for military training.

To reserve citizens, a special mobilization commission is created, which is created local authority municipality. They decide on the list of professions, age, and rank. Next, lists of positions are sent to the employer. Delivered to the responsible person against signature. The employer, in turn, selects the appropriate personnel from the company’s staff and fills out a special form.

If an organization makes reservations for citizens, the organization must maintain additional documentation. For example, related to the issuance and accounting of deferment certificates (the company receives this strict reporting form at the military registration and enlistment office), as well as an action plan for the delivery of these certificates. There is no approved plan form. The company develops it independently.

How to control

The status of reservation work is monitored at least once every three years.



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