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The meaning of the word "bird" The meaning of the word “bird” Phraseologism important bird

please tell me a few phraseological units about birds) and got the best answer

Answer from Elena Konyukhova[guru]
The previous answer does not present phraseological units, but proverbs. A phraseological unit is a lexically indivisible, stable phrase, reproduced in finished form (at full speed, to the nines, not even with a kick).
In phraseological units, in contrast to free phrases, the lexical meaning of the phrase is determined as a whole.
The lexical meaning of a phraseological unit is close to the lexical meaning of one word, so a phraseological unit can often be replaced with one word, for example: far away - far away, putting a spoke in the wheels - interfere.
LIKE WATER OFF A GOOSE (Do not respond to remarks and reproaches)
DEAF GRUSE (A person who does not react to others)
THE UGLY DUCKLING (An ugly person who is mocked and laughed at)
SWAN SONG (The last most outstanding work of some author, the last manifestation of talent)
WET CHICKEN (1. A pitiful-looking, depressed person; 2. A weak-willed, spineless person)
FIRST SWALLOW (The earliest, very first signs of the onset of something)
BLUE BIRD (Symbol of happiness)
Pay attention to this phraseological unit, which is often associated with our feathered friends. But this is fundamentally wrong.
Goal is like a falcon (emphasis on the second syllable). There is no comparison with a falcon. Scientists suggest that the falcon (and not the falcon) is an iron-bound log that Russian troops in ancient times used as a battering ram when taking besieged cities. It was really smooth, bare.

Reply from Oleg Chernov[active]
shot sparrow
wet chicken
like water off a duck's back
the nightingale is filled with
swan song
Goal like a falcon
I got caught like chickens in a plucking
With a gulkin nose
Like a chicken paw
blue bird
Kursk nightingale
deaf grouse
Let the red rooster fly
Only the Indian rooster thinks
Catching (counting) crows
White Crow
Yellow-throated chick
Look for the heat-bird
Chatty as a magpie
Black as a raven
The first swallow
Chickens don't peck
Wet chicken
Chickens laugh
Dumb as a duck

Reply from Anastasia[guru]
important bird, shot bird, free bird,
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,
Every bird loves its nest.
Each bird feeds with its own nose.
As a bird lives, it neither sows nor reaps.
A bird is beautiful in its singing, and a man is beautiful in his ability.
The bird is red with its feather, and the man with his mind.
A chicken is not a bird, a lazy person is not a man, a chatterbox is not a master.
It is not the tree that is looking for the bird, but the bird that is looking for the tree.
The tit is a bird across the sea.
Know a bird by its feathers, and a young man by his speech.

Reply from Ivan Ermakov[active]
white crow

Reply from Mikhail Levin[guru]
“Look, Semyon, don’t break the pen!”

Important bird Razg. Express A person occupying a high social position or official position possessing power, great influence. - Where is he going? - It seems to Paris or London. - Hm!.. So, an important bird?(Chekhov. The Lion and the Sun). [ Lund:] I didn’t expect to meet you here, you’ve become an important bird now - editor of the socialist newsletter(A. Arbuzov. European Chronicle).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “Important bird” is in other dictionaries:

    important bird- noun, number of synonyms: 35 big shot (30) boss (43) tramp (14) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    Important bird- IMPORTANT, oh, oh; important, important, important, important and important. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    important bird- rare (important) bird Wed. You picked up this prince... forced him to propose to your daughter, and you think that you yourself have now become an important bird... Dostoevsky. Uncle's dream. 12. Wed. Of the merchants, well, this is not a great bird. Ostrovsky... ...

    Important bird- Razg. Iron. About a person who ranks high social status. BTS, 109; ZS 1996, 31, 219; SPP 2001, 358 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    important bird- iron. About a significant person... Dictionary of many expressions

    rare (important) bird- Wed. You picked up this prince... forced him to propose to your daughter, and you think that you yourself have now become an important bird... Dostoevsky. Uncle's dream. 12. Wed. Of the merchants, well, this is not a great bird. Ostrovsky. Holiday sleep before... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    high flying bird- an important person, Gog and Magog, important person, bird of the highest flight, in rank, won’t let you into the door, persona, goga and magoga, cool, big shot, important figure, important person, trump card, flies high, big shot, important bird, you can’t reach it with your hand, background... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    bird of the highest flight- noun, number of synonyms: 25 big shot (30) in rank (17) important person (36) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    important person- noun, number of synonyms: 36 big shot (30) boss (43) tramp (14) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    important person- noun, number of synonyms: 34 big shot (30) boss (43) tramp (14) ... Dictionary of synonyms


  • Stories of the crow Matryona and her friends, Rogaleva Irina Sergeevna. Who doesn't know Cheburashka's friend - the straightforward crocodile Gena? Who hasn’t been to Prostokvashino, hasn’t visited the sensible Matroskin and the ingenuous Sharik? Let us, however, be fair: in part... Buy for 637 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Stories of the crow Matryona and her friends, Rogaleva Irina Sergeevna. Who doesn't know Cheburashka's friend - the straightforward crocodile Gena? Who hasn’t been to Prostokvashino, hasn’t visited the sensible Matroskin and the ingenuous Sharik? Let's be fair, however: in part...

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Project of 5th grade students of MBOU "Secondary School No. 24" in Cheboksary "Feathered birds in Russian phraseology"

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Our goal: Find out which bird names are more common in phraseological units. Find out what human character traits birds symbolize

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Our tasks: 1. Find out whether the students in my class know phraseological units about birds. 2. Find out what the names of some birds symbolize in Russian phraseological units. 3. Find out whether the name of the bird in the phraseological unit is always associated with it. 4.Make a table on the topic. 5. Prepare a section on birds in the thematic dictionary “Our Little Brothers in Russian Phraseology.”

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Progress of the research: 1.We studied educational literature. 2. Conducted a survey of class students. 3. We found out that - 50% of the students in our class know from 6 to 10 phraseological units, 35% - from one to five phraseological units, 15% more than 10 phraseological units that include the name of a bird. However, only 7% of students try to use phraseological units in their speech.

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Swan Swan song. - The last, usually the most significant, work of someone, the last manifestation of talent and abilities.

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Peacock Neither peahen nor crow. – A person who, in his views and interests, moved away from some and did not join others. In borrowed plumes. - Crow in peacock feathers (I.A. Krylov “Crow”). This is what they say in mockery about a person who wants to seem more significant than he is, and therefore looks ridiculous and pathetic.

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Crow Caws like a raven. - Usually predicts misfortune. Prophetic Raven. White Crow. - In a figurative sense - a person who is rare in his qualities, an extraordinary person, who stands out sharply in some way environment. The expression has been known since 60-127 AD. Crow in peacock feathers (I.A. Krylov “Crow”). This is what they say in mockery about a person who wants to seem more significant than he is, and therefore looks funny and pathetic. Where the raven brought bones. - Very far away. Count crows. - Looking around, spending time in idleness. Neither a peahen nor a crow. - A person who, in his views, moved away from some people and did not join others. Scared crow. – About a person who became afraid of everything after some events. A crow cannot be a falcon. In ancient beliefs, the raven is mysterious, intelligent, understanding, and silent. In German phraseology, he is a scoundrel, an ugly person, and a glutton. For example: crow parents - abandoning their children. In Russian phraseology, he is all-knowing, fearful.

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Goose Most often, this bird symbolizes an experienced, cunning person. Like water off a duck's back. - Never mind. Tease the geese. - Cause anger. Palm goose. - Cunning, dexterous. So as not to tease the geese (Krylov “Geese”). Allegorically - do not offend someone, do not affect pride, do not irritate.

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Turkey Turkey in Russian phraseology symbolizes swagger and stupidity. Among the Kyrgyz it is a symbol of grumpiness, and among the French - stupidity. Pouting like a turkey. Stupid turkey.

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Chickens On chicken legs. - Allegorically - about something very fragile, unstable, unreliable. It's like a chicken and an egg. – Pay special attention. The chickens laugh. - Pointless, stupid. Like a chicken paw. - Unintelligible. Wet chicken. - A weak-willed, spineless person. Blind chicken. - Myopic. Chickens don't eat money. - So many. Fall into cabbage soup like chickens. - Get into unexpected trouble, into trouble. Chickens are counted in the fall.

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Rooster Everyone knows the rooster - poultry with a red comb on its head and special growths on its legs - spurs. Due to its importance and cocky character, the image of a rooster is used for comparison: Important as a rooster. As cocky as a rooster. Walk like a rooster. Look like a rooster. Red rooster. - Fire, arson. Let the red rooster fly. - Start a fire, set something on fire. Hamburg rooster. Fall into cabbage soup like chickens. - Get into unexpected trouble, into trouble. But people paid attention not only to the bird’s gait and cocky character. Singing is what the rooster is famous for.

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Cuckoo The cuckoo praises the rooster because he praises the cuckoo. (I.A. Krylov “The Cuckoo and the Rooster.”) An ironic remark - about mutual praise, immoderate flattery. Exchange the cuckoo for a hawk. - To choose the worst from the bad, to make mistakes.

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Sparrow Shorter than a sparrow's nose. – About a short period of time. Shot sparrow. – A very experienced person, who is difficult to deceive, an experienced person. Old sparrow. – Grated kalach (You can’t fool an old sparrow on chaff). .

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Titmouse The titmouse brought glory, but did not set the sea on fire (I.A. Krylov “Titmouse”) This is how they ironically say about a braggart, about a person who promises a lot and cannot fulfill anything. Pigeon. With a gulkin nose. - Very little. Swallow The first swallow. – The earliest, very first signs of the appearance, onset of something. One swallow does not make spring (Aesop). The meaning of the expression: one cannot draw a conclusion or a generalization based on any one case or insignificant fact. Magpie Chatty magpie. -Talkative person.

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Eagle Scientists note that back in the 3rd millennium BC. In the Sumerian states there was a coat of arms - an eagle with a lion's head. The coat of arms of the Byzantine Empire was a double-headed eagle. The eagle was carved on state seals. For example, by the end of the 15th century, two images were finally fixed on the seals of the Russian state: on one side there was a horseman killing a snake, on the other there was a double-headed eagle. In the 17th century these images began to be considered the Russian state emblem. Observing the behavior of a bird, noticing it characteristic features, people created proverbs and sayings: An eagle gives birth to an eagle, and an owl gives birth to an owl. The eagle doesn't catch flies. The eagles fight, and the good guys get their feathers. Phraseologisms: Looks like an eagle, flies like an eagle

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Falcon Goal like a falcon. - Very poor. This phraseological unit is not associated with a bird: a falcon is a battering weapon. Goal, but a falcon. - Poor, but proud and independent. Proverbs: The falcon is small, but bold. And the falcon does not fly higher than the sun. The pig will not give birth to the Falcon. Don't frighten the falcon with the crow. A crow cannot be a falcon. For a long time, people have called a handsome, brave, daring man a falcon.

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Birds Grouse Sleepy grouse. - A person who loves to sleep. Deaf grouse. - A person who has difficulty hearing. Magpie Chatty magpie. -A Chatty Man Called Forty Guests Ostrich Runs Like an Ostrich

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Bird An important bird. - A person in a high position. Free bird - Free bird. – Free, independent person. Live like a bird of heaven. - Carefree. High flying bird. - An influential person. Low flying bird. -A person who does not occupy a prominent, significant position in society. Blue bird. - This is the secret of things, a symbol of happiness; that which embodies the highest happiness for someone. Shooting bird. – A very experienced person who is difficult to trick or deceive. You can see the bird in flight. “You can see what kind of person a person is, judging by his actions and behavior.” From a bird's eye view. - From above, from a very great height. On a bird's license. - Without legal grounds. Yellow-throated chick. – A young person with no life experience. Results We studied the literature on the topic. We learned that in the Russian language there are a lot of phraseological units in which the names of birds are found. We noticed that not all phraseological units containing animal names are associated with it. For example, naked as a falcon. We believe that the table we created will help you learn more about the symbolic meanings of animals. We believe that the reference dictionary we created will enrich the speech of our peers.

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Resources used Adamova E.A. Winged words. - M.: Children's literature, 1979 Allikmets K.P., Metsa A.A. Let's talk and argue. -L.: Education, 1987 Bulatov M. Winged words. - M.: Education, 1958 Gvozdarev Yu.A. Stories about Russian phraseology. - M.: Education, 1988 Sergeev V.N. New meanings of old words. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 1987 Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. -M.: Russian language, 1986

Phraseologisms about birds are very common, because in their lives people observe birds every day, notice their features, and talk about them.

White Crow
In nature, sometimes there are albino individuals that are lighter in color compared to their relatives. They stand out sharply against the general background. Therefore, a person who stands out for something in a team is called a “black sheep.”

Like water off a duck's back
The feathers of any waterfowl do not get wet; droplets of water easily flow off them. When a person is absolutely indifferent to something, they use the phraseology “Water off a duck’s back.”

Palm goose
The expression is applied to people who get away with all wrongdoings without consequences. Synonymous with the expression “get away with it.” As you know, waterfowl's feathers remain dry after they have been in the water.

From a cannon at sparrows (shoot)
Spend a lot of effort and money on a simple, uncomplicated task. It is irrational to act.

Deaf as a black grouse
During mating, the black grouse bird hears nothing so much that the hunter can get quite close to it.

Newspaper duck
Unreliable or deliberately false information. The phraseological unit appeared after one publication published a joke article about a killer duck eating its relatives. The author later reported that it was a hoax and since then all unreliable articles have been called “newspaper ducks.”

Decoy duck
Hunters use stuffed birds during hunting to lure prey. In life, a decoy is a person specially introduced into a team to collect compromising information.

Chickens laugh
It is common to talk about a situation that is so funny that even stupid chickens will laugh at it

Wet chicken
The chicken is afraid to swim, its feathers easily get wet in the water and after that it looks ridiculous and pitiful. Therefore, when a person looks very pitiful, he is called a “wet chicken.”

Like a chicken paw
Chicken tracks form intricate and intricate patterns. Therefore, when a person has very confusing handwriting, it is customary to say that he writes “like a chicken with its paw.”

Swan song
There is a legend that a swan sings a song in the last minute of its life. The last work or talented work of a famous person is usually called the “swan song”.

I wanted bird's milk
This is how we talk about a person who wants something clearly impossible.

Caught like chickens in cabbage soup/plucked
In villages, when it was necessary to prepare a hearty meal for unexpected guests, they used poultry instead of pork and beef. The meaning of the expression is to unexpectedly get into trouble.

Spread your wings
Start living or acting to the fullest, from the heart.

Shot bird, shot sparrow
A person with rich life experience. Experienced man.

Pie in the sky
Something difficult to achieve.

Grab a tit by the tail
Catch your luck.

The first swallow
Events or actions indicating the approach of something positive and joyful.

Hiding your head like an ostrich
In moments of danger, the ostrich hides its head in the sand or under its wing, believing that in this case it will be safe.



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