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Register on the PR exchange in contact. High-quality promotion of VKontakte projects using advertising exchanges

Greetings! Today we continue the topic of Internet marketing and proper promotion their projects. In previous articles, I said that the most promising way to promote goods, services and any other things is SMM promotion. It is advertising in social networks is able to give maximum impact and attract the maximum number of users to your projects. Just think about it, VKontakte alone managed to gather an audience of 80 million people, and this number is growing daily. Since we have a sufficient flow of people, all that remains is to attract them to our trading pages and platforms. How to do this? Of course, with the help advertising! Since today we have the opportunity to use specialized services to promote our websites, blogs, online stores and groups on social networks, finding a successful and effective place for promotion is much easier. The VKontakte advertising exchange alone is ready to find you the most suitable places to place your ads and attract new traffic to your projects. Today we will talk about how this structure works and how to use its services.

A short tour of the VKontakte exchange

First of all, let's find out what is advertising exchange, because it is unlikely that it has anything in common with the currency or stock exchanges, where brokers constantly shout something, constantly sell and buy, periodically waving a pile of papers.

In the case of the VKontakte exchange, we work with a regular website where we can place our advertisements in VK public pages, offer our own group as a platform for promotion, compare prices for ads in different communities, and evaluate coverage advertising posts. The main task of the VKontakte exchange is to balancing the advertising market.

Remember how quite recently the prices for advertising posts in different groups were not burdened with anything, were not limited or regulated. The emergence of the exchange made it possible to calm down this chaos, bring advertising prices to a weighted average and, thereby, help advertisers plan their budget, calculate the return on investment and their effectiveness. In my opinion, with the advent of the exchange, the advertising market began to develop much faster. Analyzing the work of the exchange, we can note the following: dignity:

  1. Price balancing for publication advertisements
  2. Possibility of carrying out comparative analysis several sites, getting statistics
  3. Automation of monitoring the presence of advertisements on the sites. Guaranteed fulfillment of transaction terms

In general, the VKontakte PR exchange can be safely considered the main method of SMM promotion and a guarantor of the development of the advertising industry as such.

The main ways to place your advertising on VK

Since many social media users are looking for options today, the question competent and efficient project promotion is more pressing than ever. In this regard, it seems to me that it makes sense to talk about the main working methods of promotion on social networks.

Official exchange operating instructions

So, this information will be interesting and useful to those who are concerned about how to make money from a VKontakte group. For quite a long time, community administrators and advertisers have been patiently waiting for the VKontakte group exchange to appear. Since today we no longer need to repeat the experience of the world famous Hachiko, let's figure it out, what does the exchange look like and how does it work?.

As the owner of a large public or community, you have the opportunity to make good money from advertising. To do this, you need to list your group on the exchange and invite other users to place advertising posts on your site. Those of you who have no idea how to get on the exchange can take advantage of quite simple and straightforward instructions to connect the community to the promotion service:

Post cost calculation

You need to understand how much advertising in VK groups actually costs, because if the price of posting a post is too high, users simply will not use the services of your site. The VKontakte commission is almost 48% of the price you set at the start. That is, total cost your post for the customer will be:

(The price you specified / (100 – 20 (commission amount))) * 100 * 1.18 (VAT) = price*1,475

Once again I draw your attention: social network commission is 47.5% from the cost of placement specified by the group administrator. Thus, it turns out that the cost of the post for the customer is simply gigantic.

Rules for posting and displaying posts

If you are interested in how to order advertising for your project through the VK exchange, then you need to know about rules for placing advertising posts. In accordance with these rules, by analogy with the purchase of advertising under informal agreements with group administrators directly, advertising is assigned to the top of the public for exactly one hour, and after that it stays in the feed for a day. It is physically impossible to circumvent this rule and break it.

Remember that in the " Advertising Exchange"you should indicate the topic of the community, in which you would like to place your advertising post. There you can write comments to advertisers. The text will be available to everyone in the list of advertising platforms.

In one day you can post up to 5 advertising posts, but no more. You will find more detailed information about the rules of interaction with the exchange follow the link .

What do you need to know when starting to work with the stock exchange?

Those who are interested in promoting a VKontakte group on their own should know: the principle of operation of the exchange is in many ways similar to targeted advertising. The only difference is that in the case of the VKontakte service, there is also additional selection specific platforms for posting. You submit applications to these groups and either get rejected or your posts are approved and published. In addition, on the exchange you have the opportunity to independently choose the type of advertising message - a repost of an existing post in your public page or a new post on behalf of the group in which you are promoting your project.

Personally, I really liked that each individual post has its own statistics. Thanks to it, you can find out how many people viewed your ad, how many clicked on the link, and the like.

In order for your advertising to give maximum impact, it is very important choose the right place to place it. The effectiveness of your promotion depends on which communities your post will appear in. To choose the right sites for promotion, I advise you to read my article on. In it you will find detailed instructions on selecting effective public pages for advertising your project or product.

How profitable is it to use the VKontakte exchange?

The undoubted advantages of the service are:

I must admit that the exchange is equally friendly with both advertisers and community administrators. Thanks to this system, you can no longer worry about the quality of promotion of your project, because for a certain amount of money they will do all the work for you. In addition, the exchange solves the problem of making money on existing pages. All you have to do is find out and give it a good spin. If you already have a group, but are having difficulties with promotion, I advise you to use the help that will make your project popular and in demand.

As for the shortcomings of the system, here I would note high cost services. In my opinion, 48% commission is just a robbery! In addition, you do not have access to all public pages of the network, but only to those that have a daily reach of over 20 thousand people.

If we talk about the benefits received by advertisers who have asked for astronomical prices, then the conditions are indeed very attractive. However, in this case, it will be much more profitable for customers to use services that are already familiar to them, like Sociate or Plibber, which have already developed a huge database of communities for posting posts. In addition, there is always the opportunity to go around and contact community administrators directly without overpaying for exchange services. Let's find out what alternatives we have, and how to make VKontakte advertising cheaper and without losing quality and efficiency.

Alternative services

So, let’s assume that the offer from the contact exchange turned out to be too expensive for us, but we still need advertising. What to do and where to run? Of course, to specialized services for placing advertising posts. Among the most popular exchanges that I would advise you to work with, I would like to highlight:

  • Sociate – the system provides the opportunity to independently select sites for advertising, while avoiding direct contact with the owners of the selected communities. In this case, the exchange acts as an intermediary who takes control of payment and timeliness of posting. I talked about how to work with this system in a separate article. If you need instructions, I strongly advise you to read this review
  • Plibber.ru — an analogue of Sociate, which provides a high-quality selection of platforms for advertising. The main advantage of the service is the provision detailed reports for all advertising placements
  • webartex - This article marketing service, here you can order advertising. The system has quite large assortment tools for promotion and offers advertisers to use an expanded set of filters for selecting advertising platforms

We buy advertising space without intermediaries

Despite the fact that working with specialized services allows you to save on purchasing space for advertising posts, this interaction option is still not the cheapest. If you are working with a very limited budget, then it makes sense for you contact community administrators directly, in which you want to place your posts. This type of interaction remains the most popular and widespread today.

You just need to select the communities in which you would like to promote your projects, write to the administration of these groups, stipulating the conditions for posting posts, the cost of the service, and then prepare the post itself for placement. Perhaps some of you don’t know how to set up VKontakte advertising and write a high-quality and enticing ad. In this case, you can ask the public administrator to do this work for you for a fee.

Features of the method

When choosing a platform to post, remember these important points:


In conclusion, I just want to add that social networks are powerful springboard for promotion goods, services and various kinds of projects. If you are still in doubt whether to use VKontakte advertising or not, throw aside all your suspiciousness and get down to business. Remember that almost all major projects have their own pages on social networks! Start promoting your projects right now, don’t put it off for a long time. I wish you effective advertising, huge traffic and good luck. See you soon, friends!

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There are many different sites where you can make money from likes and boost, but I want to talk about best exchanges of likes VKontakte. Which are really worth using.

The best like exchanges on VKontakte

Below I have compiled a list of the best VKontakte like exchanges. I've tried over 100 different services, but I consider these 5 to be the best in the business!

ExchangeLikesPrice per likeRating
1 Many0.5 rub.
2 Many25 points
3 Few0.6 rub.
4 Average0.2 rub.
5 Average1 point

Attention: below you will find an annotation for each like exchange, where there is an explanation of why they are the best.

best exchange likes on VKontakte, where there are hundreds of thousands of tasks for which real money is paid. For a simple like of a picture or post you can get from 0.1 to 2 rubles!

In order to see a lot of tasks in this exchange, I recommend setting the city of Moscow and the age of 18 years. And then in just a week you will get more than 7,000 rubles!

is one of the largest social task exchanges. If you have a task or to get a lot of likes yourself, then this is the best service!

The fact is that BossLike has a lot of expensive tasks, where points quickly accumulate, after which you can create your own tasks, but at a lower price.

3. QComment

is a task exchange where the richest webmasters are located, they are ready to buy likes for posts for 0.4-2 rubles. That is, for 100 likes you will already have 40-200 rubles in your feed!

This exchange is famous for the high quality of performers and in order to see all the tasks, you will have to have at least 200 friends and a fully completed VKontakte profile.

- a new generation exchange, where there are many social tasks and good pay for them. In an hour I can collect up to 2 euros on different tasks. And the payment for a like is 20 kopecks.

5. VkMix

- one of the most popular sites for increasing subscribers and likes on VKontakte. Therefore, there are always a lot of tasks where you are paid with points for which you can order your own boost.

To ensure that you do not encounter problems on like exchanges, I want to give 3 valuable tips:

  1. VKontakte bans for excessive activity, so try not to put more than 50 likes per day;
  2. Perform only the most expensive tasks, do not forget that they pay 2 times more for reposts than for likes;
  3. Be sure to fill out your profile completely and promote your account to 200 friends (this is useful).

I hope this short article will help you make money and boost your earnings, if you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments. I will definitely answer them.

In order to promote your own page or group, attract new members, create target audience, you can use various methods. One of the current options is the VK PR exchange, which allows you to increase the number of friends, likes, subscribers, comments, reposts and other basic necessary parameters. Exchanges can also be used to find suitable platforms for advertising.

What are VK PR exchanges?

PR exchange is convenient online service, which allows you to comprehensively promote and promote any page on the VK social network: personal, public, as well as a group. Exchanges can be used both paid and free. Moreover, in the first case, you can get by with small expenses to get real subscribers and potential clients. Just one high-quality suitable advertising exchange in VK can help the user find the most profitable places to publish ads and increase the traffic of your projects.

In fact, the VKontakte exchange is an ordinary website, in no way similar to stock and currency exchanges. On this site you can place your own advertisement and select suitable social network publics for its publication. On these same exchanges, you can offer your own group as an advertising platform for posting ads, thereby providing yourself with a stable income.

However, not all groups can be included in the existing list. Exchanges conduct strict selection. Another feature of such exchanges is that each advertiser can evaluate the coverage of advertising posts, immediately familiarize themselves with prices, quantitative indicators of the audience and additional information. The main task performed by the VKontakte exchange is balancing the advertising market.

How to use PR exchanges in VK: TOP 5 exchanges

Having carefully looked at the market, who is offering what at the moment and what kind of competition there is in the field, we have compiled the top five TOP exchanges:

Functionality of the Snebes service: secure exchange of various actions with other users on the exchange, promotion and promotion from scratch, increasing the number of friends/subscribers, recruiting participants for a survey, safety of performing actions, increasing likes/comments/reposts and other indicators. The cost depends on the number of points purchased; you can purchase from 1500 to 500 thousand points. There is a system of bonuses for purchases, the price starts from 50 rubles and ends at 14,990 rubles.

Pros and cons of using PR exchanges in VK

  • Balancing prices for advertising and announcements, the ability to immediately evaluate all existing offers and compare prices.
  • Preliminary assessment of statistics and basic parameters of communities, including audience coverage, as well as ample opportunities to conduct a comparative analysis of the main parameters and indicators.
  • Guarantee of fulfillment of the terms of the transaction, that is, placement of an advertisement.
  • Automation of monitoring for the presence of advertisements on advertisers’ sites.
  • Possibility of refusing to publish advertisements without explanation.
  • Enough high prices on popular platforms and TOP leaders vk.
  • Significant time investment on exchanges where you can accumulate points for free.

Possible problems when using PR exchanges

Main difficulties:

  • The number of subscribers does not increase, they do not respond to advertisements - it is necessary to rewrite the advertisement itself, make the description of the group or page selling/catchy/intriguing. Put yourself in the client’s shoes and think about whether you would want to click on the advertising link.
  • Account blocking – even works through exchanges; no user is safe from blocking. Users may frequently click on the “this is spam” button, and as a result, the account will be blocked. To do this, you need to contact technical support and resolve this issue.

  • It is impossible to place an advertising message through the exchange - you need to make sure that you have not exceeded the limit of 3 advertising messages per day, try to refresh the page.
  • It is not possible to post other news in the community - this happens after publishing an advertising message for an hour; neither the manual method nor the use of timers can help solve this problem. If you cannot place an entry that has passed through the exchange, you need to check for pending entries for the next hour.


The VKontakte social network is a powerful multi-million-dollar springboard for PR of your own groups and publics, promotion of services, goods and various projects. The exchange is a very convenient tool that makes it easier to find specific places to place advertisements and allows you to increase the flow of key indicators. In addition, it is on exchanges that you can immediately get acquainted with the main indicators of the public and group, study their statistics in detail, which increases the efficiency of the return on advertising.

This service allows you to promote your pages, groups, posts and photos on the VKontakte social network. The exchange operates on the principle of mutual exchange: all users can exchange likes and reposts with each other.

Thanks to the site, every Internet user can promote their VKontakte profile or group completely free of charge. From this article you will learn how to use the snebes.ru PR exchange: how to like other users and how to submit your own tasks through your personal account.

How to use the snebes.ru exchange

To be able to submit your own tasks for boosting VK, you need to earn or buy points.

Cheat on VKontakte

User rating

The exchange has a user rating. The rating increases by one point after each completed task. After 50 completed tasks, a daily bonus will become available to you - these are free points that are awarded for daily visits personal account on snebes.ru. The amount of the daily bonus directly depends on the rating. The higher it is, the more free bonuses you can receive on your balance.

VIP status is an additional paid service for users of the site snebes.ru. To purchase VIP status, select the number of days for which you want to buy it and pay for the service without commission. After paying for VIP status, you will receive additional privileges: a double daily bonus, additional points for completing tasks and you will not have to enter the code from the picture.

Affiliate program

The exchange has an affiliate program: for each referral you can earn 30% of his income. If a referral completes tasks worth 300 points, then 100 of them will go to your balance. They can also be used to pay for tasks to boost VKontakte or transferred to other users.

To invite referrals, you can use a special affiliate link or a ready-made banner. To do this, you need to download the picture by right-clicking on it. Save it on your computer and post it on the Internet. The most in effective ways For invitations to the PR exchange snebes.ru there are thematic forums, own websites, social networks, and a YouTube channel.

Reviews about the exchange

Snebes ru is a very popular service for boosting VKontakte, so it is not difficult to find real user reviews about the site. Generally speaking, most users are satisfied with the opportunities that the exchange provides. Get acquainted with real reviews You can see the photo below.

Bot for Snebes

To complete tasks on the snebes.ru service, you can download a special bot. The snebes.ru exchange itself does not provide such a bot. But on the Internet there is an offer to download the free Snebes bot with the following functionality.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! The matter is not limited to the projects described in the article, right? Surely there are still a considerable number of services with good capabilities?

Today I plan to highlight just the time-tested exchange and PR exchange called Vprka. Based on the design, you can’t immediately tell that this is an advanced exchange for paid promotion (more like an ordinary salesperson of some information course), but the fact remains a fact.

Vprka - how you can make money on the PR exchange

The selection is good, but the number of orders is limited:

The payment here, naturally, is several times higher, and the price is not always proportional to the complexity: voting or downloading applications does not require special work:

Any task can be viewed first and then completed. To avoid various kinds of problems, before executing, return to Vprka and click on the button again, which will change from “View” to “Subscribe” or something else:

The same thing happens with the earnings marked on the button following the quests, although now you need to log in to VK again through the PR exchange, it is not clear, however, why this is needed.

Earnings in Vprka on the currency exchange

The dollar/ruble, of course, is a problematic currency, making sharp price jumps, complicated by gaps. Prices have been in the corridor for a long time, now there seems to be a downward trend. Most likely, the recession will sooner or later end in good growth (because the Central Bank is buying up dollars, and it does this in order to later sell them to the population at exorbitant prices).

*click on the picture to open it full size in a new window

In general, if you want to try to make money, try it. The advantage of Vprka is the absence of killer spreads on the USD/RUB pair, but whether there are prospects or not for the rest is difficult to say...

Affiliate program, withdrawal of money and lottery in the Vprka PR exchange

Other innovation this PR exchange concerns affiliate program. To make money from the referral network, you need to join the “Club”. More precisely, you can get a referral link without this to attract users to Vprka itself, but by joining the club you can still receive additional payments from those who join the club using the link received there.

Membership is not free, it costs exactly 100 rubles, but in exchange they will give you a free coupon for participation in the lottery, which you can read about below.

After joining you can start receive interest from referrals, whom you invite yourself, or from those people whom the project will give you, because each new user is automatically transferred into the possession of a referrer from the club in turn. Vprka motivates referrers with the opportunity to earn a million, but so far no one seems to have succeeded:

Minimum withdrawal amount– 50 rubles, it doesn’t take long to collect. There is only one option for withdrawal - . Usually the money comes quickly, there are no delays.

Please note that earnings on the site are calculated in rubles and in chips:

Rubles can be exchanged for chips, but reverse transactions are prohibited. Chips are needed to participate in lotteries: if you are a gambling person and believe in luck, why not try it. 500 chips are exchanged for one coupon, which participates in the prize draw. Reviews on the Internet, unfortunately, do not indicate that anyone has ever won the prize.

There is also a more democratic method - the tab “ Lottery» in the right menu. Here, for ten rubles you must enter a combination of numbers, there can be from six to eight in total. Winning conditions:

  1. If you guess two numbers from those declared by the administration, you get ten rubles.
  2. Guessing three numbers brings you 100 rubles.
  3. 4 correct numbers – 1000 rubles.
  4. 5 correct numbers - BMW X1 crossover.

The form to fill out looks like this:

The game’s “lure” doesn’t end there – there is also “ Auction" and "Bets". In principle, it is not difficult to win an auction if you have a large amount of money in your account, earned, of course, not from clicks. At first, a certain lot is set, then participants increase it according to the principle “Who will offer more?” If you hold out for five minutes with the maximum bet that no one can beat, you will take the entire bank for yourself.

IN " Bets» certain amounts are contributed to any sports teams that will compete in the near future. If your team wins, you will make money; if your team loses, you will lose money.

Advertisers on the Vprka PR exchange feel quite comfortable and successfully publish tasks for a wide audience (there are no such monstrous commissions as on, in particular). You are allowed to request no more than 300 executions per task per day:

Payment is adequate:

But in general

This concludes my review PR exchange Vprka, in principle, we have considered the main ways of earning money and the conditions for cashing out money. I have not found any evidence of fraud on the Internet, although many people complain about being paid a pittance.

If you want to get a little more by performing simple actions, read about, where the payment on services for downloading a program is ten to twenty times higher than the cost of the tasks performed here.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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