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Charity as an institution of social policy. Basic functions and principles of charity The public function of charity is


Brilenkova A.V.

Charity is a universal human value, one of the most important attributes of civil society. Charity allows society to serve its interests directly, without the mediation of the state. Charity ensures the redistribution of income from the most wealthy to the least wealthy citizens in the shortest possible way and in the shortest possible time. Charity is increasingly becoming a tool through which society satisfies its basic social, universal needs.

IN socially Charity is assistance to others at the expense of one's own well-being or free time, and provided that the provision of this assistance does not harm other persons and is carried out within the framework of the law. It is also implied that, to one degree or another, charity should benefit not only the immediate beneficiary, but also society as a whole.

Based on the fact that charity is a private voluntary sphere, everyone independently forms their own attitude towards it. Public calls for charity and mercy shape the public idea of ​​what is included in this area. Based on what people donate money to and what projects volunteers participate in, it is possible to identify public attitudes towards charity. Thus, the public perception of charity is determined by the coordination of motives and volumes of donations and the social demand for assistance. In general, anything that, in generally accepted ideas, fits into the concept of “public benefit” can be classified as charity. Typically, charity is defined precisely through the goals of activities in relation to certain categories of people, without limiting the types, forms and methods of influence. The human component and human rights are dominant in the definition of charity.

The general characteristics of charity are as follows:

1) Freedom of choice of the subject (it is carried out without administrative pressure). Charity lies outside the sphere of official administration. Decisions in this area are made and actions taken without the dictates of law or official policy.

2) Lack of utilitarian motives (this activity is not undertaken with the aim of making a profit, but there are indirect benefits - tax, marketing, etc.)

3) Organization and focus (i.e., contribution is made to the implementation of programs)

4) Mainly impersonal in nature (in terms of the object of assistance - in contrast to alms, which you give at the request of a specific person);

5) The presence of socially significant goals.

The main functions of charity in society are as follows:

· Economic: ensuring a decent existence for those citizens who, due to objective characteristics and life situations are unable to take care of themselves;

· Social: relieving social tension by equalizing living standards, supporting the most disadvantaged segments of the population who, due to objective circumstances, cannot adapt to new conditions;

· Market: making up for the shortcomings of the state’s social policy and the functioning of market mechanisms, primarily through the efficiency and targeting of assistance delivered, i.e. increasing its efficiency;

· Social: replenishing distortions in social relations that lead to withdrawal, not of one’s own free will, individual categories population from accepted standards of living, which limits their opportunities, consumption of public goods and self-realization; at the same time - impact on public opinion;

· Political: implementation of mechanisms feedback population and government structures, formulating social priorities on behalf of those who, socially, due to objective reasons, are not able to defend their rights;

· Marketing: meeting the needs of philanthropists, providing donors with services for the implementation of charitable projects, and at the same time cultivating altruistic and philanthropic sentiments in society.

· Creative: construction at the expense of philanthropists, sponsors and patrons of cultural institutions: theaters and museums, schools and clinics.

Charity, considered as a social whole, has a significant impact on the state of social tension in society or, as they sometimes say, on its moral and psychological climate. It removes, at least partially, the severity of the contradiction between the rich and the poor, the haves and the have-nots, who voluntarily give and accept these gifts at will.

The indicated aspects of the above-mentioned contradiction are resolved with the help of the phenomenon of charity in the spirit of reconciliation of the parties, which is particularly delicate in form and content. The voluntariness of the gift and its acceptance relieves social tension and replaces it with a special state of spiritual closeness, civil kindness and reconciliation, social conformism and tolerance.

Vozmilkina Evgenia Nikolaevna, master’s student, first year, department social work and psychological and pedagogical education, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after. G.I. Nosov", Magnitogorsk city [email protected].


analysis of definitions, functions, participants, role in solving pressing problems of modern society

Annotation. The article analyzes the concept of “charity”, defines the functions and participants of charitable activities. The work also presents statistical and theoretical information regarding charitable organizations and their role in solving pressing problems of modern society. Key words: charity, charitable organizations, participants in charitable activities, functions of charity.

According to Federal law dated 06/07/1995 No. 135 Federal Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”, charitable activities are understood as voluntary activities of citizens and legal entities for the disinterested (free of charge, or on preferential terms) transfer of property, including funds, to citizens or legal entities, disinterestedly performing work, providing services, providing other support. Let's consider how the concept of charity is interpreted in other sources. The Encyclopedia "Domestic History" defines charity as "help to people in need from outside public organizations, government agencies, churches and individuals." V.P. Melnikov and E.I. Kholostova believe that charity implies providing assistance to both individuals and organizations: compassion, heartfelt participation in the lives of the sick, infirm, and needy; material encouragement of socially significant forms of activity (environmental protection, protection of cultural and historical monuments, development of education, healthcare, sports).” According to the definition of A.R. Sokolov, charity is voluntary social activities, associated with the gratuitous transfer of material assets, including those created by labor in the process of charitable activity itself, and is aimed at achieving greater financial well-being. E.A. Fomin believes that charity is a non-governmental, voluntary, free activity in the social sphere aimed at supporting individuals or organizations that, for one reason or another, lack own resources for full functioning.

P.Ya. Tsitlikov gives a dual interpretation of the concept of charity. On the one hand, charity is the provision of selective assistance to those in need out of compassion or religious and moral needs, without concern for the future fate of those asking. And if we consider this concept in a broader sense, then it also includes charity, that is, mandatory and organized activities to provide assistance to those in need, taking into account their real situation. P.D. Pavlenok also suggests considering charity in a narrow and broad sense. In a narrow sense, it is the provision of free assistance by individuals and organizations to people or social groups in need. In a broad sense, this is a free activity for the creation and transfer of financial, material, spiritual values ​​to satisfy basic human needs, social groups, layer, community, caught in a difficult life situation. P.I. Neshcherentiy defines charity as a social phenomenon, characterized by the manifestation of targeted attention towards people who are unable to provide the conditions for their maintenance on their own. When carrying out charitable activities, the following functions are realized: economic, social, public, political, market, marketing. The economic function includes ensuring a decent existence for those citizens who, due to objective reasons, are not able to take care of themselves. Social function implies the removal of social tension by equalizing the standard of living, supporting the most disadvantaged segments of the population, who, due to objective circumstances, cannot adapt to new conditions. The next function of charity is market. This function makes it possible to compensate for the shortcomings of the state’s social policy and the functioning of market mechanisms, primarily due to the efficiency and targeting of the assistance delivered. The social function is aimed at replenishing imbalances in social relations, leading to the departure of certain categories of the population from accepted standards of living, which limits their ability to consume public goods and self-realization. Another function implemented in the process of charitable activities is political. Its essence lies in the formation of social priorities on behalf of those who, socially, for objective reasons, are not able to defend their rights. And the last function is marketing. The marketing function implies meeting the needs of citizens and legal entities in providing assistance to those in need, creating humane attitudes in society. Charitable activities are aimed at achieving such goals as: social protection and support of citizens; preparing the population to overcome the consequences of natural disasters, environmental, industrial and other disasters, to prevent accidents and provide assistance to those affected by these events; strengthening peace and friendship between peoples, preventing national, social and religious conflicts; promoting the strengthening of the prestige and role of the family in society; promoting the protection of motherhood, childhood and paternity; promoting activities in the field of education, science, culture, enlightenment, and spiritual development of the individual; promoting activities in the field of prevention and protection of personal health, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens; promoting activities in the field physical culture and sports; social rehabilitation of orphans, children without parental care, street children; provision of free legal assistance; participation in activities to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency, etc. Charity is carried out by participants in charitable activities. These can be both physical and legal entities who carry out charitable activities, as well as citizens and legal entities in the interests of whom charitable activities are carried out: philanthropists, volunteers, beneficiaries. Philanthropists are persons who make charitable donations in the forms of: selfless transfer of ownership of property, including funds and (or) intellectual property; disinterested granting of rights to own, use and dispose of any objects of property rights; selfless performance of work and provision of services. Volunteers – individuals who carry out charitable activities in the form of gratuitous work and provision of services. Beneficiaries are persons who receive charitable donations from philanthropists or the help of volunteers. These are disadvantaged families, homeless people, disabled children, the elderly, people with deviant behavior, refugees and internally displaced persons, and other citizens in difficult life situations. An organization that carries out charitable activities is called a charitable organization. A charitable organization is a non-governmental (non-governmental, non-municipal) non-profit organization, created to carry out charitable activities in the interests of society as a whole or certain categories of persons. Charitable organizations are created in the form of public organizations (associations), foundations, and institutions. Charitable organizations are created in the form of institutions if its founder is a charitable organization. According to the data Federal service state statistics, published in January 2015, in Russia: 1615 public charitable organizations, 11 public charitable movements; 1950 – public charitable foundations; 4 – charitable public institutions and 6868 – charitable foundation.Charitable organizations participate in the process of positive socialization of children, provide assistance to families, the elderly, the disabled and other categories, contribute to the improvement of the healthcare system, education, culture, leisure activities, develop and implement programs for social protection and support for people who find themselves in difficult life situations. Charitable organizations organizations carry out their activities in accordance with their charitable program. A charity program is a set of activities approved by the supreme governing body of a charitable organization and aimed at solving specific problems that correspond to the statutory goals of this organization. This program includes an estimate of expenses, an estimate of expected revenues, establishes the stages and timing of its implementation. One of the components of the charitable program is charitable events. Charitable events are individual deeds, actions aimed at providing material, spiritual or intellectual assistance to those in need. Examples of such events are: charitable cultural events(free screening of films); charity concerts and evenings, the collection of funds from which goes to charity, the creation of canteens for the poor, the provision of free medical care homeless, etc. In general, charitable organizations take on a significant portion of the population's concerns, offering a variety of services and assistance. In order for the work of charitable organizations to be more effective, it is necessary to create conditions for increasing the number of charitable organizations, strengthening the interaction of government agencies and non-governmental organizations, and creating a positive image of these organizations in society.

Links to sources 1. Charity as a phenomenon of social life: concepts and types [ Electronic resource]. –Access mode www.superinf.ru. – (Date of access 01/08/16). 2. Vozmilkina E.N. Institute of Philanthropy in Russia: origins, modernity, development prospects / E.N. Vozmilkina // New science: strategy and vector of development: International scientific periodical based on the results of the international scientific and practical conference (November 19, 2015, Sterlitamak). –2015. -WITH. 67.3.Pokotilova T.E. Everyday charity as the most important aspect of the history of charity in Russia / T.E. Pokotilova // Bulletin of the North Caucasus Federal University. –2014. –No. 3. –S. 168. 4. Suprunenko G.A. Family in the sphere of attention of modern charitable organizations / G.A. Suprunenko // Current trends development of science and technology: material of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference. –2015. –No. 5. –S. 46.5. Suprunenko G.A. Family as an object of activity of non-governmental organizations / G.A. Suprunenko // Collection of materials of the Second All-Russian correspondence scientific and practical conference “Family in modern society”. –2015. -WITH. 105.6.Federal Law of January 21, 1995 No. 135 Federal Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” [Electronic resource]. –Access mode http://www.consultant.ru. – (Date of access: 01/15/16). 7.Florov I.V. “Charity”, “insight”, “philanthropy”, “mercy”: historiography of concepts / I.V. Florov // Bulletin of Cherepovetsky state university. –2013. No. 2. –S. 41. 8.Streis V.A. The phenomenon of charity in modern Russia. Social and philosophical analysis / V.A. Streis // News of the Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen. –2011. – No. 132. –S. 8283. –180.

The functions of charity in society are as follows:

Economic: ensuring a decent existence for those citizens who, due to objective characteristics and life situations, are not able to take care of themselves;

Social: relieving social tension by equalizing living standards, supporting the most disadvantaged segments of the population who, due to objective circumstances, cannot adapt to new conditions;

Market: making up for the shortcomings of the state’s social policy and the functioning of market mechanisms, primarily through the efficiency and targeting of assistance delivered, i.e. increasing its efficiency;

Social: replenishing imbalances in social relations that lead to certain categories of the population moving away against their will from accepted standards of living, which limits their ability to consume public goods and self-realization; at the same time – influence on public opinion;

Political: implementation of feedback mechanisms between the population and government structures, formulation of social priorities on behalf of those who, socially, due to objective reasons, are not able to defend their rights;

Marketing: meeting the needs of philanthropists, providing donors with services for the implementation of charitable projects, and at the same time cultivating altruistic and philanthropic sentiments in society.

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The functions of charity in society are as follows:

- economic: ensuring a decent existence for those citizens who, due to objective characteristics and life situations, are not able to take care of themselves;

- social: relieving social tension by equalizing living standards, supporting the most disadvantaged segments of the population who, due to objective circumstances, cannot adapt to new conditions;

- market: replenishing the shortcomings of the state’s social policy and the functioning of market mechanisms, primarily through the efficiency and targeting of assistance delivered, i.e. increasing its efficiency;

- public: replenishment of distortions in social relations, leading to the departure of certain categories of the population against their will from accepted standards of living, which limits their ability to consume public goods and self-realization; at the same time - impact on public opinion;

- political: implementation of feedback mechanisms between the population and government structures, formulation of social priorities on behalf of those who, socially, due to objective reasons, are not able to defend their rights;

- marketing: meeting the needs of philanthropists, providing donors with services for the implementation of charitable projects, and at the same time cultivating altruistic and philanthropic sentiments in society.

The main goals and principles of charity in modern world. The purpose of charity is to provide the opportunity to achieve a socially acceptable standard of living for those groups of the population who, under the influence of social risks, cannot independently realize their generally accepted social rights.

Principles of functioning of the charity system:

1. Principle of equality all members of society to participate in charitable activities without any national, ethnic, political discrimination, both for citizens and refugees, internally displaced persons, stateless persons.

2. Targeting principle involves the provision of any form of charitable assistance to specific groups of the population in need in accordance with legally accepted criteria and the wishes of the benefactors.

3. The principle of legal security is achieved through the development of new and streamlining of existing legislative and other regulations governing the sphere of charity.

4. Flexibility charity events involves a systematic review of the directions, forms, methods, mechanisms and technologies for providing charitable support in accordance with the changing socio-economic conditions of society.

5. Manageability of the charity system is achieved through a clear delineation of functions, powers, responsibilities and resource provision of various organizations providing charitable support to various beneficiaries, both individuals and organizations.

6. Scientific validity of the charity system involves the use of theoretical, methodological and experimentally tested mechanisms and technologies that have proven in practice their effectiveness in solving charity problems.

7. An important principle of integrating charity into the system of social policy is information sufficiency of supporting charity events. A necessary criterion for the effectiveness of the functioning of charitable organizations is the availability of the benefits provided to needy groups of the population, i.e. the ability of philanthropists to timely, clearly identify and carry out their statutory functions to the maximum extent possible.

1.1 The concept of charity. Functions, goals and principles of charity

Charity is an activity through which private resources are voluntarily distributed by their owners in order to help people in need, solve public problems, and improve the conditions of public life. In this case, those in need mean not only those living in need, but also those people (civil activists, specialists, individuals creative professions, students) and public (i.e., non-profit and non-political) organizations that lack additional resources to address individual, professional, cultural and civic concerns. Private resources can include both financial and material resources, as well as the abilities and energy of people. In recent decades (at least since the sixties, when the so-called non-governmental organizations especially developed), a stable idea of ​​charity has developed not only as monetary and property donations, but also as a free (voluntary, “volunteer”) activity - - as a public (i.e. non-commercial and non-political) activity in the proper sense of the word, a source of social and moral evil, “self-deception of a bad conscience” by Budantsev S.V. The economic essence of the phenomenon of “charity”: goals and principles // Bulletin of Tambov University. Series: Humanities. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 81-85.

As the wide world practice, charity, by and large, represents the flip side of a successful (at times dodgy) business. But at the same time, by its nature, it is the opposite of business: business is acquisitive, focused on making a profit, on accumulating funds for the purpose of investing them and extracting even greater profits. Philanthropy, in the inner meaning of this activity, is disinterested; with its help, funds are distributed and profits are squandered. However, the apparent opposition between entrepreneurship and charity is removed by the fact that, socially, they are in many ways different sides of the same coin. And it is no coincidence that at almost all times, philanthropy - just like entrepreneurship - has aroused greedy interest, skepticism, and suspicion as an absolutely necessary, but often unclean matter. On the one hand, charity undoubtedly saw great benefit and the possibility of salvation for many, even those who had completely lost hope. On the other hand, charity was seen as a source of social and moral evil, “self-deception of a bad conscience.” Grodskikh V.S. Economic theory. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013. - 208 p.

The functions of charity in society are as follows:

Economic: ensuring a decent existence for those citizens who, due to objective characteristics and life situations, are not able to take care of themselves;

Social: relieving social tension by equalizing living standards, supporting the most disadvantaged segments of the population who, due to objective circumstances, cannot adapt to new conditions;

Market: filling the gaps in the state’s social policy and the functioning of market mechanisms, primarily through the efficiency and targeting of the assistance delivered, i.e. increasing its efficiency;

Social: replenishing imbalances in social relations that lead to certain categories of the population moving away against their will from accepted standards of living, which limits their ability to consume public goods and self-realization; at the same time - impact on public opinion;

Political: implementation of feedback mechanisms between the population and government structures, formulation of social priorities on behalf of those who, socially, due to objective reasons, are not able to defend their rights;

Marketing: meeting the needs of philanthropists, providing donors with services for the implementation of charitable projects, and at the same time cultivating altruistic and philanthropic sentiments in society. Privalov N.G. The economic basis of charity // News of the Ural State Economic University. - 2006. - T. 2. - No. 14. - P. 89-96.

The purpose of charity is to provide the opportunity to achieve a socially acceptable standard of living for those groups of the population who, under the influence of social risks, cannot independently realize their generally accepted social rights.

This strategic goal Charitable activities are carried out through the achievement of certain specific goals, the main of which are the following:

· social support and protection of citizens, including improving the financial situation of the poor, social rehabilitation of the unemployed, disabled and other persons who, due to their physical or intellectual characteristics, or other circumstances, are not able to independently realize their rights and legitimate interests;

· assistance to the population in overcoming the consequences of natural disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters, to prevent accidents;

· providing assistance to victims of natural disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters, social, national, religious conflicts, victims of repression, refugees and internally displaced persons;

· promoting the strengthening of peace, friendship and harmony between peoples, the prevention of social, regional, national and religious conflicts;

· promoting the strengthening of the prestige and role of the family in society;

· activities in the field of prevention and protection of citizens' health, as well as promotion of a healthy lifestyle, improvement of the moral and psychological state of citizens;

· promoting activities in the field of physical culture and mass sports;

· security environment and animal protection;

· protection and proper maintenance and use of buildings, objects and territories of historical, cultural or environmental significance, and burial sites. Budantseva S.V. The economic essence of the phenomenon of “charity”: goals and principles // Bulletin of Tambov University. Series: Humanities. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 81-85.

Based on the generalization, systematization and analysis of foreign and Russian charity experience, the most important principles for the functioning of the charity system have been developed.

First of all, this is the principle of equality of all members of society to participate in charitable activities without any national, ethnic, or political discrimination for both citizens and refugees, internally displaced persons, and stateless persons.

The principle of targeting involves the provision of any form of charitable assistance to specific groups of the population in need in accordance with legally accepted criteria and the wishes of benefactors.

The sufficiency of charitable assistance provides for such a volume that will satisfy the basic needs of beneficiaries at a socially acceptable level and minimum compensation material damage from various social risks and unforeseen emergencies. Social efficiency charity is manifested in ensuring a socially acceptable standard of living for the beneficiary and, at the same time, preventing the emergence of social dependency of the working population.

The principle of legal security is achieved through the development of new and streamlining of existing legislative and other regulations governing the sphere of charity.

The sustainability of charitable activities is ensured through the most complete, expedient, and transparent use of funds from all sources.

The flexibility of charitable actions involves a systematic review of the directions, forms, methods, mechanisms and technologies for providing charitable support in accordance with the changing socio-economic conditions of society.

The controllability of the charity system is achieved through a clear delineation of functions, powers, responsibilities and resource provision of various organizations providing charitable support to various beneficiaries, both individuals and organizations.

The scientific validity of the charity system presupposes the use of theoretical, methodological and experimentally tested mechanisms and technologies that have proven in practice their effectiveness in solving charity problems.

Important The principle of integrating charity into the social policy system is the information sufficiency of supporting charitable events. A necessary criterion for the effectiveness of the functioning of charitable organizations is the availability of the benefits provided to needy groups of the population, i.e. the ability of philanthropists to timely, clearly identify and carry out their statutory functions to the maximum extent possible.

Given the current socio-economic situation, the greatest tax advantages and other privileges should be provided to participants in charitable activities that focus on solving the problems of the poor, socially disadvantaged groups and victims of social, natural and man-made disasters. Tax incentives for other charitable projects should be carried out in a smaller volume and increase as the economic situation improves and, in particular, the situation with filling budgets. Udaltsova N., Averchenko N. Tax consequences charitable activities // Economics and law. - 2010. - No. 9. - P. 96 - 103.

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