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The best bowl for hookah. The best bowl for hookah The ten best bowls for hookah

Smoking a hookah is an Eastern tradition, which is also reflected in the features of the smoking device itself. Its original addition can be a Turkish hookah bowl. In the most traditional version, it is made from clay by hand from a special type of material that is resistant to temperature changes.

Features of Turkish hookah bowls

If you strive to adhere to traditions in everything, we advise you to buy Turkish hookah bowls. They are one of the most popular, as they are performed in accordance with Eastern traditions. Let us note that such accessories cannot be found in the line of every brand, which makes them even more original and unusual. Turkish bowls are also called “Turks” and have the following features:

  • thick walls, thanks to which the tobacco heats up quickly and maintains the optimal temperature level for a long time;
  • large holes, which ensures excellent traction;
  • average tobacco consumption - preparing a hookah for a group requires about 20-25 g of the mixture;
  • Ideal for smoking strong and juicy tobaccos.

The production of such bowls is carried out exclusively by hand, which affects the excellent smoking properties. In our catalog of Turkish hookah bowls you can choose from the following models:

  • Upper Turkish. This bowl embodies the best oriental traditions, which is expressed primarily in its unusual design. Modern and neat design provides excellent smoking properties. Suitable for use with different types of tobacco, its consumption is 18-22 g. Thanks to the wide holes, good traction is ensured.
  • Vintage Turkish Form. This bowl combines an extremely simple design with a classic shape. The model is universal for filling any tobacco mixtures - from light to the strongest. The classic form in the form of a Turk refers to the traditions of the East. The advantages of the model are the optimal depth and wall thickness, thanks to which any tobacco is easily smoked.
  • Greenbowl. The line of this brand includes two Turks, which act as a high-quality analogue of the Turkish bowl. Production is carried out from white or red clay. Models are compatible with calaud. It is worth noting the new model from the guys from Ukraine - Turku in milk firing, which reduces the possibility of leakage of the bowl walls to a minimum.

In our online store, prices for Turkish hookah bowls are quite affordable - the simplest models can be purchased for as little as 350 rubles. The filling volume depends on how many users will participate in hookah smoking.

When you see the photos at the end of the article, you will realize that the number of varieties of cups exceeds all reasonable limits (and this is probably only 10% of the total variety). How to choose a hookah cup from this gigantic assortment? Which cups are better?

The Internet is full of reviews on various cups, but it is not at all necessary to look at them all, because, oddly enough, there is no big difference in smoking on different cups. For most of these reviews, cups are provided by manufacturers or stores, and any manufacturer will praise their material, their “exclusive” shape, etc., you should not pay attention to all this.

Any cup has three characteristics:

1. Material
2. Shape
Size 3


Most cups are made of clay. The most classic are cups made of brown clay, but there are many others - white, colored glazed, ceramic and others. In any case, the base is always clay (with the exception of silicone and glass), and various processing methods only change its appearance and add strength, but the material has almost no effect on the taste and overall quality of smoking. Some cups heat up faster, some slower, by properly regulating the heat from the charcoal you can smoke perfectly in any cup. You can often see in the description of cups such indicators as thermal conductivity, the words “holds heat well”, all these words can be safely ignored, because You need to get used to any cup and just understand how much coal to put in.
Thus, when choosing a material, it is better to pay attention to ease of use. Glazed and other non-rough cups are more convenient because... tobacco does not stick after smoking and is easy to clean. This is probably where all the differences end. Silicone cups do not break, but not everyone likes the fact of smoking on such material, although it does not melt.


Despite the apparent diversity, Based on the shape of the cup, there are only two types: classic And plywood. With classic ones, everything is clear without explanation, there are just holes inside. If they are too wide, tobacco will fall through; if they are too small, the draft will be worse. When smoking in a classic cup, it is better to make a hole in the tobacco to improve cravings.

The shape of plywood (from the English “funnel” - funnel, although it is often written “phunnel”) is characterized by the presence of a bulge in the middle of the cup, at the end of which there is a hole or holes. This form is much more convenient than the classic one:
- tobacco syrup does not flow into the shaft;
- you can put tobacco both tightly and “airily”;
- always light traction, because... the holes are not clogged with tobacco;
- the preparation time for a cup is shorter.

All other things being equal, it is always better to take plywood than classic, this form significantly simplifies life.


Taking a cup that is too large in the hope that the flavor will last longer is almost always pointless., because the top layers will begin to taste bitter before the bottom layers begin to taste. Medium cup sizes are best for most people. Small cups are more suitable for strong tobaccos because... in larger cups the nicotine effect will be too strong due to the larger volume of tobacco.

Small cups like fanel have some of their own sub-varieties, the most famous of which are Alien and Pico. Something supernatural will not happen from smoking on Alien or any other form, the main reason for using them is convenience: low consumption of tobacco, you can enjoy the taste without excessive nicotine, but, in general, for most people it will be more convenient to take a medium-sized cup, put less tobacco there, but more coal.

Please note that the hole on top is slightly below the edges of the cup, because... otherwise, the foil may stick and reduce traction.


There are no cups for specific tobaccos. But there are reasons why some cups actually work better with some tobaccos. For example, Darkside Medium tobacco contains a lot of syrup, which makes smoking it in a classic cup quite inconvenient; the syrup will flow into the shaft. If you smoke it on large-sized plywood, then it will have to be laid fluffy, “airy,” which is why the smoke (more precisely, steam) will be too strong, so this tobacco is usually tamped, and smaller cups are better suited for this. There is no magic here, just convenience. Another example is World Tobacco Original; it is simply very expensive, so it is better to smoke it in very small cups.

Due to the enormous popularity of such a convenient thing as caloud, cups with a special recess for it began to appear. In principle, the kalaud can be used perfectly on a regular cup, without a recess, but it is a little more convenient. Please note that some small cups cover the holes of the calaud with their edges, so you won’t be able to use it properly on them.

After reading the article, you already understand what to look for when choosing a cup; you don’t have to look for any specific ones, because, given their huge variety, they may not be available in every store. However, the following types of cups performed very well in operation.


White “faience”, smokelab evil bowl (or other similar ones from smokelab), as well as any cups made of brown clay of sufficient depth, size and accuracy (often they are molded rather crookedly). You shouldn’t go too hard for “real Egyptian cups”; they are usually quite small, crooked and there is nothing special about them. You should also not take MYA cups; due to their small size and material properties, they heat up very quickly and simply cannot be touched.

1. An ordinary small clay cup with a classic shape
2. Same thing
3. Same thing
4. “Faience” cup made of white clay. Very durable. Such cups are often called UPG, from the word Upgrade form. Number 4 is not the original “whiter” cup.
5. The same thing, but the color is not so bright. This is an original UPG cup. It is no different from the non-original one except the color.
6. Same as number 4, but a little bigger
7. Smokelab Cup
8. Same thing
9. Smokelab Evil Bowl. There are no super effects from it, just a beautiful cup, smooth, durable and easy to use.

Regular size plywood

Plywood from Smokelab, Cosmo Bowl, white “faience” plywood. A very good Smokeclub Mummy cup, it has optimal depth and has a recess for kalaud.

1. Cup 50 clouds. A little expensive, because... Absolutely the same Chinese ones are several times cheaper.
2. Chinese plywood. It’s not very good because the caloud can slip off it.
3. Chinese clay plywood. Ok and cheap.
4. Smokelab plywood. Excellent cup, thanks to the glaze, very easy to clean.
5. “Faience” white plywood. Nice durable cup.
6. “Faience” white plywood is not original. Nice durable cup. It differs from the original only in its whiter color.
7. Smokelab Mummy - an excellent cup of good depth and with a recess for caloud.
8. The same thing, but with icing. In principle, the Mummy can be cleaned well anyway.
9. Silicone cup HK 50 Clouds. The best choice of silicone, comfortable for caloud.
10. AMY silicone cup. Also a good silicone cup, but do not confuse it with a fake, it is easy to guess by the price. A fake always costs up to 700 rubles, and also does not look presentable.

Small plywood

Again Cosmobowl, Smokelab Martini, Smokelab Flames and others.

1. Chinese small plywood. OK.
2. Small plywood from HK 50 Clouds. Not much different from the Chinese one on the left, but costs much more.
3. Cosmobowl is a great cup.
4. Smokelab Flames - an excellent cup for very small fillings.
5. Smokelab Mini Phunel is a great little phunel.
6. Cosmobowl is a great cup.
7. Cosmobowl Marvel is a great cup.
8. Smokelab Martini is a great cup.

You shouldn’t chase American cups Hookahjohn (HJ), Brazilian Made, OG and others, there’s nothing special about them, the more expensive the better, it doesn’t work here.

Silicone cups

AMY silicone cups were the first and have proven themselves due to the fact that they do not break. The HK cups from 50 Clouds are also good, especially because they have a recess for caloud. Among silicone cups, the Samsaris cup is also particularly famous, largely due to its unusual filling with swirls. However, numerous experiments have shown that the cup is not worth the money.

Never buy cheap Chinese silicone cups, they are much cheaper, but the quality of the material is highly questionable.

Now the gigantic assortment of hookah cups no longer seems so incomprehensible, and you can easily choose the right cup for yourself in any store.


You can often see posts about UPG cups on hookah forums. This name comes from the words Upgrade Form. For a person who has not been involved in the hookah industry for the last few years, the situation with original and “non-original cups” will be absolutely incomprehensible. Initially, these cups were made at a factory in St. Petersburg. And there were two classic shapes - regular and large, as well as one plywood. Of all three, only the large cup had the words Upgrade Form on it. The most popular were not large cups, but standard sizes (unfortunately, at the time of photographing, I did not have one in stock). And to completely confuse everyone, nothing was written on these most popular standard cups; nevertheless, they went down in history precisely as Upgrade Form, UPG or UPG, by analogy with their larger relative. After some time, another manufacturer began making these cups, completely copying the original design. These cups are "whiter". The most interesting thing is that this new manufacturer began to write Upgrade Form also on standard-sized cups, because of this, non-original cups began to look more original than the original. Well, in order to finish off the buyer, it will be useful to know that the fake and the original differ only in color, there are no special differences in their properties, and the word “fake” here somehow sounds rude, given that there is no difference. In general, any white cup is normal, don’t bother looking for “fake” and “original”.

Article written by smokehookah for the Alibaba chain of stores

A lot depends on the hookah bowl. If it doesn’t warm up well, it will automatically give off a bad taste of the tobacco mixture. Moreover, the bowl should not only warm up well, but also evenly. It is due to optimal heating that high-quality bowls allow you to perfectly smoke absolutely any fillers for a long time, be it air fillers, overpacks or thrombos. Which manufacturers' bowls are the highest quality and most popular today? Which bowls are really worth having in your collection and what should you not splurge on? Which bowls are not only practical, but also original? You will find answers to all these and many other questions in this article.

Ten of the best hookah bowls

1. Turka - Turkish clay bowl- great for light tobaccos such as Fumari. The advantage of this bowl is its excellent traction, since the holes in it are quite large. These same holes are also a disadvantage, since tobacco often falls through them into the shaft into the flask. However, you can live with it and this bowl is a great, inexpensive option. My very first hookah came with just such a bowl - I still love it very much and don’t use it only because in a new hookah the bowl should be external, not internal.

2. Egyptian clay bowl- ideal for Nahla, it also goes well with light tobaccos such as Starbazz. All classic Egyptian bowls are made by hand, so if you find that it is not very straight and even crooked, it’s not a problem! This will not affect the quality of smoking in any way.

This bowl is made of earthenware and everything smokes just great on it: Tangiers, Nahla, all light tobaccos. Holds heat perfectly. Recently, this St. Petersburg manufacturer began to produce batches of not very good quality, but there were no complaints about the old ones. In any case, you can try to purchase such a bowl from a new batch, what if you get lucky too? Moreover, they are not that expensive.

This is also a very good bowl, which has a high consumption of tobacco. This is a bowl for large companies and long gatherings with a hookah. It is not very suitable for smoking on your own or in a small group. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy several different bowls, I would still choose the small Upgrade form.

5. Upgrade form fanel. Also a large bowl with decent flow rate. Smokes great, heats up evenly. This bowl also has excellent traction, as it has one single large hole that is not blocked by anything.

6. Kaloud Samsaris (Samsaris)— a bowl made of heat-resistant silicone, designed for the block. A very expensive bowl with an interesting shape. The manufacturer recommends hammering it in using the air method. The compartments in it are created specifically to make a wide variety of delicious mixes. Another advantage of silicone bowls is that they do not require the use of any seals. I didn't really like this bowl. Yes, it looks quite impressive, but still it’s not worth the money and is inferior in quality to clay.

7. Amy deluxe- silicone bowl. It takes a lot of time to warm up any silicone bowls, but this is their advantage, since they do not overheat and there is less chance of tobacco burning on them. This bowl differs from Samsaris only in design, smokes in exactly the same way and costs much less.

8. HookahJohn harmonica. A wonderful bowl made of clay, covered with glaze. Heats up superbly and evenly. Very expensive, but looks great and performs great.

9. Smokelab accordion. The undoubted advantage of this hookah bowl is the presence of special slots on the “volcano”, which do not allow loss of traction even if, under the influence of heat, the foil begins to sag and block the main “mouth”.

This is also clay covered with glaze. Also a wonderful hookah bowl with excellent draft and performance.


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  • Cash to courier
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Discount gradation based on purchase amount:
  • up to RUB 10,000 - 5%
  • from 10,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles - 7%
  • from 15,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles - 10%
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